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Лабы / Roma / MATRIX

5.66 Кб
#include "vector.cpp"
class MATRIX {
public :
REAL v [4][4];
MATRIX ( void );

/* Initialise the matrix with the
concatenation of two others. */

void Identity ( void );
void Pitch ( REAL p );
void Roll ( REAL r );
void Yaw ( REAL y );
void Translate ( POINT& Point );
inline MATRIX& operator = ( MATRIX& m );

/* Break the matrix out
into 3 vectors. */
void Split ( VECTOR& vRight, VECTOR& vUp, VECTOR& vNormal );

/* Compose a matrix from
the component vectors. */
void Compose ( VECTOR& vRight, VECTOR& vUp, VECTOR& vNormal );

/* Multiply the matrix by a set of points
after translation. */
void Multiply ( int n, POINT *In, POINT *Out, POINT& Move );

/* Multiply the matrix
by a set of points. */
void Multiply ( int n, POINT *In, POINT *Out );

// Create the matrix with empty elements. //
MATRIX :: MATRIX ( void ){
Identity ();

// Create a matrix by multiplying two matrices together. //

int i, j;

for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
for ( j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) {
v [i][j] = ( m1.v [i][0] * m2.v [0][j] ) +
( m1.v [i][1] * m2.v [1][j] ) +
( m1.v [i][2] * m2.v [2][j] ) +
( m1.v [i][3] * m2.v [3][j] );

// Setup the matrix with identity. //

void MATRIX :: Identity ( void ){
v [0][0] = 1.0;
v [0][1] = 0.0;
v [0][2] = 0.0;
v [0][3] = 0.0;

v [1][0] = 0.0;
v [1][1] = 1.0;
v [1][2] = 0.0;
v [1][3] = 0.0;

v [2][0] = 0.0;
v [2][1] = 0.0;
v [2][2] = 1.0;
v [2][3] = 0.0;

v [3][0] = 0.0;
v [3][1] = 0.0;
v [3][2] = 0.0;
v [3][3] = 1.0;

// Setup the matrix with a pitch configuration. //

void MATRIX :: Pitch ( REAL p ){
REAL Sin, Cos;

Sin = sin ( p );
Cos = cos ( p );
v [1][1] = Cos;
v [1][2] = Sin;
v [2][1] = -Sin;
v [2][2] = Cos;

// Setup the matrix with a roll configuration. //

void MATRIX :: Roll ( REAL r ){
REAL Sin, Cos;

Sin = sin ( r );
Cos = cos ( r );
v [0][0] = Cos;
v [0][1] = Sin;
v [1][0] = -Sin;
v [1][1] = Cos;

// Setup the matrix with a yaw configuration. //

void MATRIX :: Yaw ( REAL y ){
REAL Sin, Cos;

Sin = sin ( y );
Cos = cos ( y );
v [0][0] = Cos;
v [0][2] = -Sin;
v [2][0] = Sin;
v [2][2] = Cos;

// Setup the matrix with a translation configuration. //

void MATRIX :: Translate ( POINT& Point ){
v [0][3] = Point.v [0];
v [1][3] = Point.v [1];
v [2][3] = Point.v [2];

// Assign one matrix to another. //

MATRIX& MATRIX :: operator = ( MATRIX& m ){
v [0][0] = m.v [0][0];
v [0][1] = m.v [0][1];
v [0][2] = m.v [0][2];
v [0][3] = m.v [0][3];

v [1][0] = m.v [1][0];
v [1][1] = m.v [1][1];
v [1][2] = m.v [1][2];
v [1][3] = m.v [1][3];

v [2][0] = m.v [2][0];
v [2][1] = m.v [2][1];
v [2][2] = m.v [2][2];
v [2][3] = m.v [2][3];

v [3][0] = m.v [3][0];
v [3][1] = m.v [3][1];
v [3][2] = m.v [3][2];
v [3][3] = m.v [3][3];

return ( *this );

// Split the matrix into component rotation vectors. //

void MATRIX :: Split ( VECTOR& vRight, VECTOR& vUp, VECTOR& vNormal ){
/* If we can split up the view vector and use it instead
of the matrix, we can do fancy stuff with the camera. */

vRight.v [0] = v [0][0];
vRight.v [1] = v [0][1];
vRight.v [2] = v [0][2];

vUp.v [0] = v [1][0];
vUp.v [1] = v [1][1];
vUp.v [2] = v [1][2];

vNormal.v [0] = v [2][0];
vNormal.v [1] = v [2][1];
vNormal.v [2] = v [2][2];

// Compose matrix from component rotation vectors. //

void MATRIX :: Compose ( VECTOR& vRight, VECTOR& vUp, VECTOR& vNormal ){
/* Composing the matrix from the view vectors */

v [0][0] = vRight.v [0];
v [0][1] = vRight.v [1];
v [0][2] = vRight.v [2];

v [1][0] = vUp.v [0];
v [1][1] = vUp.v [1];
v [1][2] = vUp.v [2];

v [2][0] = vNormal.v [0];
v [2][1] = vNormal.v [1];
v [2][2] = vNormal.v [2];

// Multiply an array of points by the matrix, storing to another array. //

void MATRIX :: Multiply ( int n, POINT *In, POINT *Out, POINT& Move ){
REAL x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2;

/* Transform all
of the points. */
while ( --n >= 0 ) {

/* Translate the vertex
to the given location. */
x1 = In [n].v [0] - Move.v [0];
y1 = In [n].v [1] - Move.v [1];
z1 = In [n].v [2] - Move.v [2];

/* Now multiply and
store back. */
x2 = ( x1 * v [0][0] ) + ( y1 * v [0][1] ) +
( z1 * v [0][2] );
y2 = ( x1 * v [1][0] ) + ( y1 * v [1][1] ) +
( z1 * v [1][2] );
z2 = ( x1 * v [2][0] ) + ( y1 * v [2][1] ) +
( z1 * v [2][2] );

/* And store
back. */
Out [n].v [0] = x2;
Out [n].v [1] = y2;
Out [n].v [2] = z2;

// Multiply an array of points by the matrix, storing to another array. //

void MATRIX :: Multiply ( int n, POINT *In, POINT *Out ){
REAL x, y, z;

/* Transform all
of the points. */
while ( --n >= 0 ) {

x = In [n].v [0];
y = In [n].v [1];
z = In [n].v [2];

/* Now multiply and
store back. */
Out [n].v [0] = ( x * v [0][0] ) + ( y * v [0][1] ) +
( z * v [0][2] );
Out [n].v [1] = ( x * v [1][0] ) + ( y * v [1][1] ) +
( z * v [1][2] );
Out [n].v [2] = ( x * v [2][0] ) + ( y * v [2][1] ) +
( z * v [2][2] );
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