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Radiation Physics for Medical Physiscists - E.B. Podgorsak

12.93 Mб

8.4 Activation of Nuclides


3.cyclotron particle fluence rates are generally lower than those produced by nuclear reactors.

The cyclotron-produced radionuclides are position emitters used in positron emission tomography (PET) scanners for diagnostic imaging. The four most important position emitting radionuclides used in medical PET imaging are: fluorine-18, carbon-11, nitrogen-13 and oxygen-15.

The nuclear reaction energy Q also known as the Q value for a nuclear reaction provides the energy release or energy absorption during the nuclear reaction. In general the Q value is determined in one of the following two manners:

1.The sum of nuclear rest energies of the reaction products (i.e., the total rest energy after reaction) is subtracted from the sum of nuclear rest energies of the reactants (i.e., the total rest energy before reaction).

2.The sum of nuclear binding energies of the reactants (i.e., the total binding energy before reaction) is subtracted from the sum of nuclear binding energies of reaction products (i.e., the total binding energy after reaction).

The Q value obtained with the two methods will be either positive or negative.

For Q > 0 the reaction is called exoergic and the excess energy is shared between the two reaction products.

For Q < 0 the reaction is called endoergic and for the reaction to occur, energy must be supplied in the form of the kinetic energy of the projectile.

As an example we calculate the nuclear reaction energy Q for the activation of oxygen-18 into flurorine-18 in a proton cyclotron. The reaction is as follows:

818O + p 918F + n + Q(2.44 MeV)


and the Q value of 2.44 MeV is calculated with data from Table 8.6

Method 1:






Q =









= M (818O)c2 + Mpc2

− M (918F)c2 + Mnc2 =

= {16762.0227 + 938.272} MeV − {16763.1673 + 939.5654} MeV =

= 2.44 MeV.



Method 2:







Q =









= 137.3693 MeV 139.8071 MeV = 2.44 MeV.


310 8 Radioactivity

Both methods produce the same result: 2.44 MeV. The production of fluorine-18 in a cyclotron is thus an endoergic reaction and energy must be supplied for the reaction to occur.

In general, for endoergic reactions to occur the projectiles must have a certain minimum threshold kinetic energy (EK)thr that exceeds the absolute value of Q, so that the total momentum for before and after the interaction is conserved. The general relationship for the threshold of endoergic reactions was derived in (4.13), and based on that result we write the threshold kinetic energy (EK)thr for the proton with rest mass Mp, activating target nuclide of rest mass Mt, as





(EK)thr = −Q 1 +



For example, the threshold energy for fluorine-18 production from oxygen18 in a proton cyclotron at 2.58 MeV is slightly higher than the absolute value of |Q| = 2.44 MeV. The threshold energy of 2.58 MeV for fluorine-18 is determined from (8.138) as follows:

(EK)thr = −Q 1 +




M (818O)c2


= (2.44 MeV) 1 +

938.272 MeV

= 2.58 MeV.


16762.0227 MeV


For cyclotrons, rather than providing a fluence rate as is done for reactor produced neutrons, one provides a beam current, usually expressed in µA, where 1 A of current is equal to 6.25 × 1012 electronic charges per second, i.e., 6.25 × 1012 e/s. Thus, a proton beam of 1 A corresponds to 6.25 × 1012 protons; a helium He2+ beam corresponds to 3.125 × 1012 helium ions.

Targets used in charged particle activation are either thin or thick.

The thickness of a thin target is such that the target does not appreciably attenuate the charged particle beam.

Charged particles traversing a thick target lose energy through Coulomb interactions with electrons of the target and this a ects the activation yield, since the cross section for activation depends on charged particle energy. The particle beam is completely stopped in a thick target or it is degraded in energy to a level below the threshold energy for the particular nuclear reaction. Similarly to the approach that one takes with thick x-ray targets assuming they consist of many thin x-ray targets, one may assume that a thick target in charged particle activation (CPA) consists of a large number of thin targets, each one characterized by a given charged particle kinetic energy and reaction cross section. The kinetic energy for each slice is determined from stopping power data for the given charged particle in the target material.

8.4 Activation of Nuclides


Target materials used in production of positron-emitting nuclides are either in a gaseous or liquid state.

Cyclotron targets are most commonly of the thick target variety resulting in complete beam absorption in the target material.

Essentially all energy carried into the target by the beam is transformed into heat because of charged particle Coulomb interactions with orbital electrons of the target atoms. Thus, targets are cooled with circulating helium gas.

Only a small fraction of one percent of the charged particle beam is used up for induction of activation, the rest is dissipated as heat.

The derivations presented in Sect. 8.4 for neutron activation could in principle be generalized to charged particle activation (CPA); however, the issue of beam attenuation in thick targets that are routinely used for CPA of medical positron-emitting radionuclides complicates matters considerably. On the other hand, the specific activities produced by CPA are several orders of magnitude lower than specific activities produced in neutron activation, so that in general parent nuclide depletion is not of concern in CPA. In Sect. 8.4 it was established that the depletion model should be used for activation factors m exceeding 103. Since typical values of m in CPA are of the order of 107, it is obvious that daughter activation in CPA can be calculated using the simple saturation model that accounts for the daughter decay during the activation procedure.

