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5. Discuss with your partner which of your colleagues...

  1. .. .for a number of years headed a drugs team with distinction and determination.

  2. ...is known for outstanding leadership qualities and total commitment.

  3. ...played an influential role in developing his department's sports and social activities.

  4. ...is respected for his exceptional planning and organizational skills, as well as his readiness to assist colleagues and become involved in his local community.

  5. ...has special responsibility for Intrastat work.

  6. ...is well known for his consistent enthusiasm, dedication and loyalty.

  7. ...is always available to assist and encourage younger members of staff.

  8. ...is consistently courteous in his dealings with both the general public and his Departmental (Customs) colleagues.

  9. ...is known for his ability to put passengers at ease and, with a sense of humour, deal with the legitimate traveller.

  1. ...has demonstrated a consistent and commendable ability to tackle each interception with a freshness which identifies the guilty and elicits support and co­ operation from the innocent.

  2. ...said: "We need to encourage staff to regard complaints as an opportunity rather than a nuisance which stops them getting on with their work."

6. (У)(У) Answer the questions.

  1. What would happen if there were no Customs?

  2. What would happen if heroin were legal everywhere in the world?

  3. What would happen if every Customs administration leader were a woman?

  4. What would happen if there were no laws against IPR?

  5. What would happen if computers replaced Customs officers?

©©© Compare your answers with other students' ideas in class, express ©© your views on the problems, trying to prove your point of view.


7. ©©© Using- the following text as a plan, speak about your country.

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