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History of aviation

  1. What does the old myth tell us of Icarus?

This story tell us of Icarus flying so high that the sun melted the wax that held together his feathered wings and he fell to his death.

  1. What can you say about mans first successful vehicle?

Lighted than air AC; the hot-air-balloon. Montgolfer

  1. Who were the first airborne passengers?

Sheep, rooster, duck

  1. When did man leave the ground for the first time?

It was Dilatre-de-Rozier, he got 2 km aloft and was there for 4 minutes.

  1. Who was the designer of airship with steam-driven propellers? When?

Sir Gearge Cayley in 1837.

  1. Who started to design military AC in 1874?

Graf Ferdinand Von Zeppelin

  1. What was remarkably new in designing military aircraft?

Metal framework

  1. What is Otto Lilienthal famous for?

He proved that flights in heavier-than-air craft were possible, made more than 2000 flights

  1. What do you know about the Wright brothers’s flight?

They made first plane and flew for the first time in 1903, made 4 flights

  1. What airplane did Igor Sikorsky design in 1913?

He made Russian Knight, 1st 4engine airplane

  1. Who soloed across the Atlantic in the monoplane in 1927?

Charles Lindberg

  1. Give the performance of the Boeing 247,built in 1933.

It has all-metal single-wing airliners, could carry 10 passengers and cross the USA in less than 20 hours

  1. When and by whom was the world’s first jet plane built?

In 1939, by the Germans

  1. How can you characterize the new generation of civil aircraft?

Economical, environmentally acceptable and socially beneficial

  1. What is the role of civil aviation in the whole air transportation system?

This industry touches every aspect of our lives, growth and future. It’s the most important component in whole transport system.

Russian history

  1. Where does the word “aviation” originate from?

From the Latin “avis”, which means “a bird”.

  1. What did the people use to attempt to fly for the first time?

It was wooden wings

  1. What great Russian scientist designed and constructed the helicopter?

It was Lomonosov

  1. What did Mendeleev use for his first flight? Was it successul?

It was controlled air balloon.(No

  1. What aeroplane was designed by Mozhaisky?

It was airplane with steam-driven engine

  1. What elements did it have?

All the elements of the modern airplane – fuselage, tail unit, landing gear, control systems, power plant

  1. What can you say about professor Zhukovsky contribution to the development of civil aviation?

220 scientific papers, researches on engineering and scientific subjects

23. What were the purposes for central Aero-hydrodynamic Institution foundation? When was it founded?

It was founded in Moscow by the pioneer of Russian aviation, Nikolai Zhukovsky on December 1, 1918.

24. What were and are the major Russian design bureaus focused on?

Specific types of aircraft

25. What design bureaus do you know? What are their achievements?

Yakovlev: vertical take-off and lift AC;

Kamov: innovation helicopter design;

Sukhoi: fighters and bombers;

Mig: military jet fighters.


1. What does the ICAO stand for?

International Civil Aviation Organization

2. When (at what time) does the civil aviation begin to develop and what were the reasons for it?

A the beginning of WW2 in 1939. Military operations promoted the airplane to a major component of the world’s transportation system.

3. What problems should be solved in the post-war period to develop the aviation?

-the problem of commercial rights;

-what agreement had to be made for the airlines of the country to fly into and through the territories of another;

-what could be done to maintain the air navigation facilities installed during the war.

4. Say a few words about the Chicago conference. When was the Chicago conference held? What country hosted this conference? How many countries participated? What were the reasons for Soviet Union not participating in this conference? What were the main topics of the discussion?

7 December 1944. USA hosted the International Conference of Civil Aviation, called the Chicago Conference. 52 allied, associated, or neutral countries participated in conference. USSR chose not to attend.

5. What are the Fine Freedoms of Air? Name them.

-the freedom to fly over foreign territory without landing;

-the freedom to land for technical, non-traffic, non-commercial reasons;

-the freedom to load passengers, mail, cargo in the airline’s country of origin and disembark them in a foreign country;

-the freedom to take on board passengers, mail and cargo in a foreign country and to transport them to the airline’s country of origin.

-the freedom to to transport passengers, mail and cargo from one foreign country to another foreign country beyond the airline’s country.

6. Did the Chicago conference reach the multilateral agreement on all Five Freedoms?

No, it has failed

-7. What is Air Transit Agreement? What freedoms does it consist of? Was this agreement adopted multilaterally or bilaterally?

The Air Transit Agreement (freedoms one and two) were adopted multilaterally in Chicago and later bilaterally by additional countries.

8. What does PICAO stand for? When was it organized? In what year was it replaced by the permanent advisory body?

Provisional International Civil Aviation Organization organized in 1945. In 1947.

9. What are the purposes of the ICAO?

To ensure safety, encourage civil AC designed, encourage the development of airways, airports, and air navigation facilities, and to promote fair, safe, efficient, and economical operation of international airlines.

10. Where was the headquarters of the ICAO?

In Montreal, Canada.

11. What are the structural elements of the ICAO?

the Assembly; the Council; the Air Navigation Commission; the Secretariat; Regional Structure; ICAO Panels.

12. What are the functions of structural elements of the ICAO?

a) the Assembly: to establish the operating budget

b) the Council: is to adopt international SARPs (standards and recommended practices)

c) the Air Navigation Commission: develop SARPs

d) the Secretariat: provides the permanent organizational framework for the ICAO and also provides technical and administrative support to other structural elements,

e) Regional Structure: to facilitate the planning and implementation of ground services and facilities necessary for international air transport operations.

f) ICAO Panels: to advance solutions to technical problems which cannot be solved by ANC or Secretariat.

13. Into how many air navigation regions was the world divided? For what purposes?

There are 9 ICAO air navigation regions.

14. What other international Civil Aviation Organizations do you know?

IATA, IFATCA, Eurocontrol

15. What is IATA, IFATCA, Eurocontrol?

- IATA - International Air Transport Association;

- IFATCA - International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers’ Association;

- Eurocontrol –European organization for the safety of Air Navigation.

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