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Dictionary Of The Vulgar Tongue

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1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue

1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue 1419100076

RESCOUNTERS. The time of settlement between the bulls and bears of Exchange−alley, when the losers must pay their differences, or become lame ducks, and waddle out of the Alley.

RESURRECTION MEN. Persons employed by the students in anatomy to steal dead bodies out of church−yards.

REVERENCE. An ancient custom, which obliges any person easing himself near the highway or foot−path, on the

word REVERENCE being given him by a passenger, to take off his hat with his teeth, and without moving from his station

to throw it over his head, by which it frequently falls into the excrement; this was considered as a punishment for the breach of delicacy, A person refusing to obey this law, might be pushed backwards. Hence, perhaps, the term, SIR−REVERENCE.

REVERSED. A man set by bullies on his head, that his money may fall out of his breeches, which they afterwards by accident pick up. See HOISTING.

REVIEW OF THE BLACK CUIRASSIERS. A visitation of the clergy. See CROW FAIR.


RIB. A wife: an allusion to our common mother Eve, made out of Adam's rib. A crooked rib: a cross−grained wife.

RIBALDRY. Vulgar abusive language, such as was spoken by ribalds. Ribalds were originally mercenary soldiers who travelled about, serving any master far pay, but afterwards degenerated into a mere banditti.

RIBBIN. Money. The ribbin runs thick; i.e. there is plenty of money. CANT. Blue ribbin. Gin. The cull lushes the blue ribbin; the silly fellow drinks common gin.

To RIBROAST. To beat: I'll ribroast him to his heart's content.

RICH FACE, or NOSE. A red pimpled, face.

RICHAUD SNARY. A dictionary. A country lad, having been reproved for calling persons by their christian names, being sent by his master to borrow a dictionary, thought to shew his breeding by asking for a Richard Snary.



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RIDER. A person who receives part of the salary of a place or appointment from the ostensible occupier, by virtue

of an agreement with the donor, or great man appointing. The rider is said to be quartered upon the possessor, who often has one or more persons thus riding behind him. See QUARTERED.

RIDGE. A guinea. Ridge cully; a goldsmith. CANT.

RIDING ST. GEORGE. The woman uppermost in the amorous congress, that is, the dragon upon St. George. This

is said to be the way to get a bishop.

RIDING SKIMMINGTON. A ludicrous cavalcade, in ridicule of a man beaten by his wife. It consists of a man riding behind a woman, with his face to the horse's tail, holding

a distaff in his hand, at which he seems to work, the woman all the while beating him with a ladle; a smock displayed

on a staff is carried before them as an emblematical standard, denoting female superiority: they are accompanied

by what is called the ROUGH MUSIC, that is, frying−pans, bulls horns, marrow−bones and cleavers, A procession of

this kind is admirably described by Butler in his Hudibras. He rode private, i.e. was a private trooper.

RIFF RAFF. Low vulgar persons, mob, tag−rag and bob−tail.

RIG. Fun, game, diversion, or trick. To run one's rig upon any particular person; to make him a butt. l am up to your rig; I am a match for your tricks.

RIGGING. Clothing. I'll unrig the bloss; I'll strip the wench. Rum Rigging; fine clothes. The cull has rum rigging, let's ding him and mill him, and pike; the fellow has good clothes, let's knock him down, rob him, and scour off, i.e. run away.

RIGHT. All right! A favourite expression among thieves, to signify that all is as they wish, or proper for their purpose. All right, hand down the jemmy; every thing is in proper order, give me the crow.

RIGMAROLE. Roundabout, nonsensical. He told a long rigmarole story.

RING. Money procured by begging: beggars so called it from its ringing when thrown to them. Also a circle formed for boxers, wrestlers, and cudgel−players, by a man

styled Vinegar; who, with his hat before his eyes, goes round the circle, striking at random with his whip to prevent the populace from crowding in.



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TO RING A PEAL. To scold; chiefly applied to women.

His wife rung him a fine peal!

RING THE CHANGES. When a person receives silver in change to shift some good shillings and put bad ones in their place. The person who gave the change is then requested to give good shillings for these bad ones.

