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Методички ЭД-203фк / Банковское дело и финансы. Часть I. Материал для изучения курса

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Уральский социально-экономический институт Академии труда и социальных отношений Кафедра иностранных языков


Методическая разработка по финансовой терминологии

Часть I



Banking and Finance: Методическая разработка по финансовой терминологии / Сост.: О. Е. Касаткина; УрСЭИ АТиСО. – Часть I. – Челябинск, 2009. – 24 с.

В методической разработке представлены термины банковскофинансовой сферы, тексты по тематике разделов, и ряд упражнений.

Разработка предназначена студентам II курса для развития навыков пользования финансово-экономическим словарем и овладения профессиональной лексикой по финансовой тематике на английском языке.

Составитель Касаткина О.Е., старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков УрСЭИ

Рецензент Кондратова Т.Н., старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков УрСЭИ

Рекомендовано к изданию редакционно-издательским советом УрСЭИ

©Уральский социально-экономический институт Академии труда и социальных отношений, 2009

©Касаткина О.Е., 2009



Данная методическая разработка предназначена для студентов II курса специальности «Финансы и кредит», но может быть полезна студентам других специальностей в изучении экономической лексики.

Цель разработки – оказать помощь студентам в овладении профессиональной лексикой, развитии практических навыков пользования финансово-экономическим словарем и чтения экономической литературы.

В I части представлены три раздела «Banking and Finance», «Banks» and «Money» («Банковское дело и финансы», «Банки», «Деньги»).

Каждый раздел включает экономические термины, основной и дополнительные тексты и ряд упражнений. Термины охватывают банковско-

финансовую сферу. Тексты содержат специальную терминологию,

представленную в первом задании, их тематика соответствует тематике уроков.

В упражнения включены слова и выражения из текста, что способствует их запоминанию. Контроль понимания текста и хорошего знания лексики осуществляется ответами на вопросы.

Представленный минимум терминологии может в дальнейшем стать необходимой базой для более глубокого изучения специальной экономической литературы на английском языке. В приложении даны рекомендации по работе с экономическим словарем.

Данная разработка может использоваться как на аудиторных занятиях под руководством преподавателя, так и для самостоятельной работы.

При составлении разработки использовались: Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам / Под ред. проф., д-ра экон. наук А.В. Аникина. СПб.:

Эконом. школа, 1993; учебная литература по экономической тематике,

английские статьи из периодических изданий и сети Internet.




1. Consult the Economic dictionary. Give the Russian equivalents for the words and word-combinations:

bank: bank of circulation (of issue), business (commercial, trading) bank, creditor bank, savings bank, investment bank, stock exchange bank, joint-stock bank


banker: bankers, individual (private) banker

banking: banking by mail, branch banking, deposit banking

finance: to finance, finances, to raise the finances, to run the country’s finance, finances of state, committed finances, corporate finances, high finance

financial: financial oligarchy


financing: additional financing, development financing, investment financing, outside financing

lend: to lend, to lend long, to lend money at the rate of 3% lender: lender of last resort, capital lenders

lending: consumer lending, direct lending, excessive lending, unsecured lending

exchange: favourable exchange, exchange is falling, commodity (goods) exchange, employment (labour) exchange, stock exchange, foreign exchange

lease: lease for life, to cancel a lease, to extend a lease, to renew a lease, to surrender a lease, to take a lease of a piece of land

leasable leaseholder leasing

challenge: to face the challenge, to issue the challenge, to meet the challenge, to offer the challenge



range: range of activity, range of application, range of goods, range of products, range of income, price range, wide range, to range

2. Read and translate the text.


Britain is the world’s lending financial center and the home of international and finacial markets. The city of London holds the greatest concentration of banks in the world and is responsible for about a fifth of total international bank lending. It also accommodates the world’s largest insurance and reinsurance industry and one of the world’s largest stock exchanges.

Over the last Britain’s income from banking, financial and business services, life and general insurance, investment management and leasing has risen sharply.

Reforms also brought specific areas of service into line with other Member States in the European Union. Major retail banks serving the personal and commercial sectors have extended and improved their product and service range. The interests of individual investors have been protected and financial service institutions have submitted to guidelines.

Britain’s leading position owes much to the traditions of the City and Port of London as the centre for trade; also to the City’s responsiveness to new challenges. The City offers:

The world’s biggest international financial markets.

A time-zone advantage in 24-hour global dealings.

Comprehensive financial expertise and innovation.

International professional advisers.

Liberal financial regulations.

Worldwide communications.

A stable political climate.

A compact location with first rate amenities.

World-class cultural entertainment.


Exercise 1. Give the Russian equivalents for the following from the text:

financial markets; the greatest concentration of banks; international bank lending; to compare; leasing; Member States in the European Union; retail bank; to extend; to improve; responsiveness to new challenges; political climate.

Exercise 2. Find in the text English equivalents for these words and expressions:

кредитно-финансовые учреждения; ответственный за; индустрия страхования и перестрахования; биржа; страхование жизни; доход; совершение коммерческих сделок круглосуточно; инновация; профессиональные консультанты; первоклассные удобства.

Exercise 3. Find in the text and translate into Russian derivatives from the following verbs:

to manage, to finance, to insure, to advise, to deal, to respond, to serve, to invest.

