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Listening Basics part 2 (2) / New Listening Basics part 2

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Министерство образования и науки Российской федерации Федеральное агентство по образованию

Дальневосточный государственный университет Институт менеджмента и бизнеса

Основы аудирования

NEW Listening Basics

Part II

Владивосток Издательство Дальневосточного университета


ББК 81.2 Англ

C 56


М.Б. Дюжева, доцент каф. английского языка РАФ ДВГУ, Е.С. Касьянова, доцент каф. английского языка РАФ ДВГУ.

Современные основы аудирования. Часть 2. New Listening

C56 Basics. Part II. – Владивосток: Изд-во Дальневост. ун-та, 2008. –


Данное пособие является первой частью учебно-методического комплекса по английскому языку и направлено на развитие навыков восприятия американского варианта английского языка на слух и навыков общения. Может быть использовано как для аудиторной, так и для самостоятельной работы. Каждая глава пособия построена на определенной тематике согласно учебной программе РАФ и состоит из введения, основного диалога, лекции, упражнений по восприятию на слух и ряда упражнений на развитие навыков говорения. Каждая часть построена по принципу избыточности материала, что позволяет варьировать план работы в зависимости от задач обучения, уровня языковой компетенции студентов, учебной нагрузки и т.д. В качестве материала использовались фрагменты курсов Interactions II, New Interchange, Move Up, Great Ideas, Going Places, Listening Tasks, American Potpourri, а также материалы сети Интернет и личные разработки авторов. Пособие сопровождается аудиозаписями. Условия и требования, необходимые для успешного освоения программы курса, отражены в пособии “English for RAF Students.

Introduction to the Course: the Program and Requirements”. В качестве дополнения к курсу рекомендуется учебное пособие “Add It Up”.

Предназначено для занятий со студентами первого курса российско-американского факультета ДВГУ, а также для всех, изучающих американский вариант английского языка на среднем или продвинутом этапе.

C 4602010000 180(03) 2008

ББК 81.2 Англ

©Дюжева М.Б., Касьянова Е.С., 2008

©ИМБ ДВГУ, 2008



1.Chapter V. Lifestyles ………………………….……………4

2.Chapter VI. Travel and Transportation……………………..38

3.Chapter VII. Tastes, Preferences and Opinions.………..…..65

4.Chapter VIII. The Sky above Us………...………………….95





Part I. Getting started

1. Stress

A. Prepositions that are parts of separable two-word verbs are stressed. Prepositions used as adverbs with no following noun are also stressed. In most twoand three-word verbs, the second word receives the stress. For example, put ′off the party, climb ′down, speak ′up.

B. Listen to the following examples of twoand three-word verbs from the conversation. Fill in the blanks with the missing stressed words.

1.Come ______________.

2.They‘re having a problem with the computer and they want me to look ____________ it right away.

3.If he wakes ________________, here‘s his bottle and some toys.

4.Listen, I‘ve got to take ______________.

5.Thanks so much, Jeff, for helping me ______________.

6.I take _____________ of him from time to time when Margie‘s busy.

7.I sometimes feel like time is running _____________.

8.I could never bring _______________ a child by myself.

9.I‘d better check ________________ on Joey.


С. Listen to the following sentences from the conversation. Repeat them after the speaker. Draw a slash (/) through any reduced /h/ sounds that are dropped. For example, Is he asleep?

1.If he wakes up, here‘s his bottle and some toys.

2.Thanks so much, Jeff, for helping me out.

3.I take care of him from time to time when Margie‘s busy.

4.What does her husband do?

5.Hi, you two. Uh, what have I been talking about?

6.Having a baby.

7.Don‘t forget, I wouldn‘t have to do it myself. I have Uncle Jeff here to help with babysitting.

2. Words

The following words and expressions appear in the dialog. Make sure you understand their meaning:

to babysit a babysitter cute

to take off (infml) time is running out to bring up (a child) to check up old-fashioned


3. Listen to the dialog and fill in the blanks

Jeff is babysitting for Margie, who is a single mother. What do you think

―single mother‖ means? Are there many single mothers in Russia? What do you think of men taking care of babies?

Jeff: Who‘s _______________?