RIP. A miserable rip; a poor, lean, worn−out horse. A shabby mean fellow.

RIPPONS. Spurs: Rippon is famous for a manufactory of spurs both for men and fighting cocks.

ROARATORIOS AND UPROARS. Oratorios and operas.

ROARING BOY. A noisy, riotous fellow.

ROARER. A broken−winded horse.

ROARING TRADE. A quick trade.

TO ROAST. To arrest. I'll roast the dab; I'll arrest the rascal. Also to jeer, ridicule, or banter. He stood the roast; he was the butt. Roast meat clothes; Sunday or holiday−clothes. To cry roast meat; to boast of one's situation. To rule the roast; to be master or paramount.

ROAST AND BOILED. A nick name for the Life Guards, who are mostly substantial house−keepers; and eat daily of roast and boiled.

ROBERT'S MEN. The third old rank of the canting crew, mighty thieves, like Robin Hood.

ROBY DOUGLASS, with one eye and a stinking breath. The breech.

ROCHESTER PORTION. Two torn smocks, and what nature gave.

ROCKED. He was rocked in a stone kitchen; a saying meant to convey the idea that the person spoken of is a fool, his brains having been disordered by the jumbling of his cradle.

ROGER. A portmanteau; also a man's yard. Cant.

ROGER, or TIB OF THE BUTTERY. A goose. Cant. Jolly

Roger; a flag hoisted by pirates.

TO ROGER. To bull, or lie with a woman; from the name



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of Roger being frequently given to a bull.

ROGUES. The fourth order of canters. A rogue in grain; a great rogue, also a corn chandler. A rogue in spirit; a distiller or brandy merchant.

ROGUM POGUM, or DRAGRUM POGRAM. Goat's beard, eaten for asparagus; so called by the ladies who gather cresses, who also deal in this plant.

ROMBOYLES. Watch and ward. Romboyled; sought after with a warrant.

ROME MORT. A queen.

ROMEVILLE. London. Cant.

ROMP. A forward wanton girl, a tomrig. Grey, in his notes to Shakespeare, derives it from arompo, an animal

found in South Guinea, that is a man eater. See HOYDEN.

ROOK. A cheat: probably from the thievish disposition of the birds of that name. Also the cant name for a crow used in house−breaking. To rook; to cheat, particularly at play.

ROOM. She lets out her fore room and lies backwards: saying of a woman suspected of prostitution.

ROOST LAY. Stealing poultry.

ROPES. Upon the high ropes; elated, in high spirits, cock−a−hoop.

ROSE. Under the rose: privately or secretly. The rose was, it is said, sacred to Harpocrates, the God of silence, and therefore frequently placed in the ceilings of rooms destined for the receiving of guests; implying, that

whatever was transacted there, should not be made public.

ROSY GILLS. One with a sanguine or fresh−coloured countenance.

ROTAN. A coach, cart, or other wheeled carriage.

ROT GUT. Small beer; called beer−a−bumble will burst one's guts before it will make one tumble.

ROVERS. Pirates, vagabonds.

ROUGH. To lie rough; to lie all night in one's clothes: called also roughing it. Likewise to sleep on the bare



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deck of a ship, when the person is commonly advised to chuse the softest plank.

ROUGH MUSIC. Saucepans, frying−paps, poker and tongs, marrow−bones and cleavers, bulls horns, beaten upon

and sounded in ludicrous processions.

ROULEAU. A number of guineas, from twenty to fifty or more, wrapped up in paper, for the more ready circulation

at gaming−tables: sometimes they are inclosed in ivory boxes, made to hold exactly 20, 50, or 100 guineas.

ROUND DEALING. Plain, honest dealing.

ROUNDHEADS. A term of reproach to the puritans and partizans of Oliver Cromwell, and the Rump Parliament, who it is said made use of a bowl as a guide to trim their hair.

ROUND ROBIN. A mode of signing remonstrances practised by sailors on board the king's ships, wherein their

names are written in a circle, so that it cannot be discovered who first signed it, or was, in other words, the ringleader.

ROUND SUM. A considerable sum.

