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Архив WinRAR / ВАЧ 3 - 1 курс (1).docx
40.77 Кб


При поисковом чтении (reading for specific information) текст прочитывается с целью нахождения относительно небольшого количества информации (фактов, характеристик, цифровых показателей, указаний) для последующего ее использования в определенных целях. Оно ориентировано на чтение литературы по специальности. Поисковое чтение предполагает наличие умения ориентироваться в логико-смысловой структуре текста, выбрать из него необходимую информацию по определенной проблеме, выбрать и объединить информацию нескольких текстов по отдельным вопросам.

Условиями, определяющими успешность обучения данному виду чтения являются:

  • точное формулирование задания для поиска, основной целью которого является содержательная информация;

  • проведение чтения в условиях дефицита времени (темп достаточно быстрый);

  • принятие решения о целевом использовании информации;

  • знание структурно-композиционных особенностей текстов;

  • использование экстралингвистических и когнитивных опор текста;

  • начало обучения данному виду чтения связывается с уже изученными текстами, то есть прочитанными с целью ознакомления или изучения;

  • проведение чтения на больших по объему текстах в форме чтения про себя.

Texts a

1. Read the first sentence of the article. Try to define questions that will be considered in it.

2. Read the first paragraph and state the problem being considered in this article.

3. Read the last paragraph. Try to guess what contents could precede that conclusion.

4. Read the article and say who can be interested in the given information and why.

5. Try to explain the author’s choice of the title using the information from the article.

6. Find the definition of the term “virtual reality” in the article.

Virtual reality-the workflow

1. What does the word VIRTUAL REALITY trigger in your head immediately? Does a visual come into your mind where a person wears a heavy helmet along with several cables attached with that helmet? Are you someone who passes his days thinking about the adventurous and exciting world of computer simulations? Do you get haunted and scarified by the monstrous pterodactyls? You can be also falling to that bunch of people totally fascinated by what Neo and Morpheus was so serious about in the popular movie flick Matrix. You maybe the one who lives in a make believe world of virtual reality.

2. The term virtual reality is quite often used nowadays.  The term virtual reality is generally known by the ordinary men as virtual environment. That means an environment that’s not real; a scenario that have no existence at all. Generally the computer scientists or the computer engineers prefer not to use this term virtual reality although they themselves work on technologies. These technologies are what they can be really called as virtual reality.

3. What is exactly this virtual reality? It can be termed as a simulation that our computer creates to create a virtual world. This world can be anything that is essentially three – dimensional. Objects over here are life like. The user is given power to interact as well as manipulate in this virtual reality world. Users can also explore this world. The feeling that he/she will derive while exploring is that as if they are themselves present in this virtual world in flesh and blood. Computer scientists and engineers and visual experts have devised a whole lot of technical applications and devices and gadgets and tools to improvise these effects in people.

4. A Virtual Reality experience generally should fulfill the following criteria:

  • Thinking from the user’s point of view the objects used in a Virtual Reality environment should be life like sized and generate the look and feel of the real world objects. It has to be compulsorily a three dimensional make.

  • The tools used must track the user’s activities very efficiently. His hand movements, eye and neck movements, the actions and motions everything should be track by the applications carefully and very efficiently. The result or the final outcome of tracking those movements is to match it with the user’s actions inside the virtual world. The change should be reelected on a screen.

1. Look through the articleVirtual Reality Immersion” and define its topic.

2. Try to define if the following questions are considered in the article:

  • What does the term make believe world mean?

  • Who designed virtual reality?

  • What are the features of virtual reality?

  • When was virtual reality created?

  • What are the components of immersion?

  • What technical applications, devices and gadgets were devised by engineers and visual experts?

3. Find the paragraph in the article that appeals to you most of all.

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