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Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования

«Донской Государственный Технический Университет»


Кафедра «ПОВТ и АС»

Лабораторная работа №3

по курсу: «Системы искусственного интеллекта»

тема: «CLIPS»

Выполнил: ст.гр. ВМО51

Склифус А. С.


Коледов Л. В.

г. Ростов-на-Дону

2012 г.

Задание 1. Перевести каждое из следующих предложений в правила. Убедитесь, что включили название отношения в факты. Проверьте ваше правило, утверждая соответствующие факты. Делайте (clear) перед входом в следующее правило и ис­пользуйте (watchall),чтобы наблюдать, что случается. В отчет включите листинг программы и dribble-протокол.

(A) Если температура пациента высока, и пациент покрыт красной сыпью, то печатать, что диагноз - корь.

(a) If a patient's temperature is high and the patient is covered with red sores, then print out that the diagnosis is measles.

(B) Если атмосферное давление понижается и небо облачно, то печатать, что предсказание является дождем.

(b) If the atmospheric pressure is dropping and the sky is cloudy, then print out that the prediction is rain.

(C) Если Вы имеете, мороженое, взбитые сливки, орехи, банан, землянику, карамель, и вишни, тогда нарежьте бананы ломтиками, поместите это в блюдо мороженого, поместите туда мороженое, добавьте землянику, карамель, вишни и орехи, полейте взбитыми сливками и напечатайте "С Диетой Покончено!!! "

(c) If you have ice cream, whipped cream, nuts, a banana, strawberry topping, caramel topping, and cherries, then slice the banana, put it in an ice cream dish, put the ice cream in the dish, add the toppings, add the nuts, deluge with whipped cream, add cherries, and print "Diet's over!!!"


(defrule GetTemperature


(printout t crlf "Enter patient temperature: ")

(bind ?response (read))

(assert (temperature ?response)))

(defrule GetRash


(printout t crlf "Does the patient have a rash (yes or no): ")

(bind ?response (read))

(assert (rash ?response)))

(defrule Fever1

(temperature ?t)

(test (>= ?t 38))


(assert (fever high))

(printout t "High fever diagnosed" crlf))

(defrule Fever2

(temperature ?t)

(test (and (< ?t 38) (> ?t 36.8)))


(assert (fever mild))

(printout t "Mild fever diagnosed" crlf))

(defrule Measles

(fever high)

(rash yes)


(assert (diagnosis measles))

(printout t "Measles diagnosed" crlf))

(defrule GetAtmosphericPressure


(printout t crlf "What Atmospheric Pressure(high or low): ")

(bind ?response (read))

(assert (pressure ?response)))

(defrule GetSkyClouds


(printout t crlf "Sky is cloudly(yes or no): ")

(bind ?response (read))

(assert (clouds ?response)))

(defrule IsTodayCouldBeRain

(pressure low)

(clouds yes)


(printout t "prediction is rain" crlf))

(defrule WhatWeHave


(printout t crlf "Do you have ice cream, whipped cream, nuts, a banana, strawberry topping, caramel topping, and cherries (yes or no): ")

(bind ?response (read))

(assert (wehave ?response)))

(defrule IsDietsOver

(wehave yes)


(printout t "Diet's over!!!" crlf))

Лог первого задания:


CLIPS> (load "P:/projects/clips/task1_1.CLP")

Defining defrule: GetTemperature +j+j

==> Activation 0 GetTemperature: *

Defining defrule: GetRash +j

==> Activation 0 GetRash: *

Defining defrule: Fever1 +j+j

Defining defrule: Fever2 +j+j

Defining defrule: Measles +j+j+j

Defining defrule: GetAtmosphericPressure +j

==> Activation 0 GetAtmosphericPressure: *

Defining defrule: GetSkyClouds +j

==> Activation 0 GetSkyClouds: *

Defining defrule: IsTodayCouldBeRain +j+j+j

Defining defrule: WhatWeHave +j

==> Activation 0 WhatWeHave: *

Defining defrule: IsDietsOver +j+j


CLIPS> (run)

FIRE 1 WhatWeHave: *

Do you have ice cream, whipped cream, nuts, a banana, strawberry topping, caramel topping, and cherries (yes or no): yes

==> f-1 (wehave yes)

==> Activation 0 IsDietsOver: f-1

FIRE 2 IsDietsOver: f-1

Diet's over!!!