ROUND ABOUT. An instrument used in housebreaking. This instrument has not been long in use. It will cut a round piece about five inches in diameter out of a shutter or door.

ROUND MOUTH. The fundament. Brother round mouth, speaks; he has let a fart.

ROUT. A modern card meeting at a private house; also an order from the Secretary at War, directing the march and quartering of soldiers.

ROW. A disturbance; a term used by the students at


ROW. To row in the same boat; to be embarked in the same scheme.

ROWLAND. To give a Rowland for an Oliver; to give an equivalent. Rowland and Oliver were two knights famous in romance: the wonderful achievements of the

one could only be equalled by those of the other.

ROYAL SCAMPS. Highwaymen who never rob any but



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rich persons, and that without ill treating them. See SCAMP.

ROYAL STAG SOCIETY. Was held every Monday evening, at seven o'clock, at the Three tuns, near the Hospital

Gate, Newgate−street.

ROYSTER. A rude boisterous fellow; also a hound that opens on a false scent.

TO RUB. To run away. Don't rub us to the whit; don't send us to Newgate. CANT. To rub up; to refresh: to rub up one's memory. A rub: an impediment. A rubber; the best two out of three. To win a rubber: to

win two games out of three.

RUBY FACED. Red−faced.

RUFF. An ornament formerly worn by men and women round their necks. Wooden ruff; the pillory.

RUFFIAN. The devil. CANT. May the ruffian nab the cuffin queer, and let the harmanbeck trine with his kinchins about his colquarren; may the Devil take the justice,

and let the constable be hanged with his children about his neck. The ruffian cly thee; the Devil take thee.

Ruffian cook ruffian, who scalded the Devil in his feathers; a saying of a bad cook. Ruffian sometimes also means,

a justice.

RUFFLES. Handcuffs. CANT.

RUFFLERS. The first rank of canters; also notorious rogues pretending to be maimed soldiers or sailors.

RUFFMANS. The woods, hedges, or bushes. CANT.

RUG. It is all rug; it is all right and safe, the game is secure. CANT.

RUG. Asleep. The whole gill is safe at rug; the people of the house are fast asleep.

RUM. Fine, good, valuable.

RUM BECK. A justice of the peace. CANT.

RUM BITE. A clever cheat, a clean trick.

RUM BLEATING CHEAT. A fat wether sheep. CANT.



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RUM BLOWEN. A handsome wench. CANT.

RUM BLUFFER. A jolly host. CANT.

RUM BOB. A young apprentice; also a sharp trick.

RUM BOOZE. Wine, or any other good liquor. Rum boozing welts; bunches of grapes. CANT.

RUM BUBBER. A dexterous fellow at stealing silver tankards from inns and taverns.

RUM BUGHER. A valuable dog. CANT.

RUM BUNG. A full purse. CANT.

RUM CHUB. Among butchers, a customer easily imposed on, as to the quality and price of meat. CANT.

RUM CHANT. A song.

RUM CLOUT. A fine silk, cambric, or holland handkerchief.


RUM COD. A good purse of gold. CANT.

RUM COLE. New money, or medals.

RUM COVE. A dexterous or clever rogue.

RUM CULL. A rich fool, easily cheated, particularly by his mistress.

RUM DEGEN. A handsome sword. CANT.


RUM DIVER. A dextrous pickpocket. CANT.

RUM DOXY. A fine wench. CANT.

RUM DRAWERS. Silk, or other fine stockings. CANT.


RUM DUBBER. An expert picklock.

RUM DUKE. A jolly handsome fellow; also an odd eccentric fellow; likewise the boldest and stoutest fellows lately among the Alsatians, Minters, Savoyards, and other inhabitants of privileged districts, sent to remove and guard



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the goods of such bankrupts as intended to take sanctuary in those places. CANT.


RUM FUN. A sharp trick. CANT.

RUM GAGGERS. Cheats who tell wonderful stories of their sufferings at sea, or when taken by the Algerines, CANT.


RUM GLYMMER. King or chief of the link−boys. CANT.

RUM KICKS. Breeches of gold or silver brocade, or richly laced with gold or silver. CANT.

