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Felkeszules az erettsegire


: mber es tarsadalom

You are going to read an anecdote about William Somerset ~augham, the famous author. Some words are missing from :he text. Fill in the gaps 1-12 with the missing words. Use ~nly one word in each gap. There is an example (0) at the :leginning.

:, illiam Somerset Maugham, the famous British writer,

...................... well liked at home and abroad. Some of his

- Jvels were published in Spain, and he made quite a lot of money '-Jm the royalties. He wanted to take the money back to Britain,

: Jt when he 1

to take it out of the country he

,'.as informed that he 2

not take money out of

S~ain. Maugham then decided to use it to 3


:: luxury holiday there. He chose one of the best hotels in town ::nd had big, extravagant meals every evening. When he thought

-e 4


spent most of the money he decided it

,',as time to leave. He 5

reception that he


like to see the manager. The manager

llmediately came to meet him and offered him a drink. Maugham

3sked him l

he could leave the following day.

7he manager said this was no B

but asked if

\1augham really wanted to go. Maugham replied that he


and asked why he 10.........

. not

-eceived the bill yet. The manC1ger smiled at the famous guest and said it had been an honour to have him there because he had :Jrought much good publicity to the place. He went on to say that

;or this reason the writer 11..


. .... not have to pay his

~otel bill and that he 12........


...... always be welcome

:here again.



o I:I.q.~...................................






















Szituaci6s feladat

Utalas, turilmus

You are a travel agent putting together trips for the forthcoming summer season. Your catalogue will include five separate sections as listed below. What kind of trips would you recommend for each type of traveller? Think about destinations, ways of travelling, costs, accommodation, etc. Tell a colleague about your plans.

1 for ~tlldcllt"

2 j~J['flllllilii'~ widl ~mall

4 jiJr all IllljiJ/;qi'ttable




)Jour own idea:


Onall6 temakifejtes

Utalas, turilmus

These pictures show how people usually travel on holiday. Compare and contrast the pictures. Include the following points:

organised trips (package holidays): advantages/disadvantages

individual trips: advantages/disadvantages

your experiences

your dream holiday



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The authors and publisher are grateful to those who have given pennission to reproduce thefollowing extracts and adaptations of copyright mdterial:

1'9 'Life support' by Katie Finnigan © The Observer 22 July 2001. Reproduced by permission of Guardian Newspapers Limited.

1'29 Extract from Stephen Briggs' adaptation ofJohnny and the Dead by Terry Pratchett (Oxford Playscripts. 2003), copyright © Stephen Briggs 1996, reprinted by pernlission of Oxford University Press.

1'52 'One small click for man ... ' by John Arlidge © The Observer 12 August 2001. Reproduced by permission of Guardian Newspapers Limited.

1'67 'Where the wild things are' by Kate Mikhail © The Observer 15 July 2001. Reproduced by permission of Guardian Newspapers Limited.

Culturcfows texts by: Jayne Wildman (1'1'7,13,25,31,37,43,49,55)

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Special thanks to ",,'

I «,I' her conrribution as Consultant to the

development of this \Vorkhook.


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