FIRE 3 GetSkyClouds: *

Sky is cloudly(yes or no): yes

==> f-2 (clouds yes)

FIRE 4 GetAtmosphericPressure: *

What Atmospheric Pressure(high or low): low

==> f-3 (pressure low)

==> Activation 0 IsTodayCouldBeRain: f-3,f-2

FIRE 5 IsTodayCouldBeRain: f-3,f-2

prediction is rain

FIRE 6 GetRash: *

Does the patient have a rash (yes or no): yes

==> f-4 (rash yes)

FIRE 7 GetTemperature: *

Enter patient temperature: 39

==> f-5 (temperature 39)

==> Activation 0 Fever1: f-5

FIRE 8 Fever1: f-5

==> f-6 (fever high)

==> Activation 0 Measles: f-6,f-4

High fever diagnosed

FIRE 9 Measles: f-6,f-4

==> f-7 (diagnosis measles)

Measles diagnosed

<== Focus MAIN

9 rules fired Run time is 72.7219999999979 seconds.

0.123758972525512 rules per second.

4 mean number of facts (8 maximum).

1 mean number of instances (1 maximum).

3 mean number of activations (5 maximum).

CLIPS> (dribble-off)

Задание 2. Написать программу, решающую головоломку "Игра в слова". Изучите влияние выбираемой стратегии на эффективность получаемой программы. В качестве отчета приведите фрагменты файлов-протоколов, подобных в той части, которая свидетельствует в пользу Вашего вывода о предпочтительной стратегии.


;;; I G G I J F

;;; + B J A A J B

;;; ------

;;; = H G C J D H C


(defrule startup


(printout t "The problem is")

(printout t " IGGIJF")

(printout t " + BJAAJB")

(printout t " -----")

(printout t " = HGCJDHC")

(assert (number 0) (number 1) (number 2) (number 3) (number 4) (number 5) (number 6) (number 7) (number 8) (number 9) (letter I) (letter G) (letter J) (letter F) (letter B) (letter A) (letter H) (letter C) (letter D)))

(defrule generate-combinations

(number ?x)

(letter ?a)


(assert (combination ?a ?x)))

(defrule find-solution

(combination F ?f&~0)

(combination B ?b&~?f)

(combination C ?c&~?b&~?f)

(test(= (mod (+

?f ?b) 10)


(combination J ?j&~?c&~?b&~?f)

(combination H ?h&~?j&~?c&~?b&~?f)

(test (= (mod (+

?f ?b

(* 10 ?j)(* 10 ?j)) 100)

(+ (* 10 ?h) ?c)))

(combination I ?i&~?h&~?j&~?c&~?b&~?f)

(combination A ?a&~?i&~?h&~?j&~?c&~?b&~?f)

(combination D ?d&~?a&~?i&~?h&~?j&~?c&~?b&~?f)

(test (= (mod (+

?f ?b

(* 10 ?j)(* 10 ?j)

(* 100 ?i)(* 100 ?a)) 1000)

(+ (* 100 ?d) (* 10 ?h) ?c)))

(combination G ?g&~?d&~?a&~?i&~?h&~?j&~?c&~?b&~?f)

(test (= (mod (+

?f ?b

(* 10 ?j)(* 10 ?j)

(* 100 ?i)(* 100 ?a)

(* ?g 1000)(* ?a 1000)) 10000)

(+ (* 1000 ?j) (* 100 ?d) (* 10 ?h) ?c)))

(test (= (mod (+

?f ?b

(* 10 ?j)(* 10 ?j)

(* 100 ?i)(* 100 ?a)