RUM MAWND. One that counterfeits a fool. CANT

RUM MORT. A queen, or great lady. CANT.

RUM NAB. A good hat.

RUM NANTZ. Good French brandy. CANT.

RUM NED. A very rich silly fellow. CANT.

RUM PAD. The highway. CANT.

RUM PADDERS. Highwaymen well mounted and armed.


RUM PEEPERS. Fine looking−glasses. CANT.

RUM PRANCER. A fine horse. CANT.

RUM QUIDS. A great booty. CANT.

RUM RUFF PECK. Westphalia ham. CANT.

RUM SNITCH. A smart fillip on the nose.

RUM SQUEEZE. Much wine, or good liquor, given among fiddlers. CANT.



RUM TOPPING. A rich commode, or woman's head−dress.



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RUMBO. Rum, water, and sugar; also a prison.

RUMBOYLE. A ward or watch.

RUMBUMTIOUS. Obstreperous.

RUMFORD. To ride to Rumford to have one's backside new bottomed: i.e. to have a pair of new leather breeches. Rumford was formerly a famous place for leather breeches. A like saying is current in Norfolk and Suffolk, of Bungay, and for the same reason. Rumford lion; a calf.


RUMP. To rump any one; to turn the back to him: an evolution sometimes used at court. Rump and a dozen; a rump of beef and a dozen of claret; an Irish wager, called also buttock and trimmings. Rump and kidney

men; fiddlers that play at feasts, fairs, weddings, and live chiefly on the remnants.

RUMPUS. A riot, quarrel, or confusion.

RUN GOODS. A maidenhead, being a commodity never entered.

RUNNING HORSE, or NAG. A clap, or gleet.

RUNNING SMOBBLE. Snatching goods off a counter, and throwing them to an accomplice, who brushes off with them.

RUNNING STATIONERS. Hawker of newspapers, trials, and dying speeches.

RUNT. A short squat man or woman: from the small cattle called Welsh runts.

RUSHERS. Thieves who knock at the doors of great houses in London, in summer time, when the families are gone out of town, and on the door being opened by a woman, rush in and rob the house; also housebreakers who enter lone houses by force.

RUSSIAN COFFEE−HOUSE. The Brown Bear in Bow−street, Covent Garden, a house of call for thief−takers and runners of the Bow street justices.

RUSTY. Out of use, To nab the rust; to be refractory; properly applied to a restive horse, and figuratively



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to the human species. To ride rusty; to be sullen; called also to ride grub.

RUSTY GUTS. A blunt surly fellow: a jocular misnomer of RESTICUS.

RUTTING. Copulating. Rutting time; the season, when deer go to rut.


SACHEVEREL. The iron door, or blower, to the mouth of a stove: from a divine of that name, who made himself famous for blowing the coals of dissension in the latter end of the reign of queen Ann.

SACK. A pocket. To buy the sack: to get drunk. To dive into the sack; to pick a pocket. To break a bottle in an empty sack; a bubble bet, a sack with a bottle in it not being an empty sack.

SAD DOG. A wicked debauched fellow; one of the ancient family of the sad dogs. Swift translates it into Latin by the words TRISTIS CANIS.

SADDLE. To saddle the spit; to give a dinner or supper. To saddle one's nose; to wear spectacles. To saddle a place or pension; to oblige the holder to pay a certain

portion of his income to some one nominated by the donor. Saddle sick: galled with riding, having lost leather.

SAINT. A piece of spoilt timber in a coach−maker's shop, like a saint, devoted to the flames.

SAINT GEOFFREY'S DAY. Never, there being no saint of that name: tomorrow−come−never, when two Sundays come together.

SAINT LUKE'S BIRD. An ox; that Evangelist being always represented with an ox.

SAINT MONDAY. A holiday most religiously observed by journeymen shoemakers, and other inferior mechanics. a profanation of that day, by working, is punishable by a line, particularly among the gentle craft. An Irishman observed, that this saint's anniversary happened every week.

SAL. An abbreviation of SALIVATION. In a high sal; in the pickling tub, or under a salivation.



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