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Кафедра иностранных языков


Сборник учебно-методических материалов



Presenting in English: сборник учебно-методических материалов / Сост.: О.В. Бутюгина; Урал. соц.-экон. ин-т Акад. труда и соц. от-ний. – Челябинск, 2008. – 28 с.

Сборник учебно-методических материалов по теме «Presenting in English» («Делаем презентацию на английском») предназначен для студентов УрСЭИ АТиСО всех специальностей 2 и 3 курсов, изучающих английский язык.

Содержит упражнения, направленные на развитие у студентов навыков составления эффективной презентации компании или ее продукции, советы создания презентаций, тексты об успешных фирмах.

Составитель Бутюгина О.В., ст. преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков УрСЭИ

Рецензент Касаткина О.Е., ст. преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков УрСЭИ

Рекомендовано к изданию учебно-методическим советом УрСЭИ АТиСО

©Уральский социально-экономический институт Академии труда и социальных отношений, 2008

©Бутюгина О.В., 2008



Сборник учебно-методических материалов по теме «Presenting in English» («Делаем презентацию на английском») предназначен для студентов УрСЭИ АТиСО всех специальностей 2 и 3 курсов, изучающих английский язык. Основной целью учебно-методических материалов является развитие у студентов коммуникативных навыков и профессионально-ориентированной устной речи.

Сборник учебно-методических материалов состоит из двух частей: «Презентация компании и презентация продукта компании» и «Читаем о компаниях». Первая часть представлена 5 разделами, которые всесторонне характеризуют компанию: «Общее описание компании», «Секрет успеха», «Организация компании», «Анализ работы компании», «Презентация продукта компании». Раздел 5 содержит схему презентации продукта компании и наглядный пример, на который студенты могут ориентироваться при составлении собственных презентаций. Ряд текстов и заданий первой части заимствованы из книги А.А. Кашаева «Основы делового английского языка».

Вторая часть включает тексты об известных мировых компаниях: «Самсунг», «Бентли», «Нестле» и др., составленные по материалам журнала “The Economist” и интернета. Представленные тексты сокращены и адаптированы; они способствуют развитию навыков ознакомительного и изучающего чтения, а также могут служить основой для устных сообщений и составления презентаций студентами.

Вводная часть сборника – советы известного британского исследователя в области ораторского искусства Марка Пауэлла, о том, как сделать презентацию успешной.

Материалы сборника могут также использоваться и для самостоятельной работы студентов, они будут познавательны и полезны как для аудиторной, так и для внеаудиторной работы студентов.



What makes a good presentation? Without exception, all good presenters have one thing in common, enthusiasm, both for their subject and for the business of presenting it. The best public speakers always make what they say sound as if it really matters. They know if it matters to them, it will matter to the audience. Many different things contribute to the success of presentation: new and unusual content, a clear structure, the imaginative use of visual aids, the ability to make people laugh and think and, of course, enthusiasm. Here are some pieces of advice for you: study and try to follow them and you’ll be successful at any presentation!

How to become a good presenter 1. Leave nothing to change

Check everything before you are due to speak–room, seating, visibility, acoustics and equipment.

2. Know exactly how to start

Plan the first minute of your presentation down to the last detail. Try to memorize your opening words. This will help you to sound confident and in control.

3. Get straight to the point

Don’t waste time on long boring introductions. Try to make at least one powerful statement in the first two minutes.

4. Talk to your audience

Many of the best presentations sound more like conversations. So, keep referring back to your audience, ask them questions and respond to their reactions.

5. Know what works

Certain things are always popular with an audience: personal experiences, stories with a message, dramatic comparisons, amazing facts they didn’t know. Use them to the full.

6. Be concise

Keep your sentences short and simple. Use deliberate pauses to punctuate your speech.

7. Speak naturally

Don’t be afraid to hesitate when you speak, but make show you pause in the right places. Remember, you are not an actor trying to remember lines. A certain amount of hesitation is actually quite natural.

8. Know your audience

Speak for your audience, not yourself. Take every opportunity to show how much common ground you share with them. Address their goals, their needs, and their concerns.

9. Treat your audience as equals

Never talk down (or up) to your audience. Treat them as equals, no matter who they are.

10. Be yourself

As far as possible, speak to five hundred people in much the same way you would speak to five. You will obviously need to project yourself more, but your personality shouldn’t change.


11. Take your time

Whenever you make a really important point, pause and let the full significance of what you have said sink in ...before you move on.

12. Don’t make a special effort to be funny

If you make a joke, don’t stop and wait for laughs. Keep going and let the laughter (if it comes) interrupt you.