(* ?g 1000)(* ?a 1000)

(* ?g 10000)(* ?j 10000)) 100000)

(+ (* 10000 ?c) (* 1000 ?j) (* 100 ?d) (* 10 ?h) ?c)))

(test (= (mod (+

?f ?b

(* 10 ?j)(* 10 ?j)

(* 100 ?i)(* 100 ?a)

(* ?g 1000)(* ?a 1000)

(* ?g 10000)(* ?j 10000)

(* ?i 100000)(* ?b 100000)) 1000000)

(+ (* 100000 ?g) (* 10000 ?c) (* 1000 ?j) (* 100 ?d) (* 10 ?h) ?c)))


(printout t "A Solution is:" )

(printout t " I = " ?i)

(printout t " G = " ?g)

(printout t " J = " ?j)

(printout t " F = " ?f)

(printout t " B = " ?b)

(printout t " A = " ?a)

(printout t " H = " ?h)

(printout t " C = " ?c crlf)

(printout t " " ?i ?g ?g ?i ?j ?f crlf)

(printout t " + " ?b ?j ?a ?a ?j ?b crlf)

(printout t " " "----------" crlf)

(printout t " = " ?h ?g ?c ?j ?d ?h ?c crlf))

Вывод: для данного алгоритма предпочтительней всего будет стратегия глубины. Для сравнения - время, затраченное на выполнение программы всеми стратегиями:

Стратегия глубины:

98 rules fired Run time is 0.548999999999999 seconds.

178.506375227687 rules per second.

67 mean number of facts (110 maximum).

1 mean number of instances (1 maximum).

42 mean number of activations (90 maximum).

Стратегия ширины:

98 rules fired Run time is 1.12100000000001 seconds.

87.4219446922383 rules per second.

68 mean number of facts (110 maximum).

1 mean number of instances (1 maximum).

42 mean number of activations (90 maximum).

Стратегия простоты:

98 rules fired Run time is 0.763999999999982 seconds.

128.272251308904 rules per second.

68 mean number of facts (110 maximum).

1 mean number of instances (1 maximum).

42 mean number of activations (90 maximum).

Полный лог выполнения второго задания:


CLIPS> (run)

FIRE 1 startup: *

The problem is IGGIJF + BJAAJB ----- = HGCJDHC==> f-1 (number 0)

==> f-2 (number 1)

==> f-3 (number 2)

==> f-4 (number 3)

==> f-5 (number 4)

==> f-6 (number 5)

==> f-7 (number 6)

==> f-8 (number 7)

==> f-9 (number 8)

==> f-10 (number 9)

==> f-11 (letter I)

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-10,f-11

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-9,f-11

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-8,f-11

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-7,f-11

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-6,f-11

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-5,f-11

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-4,f-11

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-3,f-11

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-2,f-11

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-1,f-11

==> f-12 (letter G)

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-10,f-12

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-9,f-12

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-8,f-12

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-7,f-12

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-6,f-12

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-5,f-12

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-4,f-12

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-3,f-12

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-2,f-12

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-1,f-12

==> f-13 (letter J)

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-10,f-13

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-9,f-13

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-8,f-13

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-7,f-13

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-6,f-13

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-5,f-13

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-4,f-13

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-3,f-13

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-2,f-13

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-1,f-13

==> f-14 (letter F)

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-10,f-14

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-9,f-14

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-8,f-14

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-7,f-14

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-6,f-14

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-5,f-14

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-4,f-14

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-3,f-14

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-2,f-14

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-1,f-14

==> f-15 (letter B)

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-10,f-15

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-9,f-15

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-8,f-15

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-7,f-15

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-6,f-15

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-5,f-15

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-4,f-15

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-3,f-15

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-2,f-15

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-1,f-15

==> f-16 (letter A)

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-10,f-16

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-9,f-16

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-8,f-16

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-7,f-16

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-6,f-16

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-5,f-16

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-4,f-16

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-3,f-16

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-2,f-16

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-1,f-16

==> f-17 (letter H)

