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Тема 3. Словообразование

Word Structure. Affixation.

1. The morphological structure of a word. Morpheme as one of the basic linguistic units.

-Classification of morphemes. .

-Segmentation of words into morphemes.

-Free and bound morphemes.

-Morphemic types of words.

2. Aims and principles of derivational analysis.

Structural types of words: simple, derived, compound words.Word stem.

Degrees of derivation.

3.The analysis of words into Immediate Constituents.

4. Derivational and functional affixes. Semi-affixes.

5. Affixation in the English language. General characteristics of suffixes and prefixes. Productive and non-productive affixes.

6. Different principles of classification of derivational affixes.

Reference books

1. Arnold I.V. The English Word. M., 1986.-P.77-106.

2. Ginzburg R.S. et. al. A Course on Modem English Lexicology. M., 1979.- P.89-106, P.114-126.


I .What is the difference between a word and a morpheme?

2.What is the aim of analysis into immediate constituents?

3. What is the difference between derivational and functional affixes?

4. What is a bound morpheme?

5. How do we classify derivational affixes?

6.What is meant by simplification of stems?

7. What is the number of derivational affixes?

8. What are the peculiarities of English prefixation?


Assignment 1.

Discriminate Between Productive Affixes of Germanic and Romantic Origin:

Mis-, -y, -en, -ize, -let, in-, -ess, -al, -ie, sub-, -ly, -ish, de-, -ate, -ness, -er, -ее.

Assignment 2.

Give full Characteristics of the Affixes:

-Ship, -ly, pre-, -ism, -fold, super-, anti-, -ster.

Assignment 3.

State the Morphological Structure of the Words Below:

Ailment, fair-minded, unforgetfullness, headline, booklet, forget-me-not, window-shopping, waste-paper-basket.

Assignment 4.

Give the Primary Forms of Words:

Sheriff, always, lady, neighbour, breakfast, barn, elbow, lord, daisy, cupboard, win­dow, husband, gossip, forehead.