Margie: It‘s Margie and Joey!

Jeff: Hi! Come ___________ __________. What‘s ______________?

Margie: Can ___________ do me a big ______________? I just

____________ a __________ from the office. They‘re having a

______________ with the _______________ and they want me to look _____________ it right ______________. Would you

_______________ _______________ Joey until I get ________? Jeff: Sure, ______________ _____________. Is he ______________?

Margie: Yeah, he just _____________ _______________ ten minutes ago. He usually _____________ for a ______________ of hours at this ___________ of day. But if he ___________ __________.

Here‘s his ______________ and some _____________.

Anna: Oh, what a __________ baby! He‘s so _____________!

Jeff: Anna, this is our ________________, Margie. And that‘s her

____________, Joey. Margie, this is our ____________

_______________, Anna.

Anna: ___________ ______________ meet you.

Margie: You too. Listen, I‘ve ___________ _____________ take ______.

______________ so much, Jeff, for ____________ me ________.


Jeff & Bye!


Anna: Hey, Jeff, I didn‘t __________ you liked ______________.

Jeff: Well, Joey is __________________. I take care of him

__________ _____________ _____________ _______________

when Margie‘s ___________. And then ____________ does favors for ____________ in ___________. Like last week she

___________ me her ______________, and sometimes she bakes

_____________ for me.

Anna: What does her _____________ do?

Jeff: She‘s not _____________. I don‘t think she _______________

was, actually. Anna: Never?

Jeff: ______________, ______________. I think she‘s

______________ being a ______________ mother.

Anna: Is that very _______________ in the _____________ ________? Jeff: Well, it‘s ____________ becoming more and more

____________. Even ______________ been ____________

about it.

Nancy: Hi, you two. Uh, ____________ _________ I been talking about? Jeff: Having a _____________.

Nancy: Oh yeah, I ______________about it. I sometimes ____________

like time is ___________ ______. What if I ___________ get


Anna: Maybe I‘m too _______-_____________, but I could

__________ ___________ up a baby _________ ____________.


I think it would be so _____________ …

Nancy: Yeah, but ________________ forget, I wouldn‘t ____________

____________ do it by myself. I have _____________

__________ here to help with _______________. Right, Jeff? Jeff: We‘ll see. _____________ of babysitting, I‘d ___________

_____________ up _______________ Joey.

4. Listen to the dialog once again and practice reading it

5.Answer the following questions about the dialog:

a.What are the relationships between Jeff and Margie?

b.Why is Anna surprised to hear about single mothers?

c.Is Joey a boy or a girl? How can you tell?

d.Do you sometimes argue with your parents because you think their ideas are old-fashioned? Give examples.

6.Retell the dialog or learn it by heart with your partners

Part II. Lecture

The following lecture is about changes in the structure of the American family. The lecture also discusses the response of business to these changes.


1. Preview questions

Can you define the ―traditional American family‖? What do you know about changes in the traditional American family? What might be the reasons for some of these changes?

2. Words

Read, define and find Russian equivalents for the following words from the lecture:

cost of living - ________________________________________________

opportunity - _________________________________________________

benefit - ____________________________________________________

homemaker - _________________________________________________

volunteer work - ______________________________________________

to solve a problem - ____________________________________________

flexible/ flexibility - ___________________________________________

policy - ______________________________________________________

maternity leave - ______________________________________________

to commute - _________________________________________________

to transfer - __________________________________________________

flextime - ____________________________________________________

day-care center - ______________________________________________

to afford - ____________________________________________________

to make one‘s ends meet - _______________________________________


3. Listen to the lecture and fill in the following outline

Changes in the American Family

I. Introduction

―Typical‖ American family:

a.in the 1950s: working father, ___________ and ___________

b.nowadays the situation is different. Consider the statistics:

1.in 1965 - _______%____________________________

2.in 1975 - ________%___________________________

3.today - __________%__________________________

II.Reasons why women are working:



III.New problems for the American family:

a.Who takes care of babies and old people?



IV. New policies to help working parents

a.Maternity leave means ___________________________________


b.If a worker is transferred, _________________________________


c.―Flextime‖ means _______________________________________



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