13. Let your visuals speak for themselves

Good visuals are just that–visual. Don’t put boring tables of figures and long lines of text on the overhead and read them out. Stick to the main points. Experiment with three-dimensional charts, cartoons, interesting typefaces–anything to catch your audience’s attention.

14. Never compete with your visuals

When showing a visual, keep quiet and give people time to take it in. Then make brief comments only. Point to the relevant parts of the visual as you speak. If you want to say more, switch off your projector to do so.

15. Develop your own style

Learn from other public speakers, but don’t try to copy them. Be comfortable with your own abilities. Don’t do anything that feels unnatural for you, just because it works for someone else.

16. Enjoy the experience

The secret of being an excellent speaker is to enjoy the experience of speaking–try to enjoy the experience!

17. Welcome questions from your audience

When members of your audience ask you questions, it is usually because they have a genuine interest in what you are saying and want to know more. Treat questions as an opportunity to get your message across better.

18. Finish strongly

When you are ready to finish your presentation, slow down and lower your voice. Look at the audience and deliver your final votes slowly and clearly. Pause, let your words hang in the air a moment longer, smile, say thank you and then sit down.1

1 Powell Mark Presenting in English,2005



Unit 1. General description of a company

On studying this part you will be able to talk about the organization you work in. Reflect upon the main components of your company profile (brief description). In other words, what information about company could provoke some interest from the direction of your potential partners? Your potential partners may be interested in:

-main activity (in what the company specializes)

-the annual sales ( sales within a year)

-location (where the company is situated), head office and warehouses (places of keeping any production for further use or for sale)

-quantity of branches (parts of a larger organization)

-the annual growth or profit (sum of money the company earns)

-the number of the employees (your colleagues in the company)

-the degree of the company’s independence

-motto of the company (a short sentence or phrase that expresses a philosophy of a person’s or an organization’s activity or beha vior)

Task 1. Give the Russian equivalents for the following words:

Quantity, branch, profit, independent company, to specialize, warehouse, the main activity, annual growth, dependent company, annual sales, to be situated, employee, motto.

Task 2. Translate the following words and expressions from Russian into English:

Деятельность, годовые продажи, расположение, склад, филиал, главный офис, доход, рост, наемный служащий, зарабатывать, производство, независимость, степень независимости, клиент, специализироваться.

Task 3. Read the following presentation and fill in the table below:

Good-morning, ladies and gentlemen. Let me introduce myself. My name is Edward Green. I am a sales manager of the “Aqua” co mpany. Welcome to our company that produces and sells delightful soft drinks. Wherever you go, you have an opportunity to buy our blue and yellow bottles or tins. Our company is independent. It was founded in 1987. Speaking of our head office, it is situated in Toronto, because it’s one of the Canadian business centers. But don’t think my colleagues work within one office. We have two plants, fifteen branches and two hundred warehouses in the country. It allows buying our product without waiting. Fifteen thousand employees are taking care of our potential clients at the moment. Our main clients are usual people. What do they need? They want next to nothing – a healthy and refreshing drink of the best quality. It’s our general task. Our Director General, Mr. Smith, is permanently anxious about it. According to the statistics, we have achieved impressive results. Our annual sales are nine hundred million dollars


and the profit for this year is four hundred and eighty-two million dollars. Constant development is our feature. The annual growth is thirty per cent and we are pleased at it. What’s everything based on? I’m sure on our philosophy, clear for anyone who is employed by “Aqua”. You know our motto is ‘N ever stop at what has been achieved”.


2Degree of


3 Location of the Head





7Annual sales

8Annual profit

9Annual growth


Task 4. Try to describe the company of Edward Green on behalf of him:


I work in --------------------------



as a ---------------------



It is an ----------------------


company. ------------------------



The company was founded in




We employ----------------






Its main activity is





Our customers are------------------





The head office is -------------------situated in




It has--------------

branches --------------------in




The company has--------------



10.Our annual growth is------------------------


11.Our annual turnover is------------------------


12.Our motto is-------------------------------------


Task 5. Put the words in the right order to make questions and translate them into Russian:

1.the company/ name/ what/ of/ is/ the?

2.do/ what/ does / the company?

3.situated/ is/ where/ the company?

4.many/ how/ people/ employ/ does/ the company?

5.turnover/ what/ is/ annual/ the company/ of/ the?


Task 6. Work in pairs. You are taking part in a business conference. You represent companies, situated in different countries. You are interested in the company of your potential business partner. Ask each other questions to have all the information. Questions in the previous task will help you.

