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task 4. to kill a mokingbird

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I want to continue to retell the story under the title “To kill a mocking-bird”. On these pages we are witnesses of one of the court: the Negro Tom Robinson is accused in rape of the daughter of Mr. Ewell.

Our characters Jean, Jem and Dill find theirselves at the court too. They are worry for their father, a lawyer Atticus Finch and so they are here.

All begin with the testimony of a sheriff Mr. Tate. He says that that day Mr. Ewell ran to him and said that his daughter had been raped by Negro Tom Robinson. Mr. Tate knew where Tom lived and then he arrested them. Then Mr. Ewell confirms it and adds that when he returned home he saw daughter. Without any words he understood what had happened. He looked at the window and saw the figure of Tom. Mayella – Mr. Ewell’s daughter – confirmed that Tom was here and then Mr. Ewell ran to Mr. Tate. Then Mayella begins to talk. She tells that that day she saw Tom, offered to him some money, after it he hit her and raped.

All this time Atticus questions Mr. Tate, Mr. Ewell and his daughter. Children watch it and surprise their father: he is sure in himself and after some his questions witnesses become pale and nervous. Jean even begins to think that Mayella is more terrible than Boo Radley.

And at last Tom Robinson puts things right. He says that Mayella was such strange: she offered to him money and even kissed him. He was afraid that he couldn’t run away. Then her father returned and saw it and threatened to kill her. After it we understand that Tom didn’t rape Mayella, she is just afraid her father. And children understand it too and Jem even begins to cry. He is sorry for Tom.

In general, on these pages we watch that children change their attitude to Negros and begin to sorry for them. They begin to understand that people can be cruel.