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-10,f-17

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-9,f-17

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-8,f-17

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-7,f-17

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-6,f-17

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-5,f-17

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-4,f-17

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-3,f-17

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-2,f-17

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-1,f-17

==> f-18 (letter C)

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-10,f-18

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-9,f-18

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-8,f-18

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-7,f-18

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-6,f-18

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-5,f-18

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-4,f-18

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-3,f-18

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-2,f-18

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-1,f-18

==> f-19 (letter D)

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-10,f-19

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-9,f-19

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-8,f-19

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-7,f-19

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-6,f-19

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-5,f-19

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-4,f-19

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-3,f-19

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-2,f-19

==> Activation 0 generate-combinations: f-1,f-19

FIRE 2 generate-combinations: f-1,f-19

==> f-20 (combination D 0)

FIRE 3 generate-combinations: f-2,f-19

==> f-21 (combination D 1)

FIRE 4 generate-combinations: f-3,f-19

==> f-22 (combination D 2)

FIRE 5 generate-combinations: f-4,f-19

==> f-23 (combination D 3)

FIRE 6 generate-combinations: f-5,f-19

==> f-24 (combination D 4)

FIRE 7 generate-combinations: f-6,f-19

==> f-25 (combination D 5)

FIRE 8 generate-combinations: f-7,f-19

==> f-26 (combination D 6)

FIRE 9 generate-combinations: f-8,f-19

==> f-27 (combination D 7)

FIRE 10 generate-combinations: f-9,f-19

==> f-28 (combination D 8)

FIRE 11 generate-combinations: f-10,f-19

==> f-29 (combination D 9)

FIRE 12 generate-combinations: f-1,f-18

==> f-30 (combination C 0)

FIRE 13 generate-combinations: f-2,f-18

==> f-31 (combination C 1)

FIRE 14 generate-combinations: f-3,f-18

==> f-32 (combination C 2)

FIRE 15 generate-combinations: f-4,f-18

==> f-33 (combination C 3)

FIRE 16 generate-combinations: f-5,f-18

==> f-34 (combination C 4)

FIRE 17 generate-combinations: f-6,f-18

==> f-35 (combination C 5)

FIRE 18 generate-combinations: f-7,f-18

==> f-36 (combination C 6)

FIRE 19 generate-combinations: f-8,f-18

==> f-37 (combination C 7)

FIRE 20 generate-combinations: f-9,f-18

==> f-38 (combination C 8)

FIRE 21 generate-combinations: f-10,f-18

==> f-39 (combination C 9)

FIRE 22 generate-combinations: f-1,f-17

==> f-40 (combination H 0)

FIRE 23 generate-combinations: f-2,f-17

==> f-41 (combination H 1)

FIRE 24 generate-combinations: f-3,f-17

==> f-42 (combination H 2)

FIRE 25 generate-combinations: f-4,f-17

==> f-43 (combination H 3)

FIRE 26 generate-combinations: f-5,f-17

==> f-44 (combination H 4)

FIRE 27 generate-combinations: f-6,f-17

==> f-45 (combination H 5)

FIRE 28 generate-combinations: f-7,f-17

==> f-46 (combination H 6)

FIRE 29 generate-combinations: f-8,f-17

==> f-47 (combination H 7)

FIRE 30 generate-combinations: f-9,f-17

==> f-48 (combination H 8)

FIRE 31 generate-combinations: f-10,f-17

==> f-49 (combination H 9)

FIRE 32 generate-combinations: f-1,f-16

==> f-50 (combination A 0)

FIRE 33 generate-combinations: f-2,f-16

==> f-51 (combination A 1)

FIRE 34 generate-combinations: f-3,f-16

==> f-52 (combination A 2)

FIRE 35 generate-combinations: f-4,f-16

==> f-53 (combination A 3)

FIRE 36 generate-combinations: f-5,f-16

==> f-54 (combination A 4)

FIRE 37 generate-combinations: f-6,f-16

==> f-55 (combination A 5)