Exercise 4. Answer the questions:

1.Why can we call Britain the world’s leading financial centre?

2.What does London accommodate?

3.Why has Britain’s income risen sharply over the last?

4.Whose interests have been protected by the banking reforms?

5.What does Britain’s leading position owe to?

6.What does the city of London offer?

Exercise 5. Insert the right word from the list given below:

Banking and Finance

Banking an ____1____ market operators in ____2___ involve a number of special institutions and financial ___3___ which, as a result of deregulation and new legislative framework, are ___4__ integrating. Many banking and financial institutions are __5__ to Britain and offer highly specialized __6__ to individuals, __7__ and sovereign bodies all over the __8__.


market, companies, Britain, world, unique, financial, services, increasingly

Exercise 6: Read the extract and speak about the roles of the correspondent banks and SWIFT system.

Nowadays one can speak of a global banking system although banks, of course, continue to play their local, more traditional role: opening and managing accounts, giving loans, and fulfilling all kinds of other operation to assist agriculture, industry and commerce.

Traditional instruments of international bank payments are letters of credit and documentary collection bills1.

The process of payment from bank to bank has been greatly quickened by the introduction of SWIFT system (Society for Worldwide International Financial Telecommunication)2. This network nowadays covers thousands of banks in about a hundred countries. A message to pay money sent through the computers of SWIFT system can be received in the matter of seconds.

The role of correspondent banks3 – is nowadays also permanently growing. A correspondent bank is the one, which carries the deposit balance of another bank situated in another city of country. This exchange of services between banks greatly facilitates international payments.


1.collection bill - инкассо

2.SWIFT (Society for Worldwide International Financial Telecommunication)

– СВИФТ (Международное общество межбанковских коммуникаций)

3.correspondent banks – банки-корреспонденты




1. Consult the Economic dictionary. Give the Russian equivalents to the words and word-combinations:


commitment: commitments for future delivery, without any commitments, commitment of finance, capital commitments, credit commitment, investment commitments


promoter: company promoter

promotion: demand promotion, effective sales promotion, employment promotion , foreign trade promotion, industrial promotion, sales promotion


maintain: to maintain records, to maintain the deliveries, to maintain the gold standard

maintenance: maintenance of market share, direct maintenance, indirect maintenance, price maintenance

framework: within the framework of

contribution: contributions for social insurance, to lay under contribution

contributor contributorу

provide: to provide with funds provision: provision for maintenance

provisional proviso

customer: to create customers, to service customers, bank customer

reserve: development reserve, dividend and interest reserve, gold reserve, gold and foreign exchange reserves


rate: at a growing rate, at an easy rate, interest rate



circumstances: comfortable (easy) circumstances, reduced (strained) circumstances

2. Read and translate the text.


The Bank of England is the central bank of the United Kingdom. Sometimes known as the “Old Lady” of Threadneedle Street, the Bank was founded in 1694, nationalised in 1946, and gained operational independence in 1997. Standing at the centre of the UK’s financial system, the Bank is committed to promoting and maintaining a stable and efficient monetary and financial framework as its contribution to a healthy economy.

The Bank's roles and functions have evolved and changed over its three-hundred year history. Since its foundation, it has been the Government's banker and, since the late 18th century, it has been banker to the banking system more generally -the bankers' bank. As well as providing banking services to its customers, the Bank of England manages the UK's foreign exchange and gold reserves and the Government's stock register.

The Bank has had a monopoly on the issue of banknotes in England and Wales since the mid 19th century. But it is only since 1997 that the Bank has had statutory responsibility for setting the UK's official interest rate. Interest rates decisions are taken by the Bank's Monetary Policy Committee. The MPC has to judge what interest rate is necessary to meet a target for overall inflation in the economy.


The part of the Bank's objective is to “maintain the value of the currency” - to

achieve price stability in the economy. The Bank implements its interest rate

decisions through its financial market operations - it sets the interest rate at which

the Bank lends to banks and other financial institutions. The Bank has close links

with financial markets and institutions.

The Bank analyses and promotes initiatives to strengthen the financial system,

and monitors financial developments to try to identify potential threats to financial

stability. It also undertakes work on the arrangements for handling financial crises

should they occur and is the financial system’s “le nder of last resort” in

exceptional circumstances.

Exercise 1: Give the Russian equivalents for the following from the text:

central bank; to maintain a stable monetary framework; to gain operational independence; financial framework; contribution to a healthy economy; the Bank’s functions; to change over three-hundred year history; foreign exchange; to have a monopoly on the issue of banknotes; since the mid 19-th century; statutory responsibility; financial market operations; to set the interest rate.

Exercise 2: Give the English equivalents for the words and word-combinations:

финансовая система; с конца 18 века; брать на себя обязательства; предоставлять банковские услуги; золотой резерв; выпуск банкнот; процентная ставка; финансовая стабильность; последний кредитор в критической ситуации; исключительные обстоятельства; стабильность цен; выполнять решение; давать ссуду.

Exercise 3: Pick out from the text all the word-combinations with the following words and give their Russian equivalents:

bank, independence, framework, economy, system, exchange, reserve, banknotes, target, stability, circumstances, center, market, links, rate, stability.

Exercise 4: Answer the questions:


Соседние файлы в папке Методички ЭД-203фк