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Cause, damage, hold, include, invite, make, overtake, show, translate, write

1. Many accidents are caused by dangerous driving.

2. Cheese ____ ____ from milk.

3. The roof of the building ____ ____ in a storm a few days ago.

4. There's no need to leave a tip. Service ____ ____ in the bill.

5. You ____ ____ to the wedding. Why didn't you go?

6. A cinema is a place where films ____ ____.

7. In the United States, elections for President ____ ____ every four years.

8. Originally the book ____ ____ in Spanish and a few years ago it ____ ____ into English.

9. We were driving along quite fast but we ____ ____ by lots of other cars.

1.5 Put the verb into the correct form, present simple or past simple, active or passive:

1. It's a big factory. Five hundred people are employed (employ) there.

2. Water __________ (cover) most of the Earth's surface.

3. Most of the Earth's surface __________ (cover) by water.

4. The park gates __________ (lock) at 6.30 p.m. every evening.

5. The letter __________(post) a week ago and it __________ (arrive) yesterday.

6. The boat __________ (sink) quickly but fortunately everybody __________ (rescue).

7. Ron's parents _____ (die) when he was very young. He and his sister __________ (bring) up by their grandparents.

8. I was born in London but I __________ (grow) up in the north of England.

9. While I was on holiday, my camera __________ (steal) from my hotel room.

10. While I was on holiday, my camera __________ (disappear) from my hotel room.

11. Why __________ (Sue/resign) from her job? Didn't she enjoy it?

12. Why __________ (Bill/sack) from his job? What did he do wrong?

13. The company is not independent. It _________ (own) by a much larger company.

14. I saw an accident last night. Somebody __________ (call) an ambulance but nobody __________ (injure) so the ambulance __________ (not/need).

15. Where _________ (these photographs/take)? In London? _____ (you/take) them?

2. Changing from active into passive

The object of the active verb becomes the subject in the passive sentence. The active verb changes into a passive form and the subject of the active sentence becomes an agent. The agent can be used (if it adds information) or omitted (if it does not add information).








the telephone.


The telephone

was invented

by Bell.

The agent is introduced with “by” (to say who or what did the action) or “with” (to say what instrument or material the agent used):

e.g. He was knocked down by the lorry. (The lorry did the action.)

e.g. The door was locked by the man with a key. (The key is the instrument the agent used.)

e.g. The cake was made with flour, sugar and eggs. (They are the materials the agent used.)

2.1 Fill in "by" or "with":

1. The window was broken with a hammer.

2. He was knocked down _____ a car.

3. The lion was shot _____ a rifle.

4. That novel was written _____ D. H. Lawrence.

5. The garden was dug _____ a spade.

6. The city was attacked _____ the enemy.

7. The pudding was made _____ fruit and chocolate.

8. He was hit _____ a handbag.

9. The picture was painted _____ Jackson Pollack.

10. The house was built _____ wood and bricks.

2.2 Turn from Active into Passive:

1. An expert is restoring the antique car. – The antique car is being restored by an expert.

2. Steven Spielberg has directed a lot of successful films.

3. The judge has fined him £300.

4. A number of reporters will meet the professor at the airport.

5. A famous designer is going to redecorate the President's house.

6. The Romans founded Bath in the first century A.D.

7. A nightmare woke Mary up.

8. The Muslims celebrate Ramadan.

9. Van Gogh painted "Sunflowers".

10. Astronauts are exploring space.

2.3 Make the sentences passive. Use the by-agent only if it is necessary:

1. Shakespeare wrote 'Hamlet'.

2. A drunken motorist knocked her down.

3. They have arrested her for shoplifting.

4. Liverpool beat Manchester 3-0 yesterday.

5. They are repairing your car now.

6. People in Chile speak Spanish.

7. The Chinese invented paper.

8. Has anybody asked Peter?

9. You need hops to make beer.

10. My mother made this ring.

11. They don't sell stamps in bookshops.

12. Electricity drives this car.

13. The directors are still considering your application.

14. Somebody will tell you where to go.