FIRE 38 generate-combinations: f-7,f-16

==> f-56 (combination A 6)

FIRE 39 generate-combinations: f-8,f-16

==> f-57 (combination A 7)

FIRE 40 generate-combinations: f-9,f-16

==> f-58 (combination A 8)

FIRE 41 generate-combinations: f-10,f-16

==> f-59 (combination A 9)

FIRE 42 generate-combinations: f-1,f-15

==> f-60 (combination B 0)

FIRE 43 generate-combinations: f-2,f-15

==> f-61 (combination B 1)

FIRE 44 generate-combinations: f-3,f-15

==> f-62 (combination B 2)

FIRE 45 generate-combinations: f-4,f-15

==> f-63 (combination B 3)

FIRE 46 generate-combinations: f-5,f-15

==> f-64 (combination B 4)

FIRE 47 generate-combinations: f-6,f-15

==> f-65 (combination B 5)

FIRE 48 generate-combinations: f-7,f-15

==> f-66 (combination B 6)

FIRE 49 generate-combinations: f-8,f-15

==> f-67 (combination B 7)

FIRE 50 generate-combinations: f-9,f-15

==> f-68 (combination B 8)

FIRE 51 generate-combinations: f-10,f-15

==> f-69 (combination B 9)

FIRE 52 generate-combinations: f-1,f-14

==> f-70 (combination F 0)

FIRE 53 generate-combinations: f-2,f-14

==> f-71 (combination F 1)

FIRE 54 generate-combinations: f-3,f-14

==> f-72 (combination F 2)

FIRE 55 generate-combinations: f-4,f-14

==> f-73 (combination F 3)

FIRE 56 generate-combinations: f-5,f-14

==> f-74 (combination F 4)

FIRE 57 generate-combinations: f-6,f-14

==> f-75 (combination F 5)

FIRE 58 generate-combinations: f-7,f-14

==> f-76 (combination F 6)

FIRE 59 generate-combinations: f-8,f-14

==> f-77 (combination F 7)

FIRE 60 generate-combinations: f-9,f-14

==> f-78 (combination F 8)

FIRE 61 generate-combinations: f-10,f-14

==> f-79 (combination F 9)

FIRE 62 generate-combinations: f-1,f-13

==> f-80 (combination J 0)

FIRE 63 generate-combinations: f-2,f-13

==> f-81 (combination J 1)

FIRE 64 generate-combinations: f-3,f-13

==> f-82 (combination J 2)

FIRE 65 generate-combinations: f-4,f-13

==> f-83 (combination J 3)

FIRE 66 generate-combinations: f-5,f-13

==> f-84 (combination J 4)

FIRE 67 generate-combinations: f-6,f-13

==> f-85 (combination J 5)

FIRE 68 generate-combinations: f-7,f-13

==> f-86 (combination J 6)

FIRE 69 generate-combinations: f-8,f-13

==> f-87 (combination J 7)

FIRE 70 generate-combinations: f-9,f-13

==> f-88 (combination J 8)

FIRE 71 generate-combinations: f-10,f-13

==> f-89 (combination J 9)

FIRE 72 generate-combinations: f-1,f-12

==> f-90 (combination G 0)

FIRE 73 generate-combinations: f-2,f-12

==> f-91 (combination G 1)

FIRE 74 generate-combinations: f-3,f-12

==> f-92 (combination G 2)

FIRE 75 generate-combinations: f-4,f-12

==> f-93 (combination G 3)

FIRE 76 generate-combinations: f-5,f-12

==> f-94 (combination G 4)

FIRE 77 generate-combinations: f-6,f-12

==> f-95 (combination G 5)

FIRE 78 generate-combinations: f-7,f-12

==> f-96 (combination G 6)

FIRE 79 generate-combinations: f-8,f-12

==> f-97 (combination G 7)

FIRE 80 generate-combinations: f-9,f-12

==> f-98 (combination G 8)