Person A




Specializes in grain production


Russia, Chelyabinsk


1500 employees


EUR 17300000

Person B



“TTS Riesen”


Specializes in transporting people and goods


Berlin, Germany


5000 employees


EUR 45000000

Task 7. Prepare a brief presentation of the organization you work in or the company you know well. If you don’t work, the Internet could be an effective source of information, (you can also use the texts from Unit 3). Make the presentation in class.

Unit 2. Business success

Now we are going to speak about business success sources.

Task 1. Give the Russian equivalents for the following words:

Advertising, market share, face-to-face meetings, training, advanced, close relationship, cultural sensitivity, customer service, value, wide range of products.

Task 2. Translate the following words and expressions from Russian into English:

Реклама, обучение, обслуживание потребителей, широкий ассортимент товаров, доля рынка, высокоразвитый, стоимость, тесные взаимоотношения, культурное пространство, деловые встречи.

Task 3. Read the text and answer the questions below:

You know about McDonald’s restaurants. Probably you have visited them. It’s a giant world empire of fast food. Three new McDonald’s restaurants open somewhere in the world each day. There are now 14000 McDonald’s restaurants worldwide and sales are over 23$ milliard. So how do they manage to do it? What are the company strengths?

Value. The company McDonald’s keeps prices low. It concentrates on increasing market share.


Advertising. McDonald’s spends $1, 4 billion annually on marketing, more than any other company in the world.

Training. Every employee receives at least two or three days’ training and all the managers attend regular courses. The company even has its own Hamburger University in Oakbrook, Illinois.

Face-to-face meetings. There are regular meetings between people in the same region and people in the same line of work.

Close relationship with suppliers. McDonald’s works closely with its suppliers to make sure they can meet the McDonald’s specifications.

Cultural sensitivity. Before the company enters a new country’s market, it researches the culture thoroughly. And McDonald’s usually employs local staff.

Customer service. The restaurants are clean, the service is quick and every McDonald’s burger comes with a smile.

1.Does McDonald’s concentrate on increasing market share?

2.How much does McDonald’s spend on advertising?

3.Does McDonald’s provide vocational training for their employees?

4.What does McDonald’s do while entering a new country’s market?

5.Does the company provide a high-quality service?

6.Does the company hold regular face-to-face meeting between people in the same region?

7.Does McDonald’s provide a wide range of food?

Task 4. Say if these sentences are true or false:

1.Three new McDonald’s restaurants open annually.

2.McDonald’s is interested in high prices.

3.McDonald’s spends more on marketing than anyone else.

4.There is a special university for the staff.

5.McDonald’s prefers American managers to run stores abroad.

Task 5. Interview your partner about his/her company or about an organization they know well. Use the questions below.

1.Are your prices low or high compared with your competitors?

2.Is advertising important to your business?

3.What training does your staff receive?

4.Do you hold regular face-to-face meetings with your colleagues?

5.Do you have close relationship with your suppliers? What about your customers?

6.Are your managers locals or foreigners?

7.Do your customers like your products or services? Why?

Task 6. Fill in the table below and prepare a more detailed presentation of your organization or a company you know well.










Cultural sensitivity

Customer service

Relationships with suppliers

Face-to-face meetings

Unit 3. Organization of a company

On studying this part you will be able to speak about a typical organization of a company and to draw its structure.

Task 1. Give the Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions:

A structure of organization, executive director; to obtain a result, to take the chair, to run one's business, to work with customers directly, to be responsible for, purchasing manager, equipment, Department of Material Security, Raw Material Department, Marketing Department, to supervise the work, a head, financial picture, Accounts Department, Director General, Chief Accountant, personnel manager.

Task 2. Translate the following words and expressions from Russian into English:

Структура организации, руководить, успешно заниматься бизнесом, достичь результата, сырьевые материалы, отвечать за продажи, менеджер по снабжению, отдел сбыта, контролировать работу, финансовая картина, отдел сырья, руководитель, бухгалтерия, менеджер по персоналу, генеральный директор, главный бухгалтер, исполнительный директор.

Task 3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:

1.Это структура нашей организации.

2.Он является нашим исполнительным директором.

3.Они достигли впечатляющих результатов.

4.Г-н Смит - менеджер по снабжению. Он работает в отделе снабжения.

5.Мы работаем непосредственно с потребителями.

6.Я отвечаю за оборудование.

7.Отдел сбыта отвечает за продажи.

8.Бухгалтерия отвечает за финансовую картину компании.

9.Руководитель обычно смотрит за работой.

10.В нашей компании есть отдел материального снабжения и отдел сырья.