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twentieth centuries. The Great Depression, when unemployment in the United States reached 25 percent, is the classic example of the damage that collapses in credit can do. Since then, most economists have agreed that cyclical fluctuations in unemployment are caused by changes in the demand for la bour, not by changes in workers" desires to work, and that unemployment in recessions is involuntary. Moreover, a large part of unemployment is due to demand factors rather than supply. High unemployment in Texas in the early eighties, for example, was due to collapsing oil prices. Therefore, most economists who study unemployment support an active government role in training and retraining workers and in maintaining stable demand for labour.

VOCABULARY Unemployment - безработица

Bureau of Labour Statistics - Бюро статистики труда (Министерства труда США)

То survey - опрашивать

Both out of work and seeking employment - не работают и ищут работу Labour force - трудовые ресурсы, работоспособное насепение Jobless - безработный

Term unemployment - застойная безработица Short-term unemployment - краткосрочная безработица

Frictional unemployment - фрикционная безработица (безработица, связанная с добровольной сменой рабочими места работы и периодами временного увольнения)

Structural unemployment - структурная безработица, (безработица среди рабочих некоторых профессий при наличии спроса на рабочих других профессий) downturn - экономический спад

presumably -предположительно, вероятно

spell of - период незанятости

misleading - вводящий в заблуждение, об­


temporarily — временно, на время

empirical evidence - эмпирическое доказательство welfare payment - государственное пособие

unemployment - страхование по безработице

to prompt - побуждать, толкать

welfare recipient - лицо, получающее

венное пособие to compel - заставлять, вынуждать

incentive - побуждение, стимул

Law of Supply

The law of supply states that the quantity of a good supplied rises as the market price rises, and falls as the price falls. Conversely, the law of demand says that the quantity of a good demanded falls as the price I rises, and vice versa.

One function of markets is to find equilibrium prices that balance the supplies of and


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