FIRE 81 generate-combinations: f-10,f-12

==> f-99 (combination G 9)

FIRE 82 generate-combinations: f-1,f-11

==> f-100 (combination I 0)

==> Activation 0 find-solution: f-79,f-62,f-31,f-88,f-47,f-100,f-55,f-26,f-93

==> Activation 0 find-solution: f-79,f-65,f-34,f-88,f-47,f-100,f-52,f-23,f-96

FIRE 83 find-solution: f-79,f-65,f-34,f-88,f-47,f-100,f-52,f-23,f-96

A Solution is: I = 0 G = 6 J = 8 F = 9 B = 5 A = 2 H = 7 C = 4


+ 582285


= 7648374

FIRE 84 find-solution: f-79,f-62,f-31,f-88,f-47,f-100,f-55,f-26,f-93

A Solution is: I = 0 G = 3 J = 8 F = 9 B = 2 A = 5 H = 7 C = 1


+ 285582


= 7318671

FIRE 85 generate-combinations: f-2,f-11

==> f-101 (combination I 1)

==> Activation 0 find-solution: f-79,f-65,f-34,f-86,f-43,f-101,f-58,f-20,f-97

FIRE 86 find-solution: f-79,f-65,f-34,f-86,f-43,f-101,f-58,f-20,f-97

A Solution is: I = 1 G = 7 J = 6 F = 9 B = 5 A = 8 H = 3 C = 4


+ 568865


= 3746034

FIRE 87 generate-combinations: f-3,f-11

==> f-102 (combination I 2)

FIRE 88 generate-combinations: f-4,f-11

==> f-103 (combination I 3)

FIRE 89 generate-combinations: f-5,f-11

==> f-104 (combination I 4)

FIRE 90 generate-combinations: f-6,f-11

==> f-105 (combination I 5)

FIRE 91 generate-combinations: f-7,f-11

==> f-106 (combination I 6)

==> Activation 0 find-solution: f-71,f-67,f-38,f-85,f-40,f-106,f-52,f-29,f-93

==> Activation 0 find-solution: f-79,f-65,f-34,f-83,f-47,f-106,f-52,f-28,f-91

FIRE 92 find-solution: f-79,f-65,f-34,f-83,f-47,f-106,f-52,f-28,f-91

A Solution is: I = 6 G = 1 J = 3 F = 9 B = 5 A = 2 H = 7 C = 4


+ 532235


= 7143874

FIRE 93 find-solution: f-71,f-67,f-38,f-85,f-40,f-106,f-52,f-29,f-93

A Solution is: I = 6 G = 3 J = 5 F = 1 B = 7 A = 2 H = 0 C = 8


+ 752257


= 0385908

FIRE 94 generate-combinations: f-8,f-11

==> f-107 (combination I 7)

FIRE 95 generate-combinations: f-9,f-11

==> f-108 (combination I 8)

==> Activation 0 find-solution: f-79,f-64,f-33,f-80,f-41,f-108,f-57,f-25,f-92

==> Activation 0 find-solution: f-79,f-67,f-36,f-80,f-41,f-108,f-54,f-22,f-95

FIRE 96 find-solution: f-79,f-67,f-36,f-80,f-41,f-108,f-54,f-22,f-95

A Solution is: I = 8 G = 5 J = 0 F = 9 B = 7 A = 4 H = 1 C = 6


+ 704407


= 1560216

FIRE 97 find-solution: f-79,f-64,f-33,f-80,f-41,f-108,f-57,f-25,f-92

A Solution is: I = 8 G = 2 J = 0 F = 9 B = 4 A = 7 H = 1 C = 3


+ 407704


= 1230513

FIRE 98 generate-combinations: f-10,f-11

==> f-109 (combination I 9)

<== Focus MAIN

98 rules fired Run time is 0.548999999999999 seconds.

178.506375227687 rules per second.

67 mean number of facts (110 maximum).

1 mean number of instances (1 maximum).

42 mean number of activations (90 maximum).

CLIPS> (dribble-off)