Assuming that there is no charged particle beam attenuation in the target (thin target approximation), the daughter activity AD(t), similarly to the neutron activation case of (8.93), can be written as follows:

AD(t) = In σP(1 − e−λDt) ,



Iis the intensity of the charged particle beam in particles per unit time,

n is the number of target nuclei per volume in cm3,

xis the target thickness in cm,

σP is the reaction cross section of the parent nuclei at the energy of the charged particle beam in barn (1 b = 1024 cm2).

Positron-emitting radionuclides are used in positron emission tomography (PET) scanning; a non-invasive imaging technique that provides a functional image of organs and tissues, in contrast to CT scanning and MRI scanning that provide anatomic images of organs and tissues. The positron-emitting radionuclides are attached to clinically useful biological markers that are used in studies involving various metabolic processes in cancer diagnosis and treatment (see Sect. 8.10). The main characteristics of the four most commonly used radionuclides in PET scanning are provided in Table 8.4.

312 8 Radioactivity

Table 8.4. Main characteristics of four most common positron emitters produced in cyclotrons for use in medicine




Production reaction

Q value















8.4 × 108


714N + p 611C + α




1.4 × 109


816O + p 713N + α




6.0 × 109


715N + p 815O + n




9.5 × 107


818O + p 918F + n



8.5 Origin of Radioactive Elements (Radionuclides)

Radioactive nuclides (radionuclides) are divided into two categories:


2.Man-made or artificially produced.

There is no essential physical di erence between the two categories of radioactivity and the division is mainly historical.

Henri Becquerel discovered natural radioactivity in 1896 when he noticed that uranium spontaneously produced an invisible, penetrating radiation that a ected photographic plates.

Irene Joliot-Curie and Fr´ed´eric Joliot discovered artificial radioactivity in 1934 during a series of experiments in which they bombarded boron samples with naturally occurring α particles and produced nitrogen that was unstable and emitted positrons (β+ decay).

8.5.1 Man-Made (Artificial) Radionuclides

The man-made (artificial) radionuclides are manufactured by bombarding stable or very long-lived nuclides with energetic particles produced by machines of various kinds (mainly nuclear reactors, cyclotrons or linear accelerators). The process is referred to as radioactivation. Since Irene Joliot-Curie and Fr´ed´eric Joliot discovered artificial radioactivity in 1934 over 3000 di erent artificial radionuclides were synthesized and investigated. The production of new nuclides is referred to as nucleosynthesis.

8.5.2 Naturally-Occuring Radionuclides

The naturally occurring radioactive elements are almost exclusively members of one of four radioactive series that all begin with very long-lived parents that have half-lives of the order of the age of the earth.



8.5 Origin of Radioactive Elements (Radionuclides)



Table 8.5. The four naturally occurring radioactive series










Name of




Found in








nature today

(109 y)












88228Ra + α








90231Th + α








91233Pa + α



2.144 × 103





90234Th + α














The four naturally occurring series are named as follows:

Thorium series originates with thorium-232,

Actinium series originates with uranium-235,

Neptunium series originates with neptunium-237,

Uranium series originates with uranium-238.

The main characteristics of the four naturally occurring series are listed in Table 8.5. The series begin with a specific parent nucleus of very long half-life that decays through several daughter products to reach eventually a stable lead nuclide or a stable bismuth-203 isotope.

It is assumed that collapsing stars created all heavy radioactive elements in approximately equal proportions; however, these elements di er in their half-lives and this resulted in significant variations in today’s abundance of heavy elements. Neptunium-237 has a significantly shorter half-life than the other three parent nuclei listed in Table 8.5. It does no longer occur naturally because it has completely decayed since the formation of the earth some 4.6 × 109 years ago. The other three parent nuclei (232Th, 235U, and 238U) with much longer half-lives are still found in nature and serve as parents of their own series.

Cosmic ray protons continually produce small amounts of radioactive materials. The most notable example is carbon-14 that decays with a half-life of 5730 years and is used for the so-called carbon dating of once-living objects not older than some 50 000 years.

A few naturally-occurring complete radioactive elements lighter than lead, the endpoint of the three naturally occurring decay series, can be found in the earth. Most notably among them is potassium-40 (40K) with a half-life of 1.277 × 109 years. Since it is present in all foods, it accounts for the greatest proportion of the naturally-occuring radiation load through ingestion among humans.

The existence of the four radioactive series with long-lived parent nuclei serves as the source of many short-lived daughters that are in transient or secular equilibrium with their parents. For example, radium-226 with its halflife of 1600 years would have disappeared long ago were it not for the uranium238 decay series that provides constant replenishment of radium-226 in the environment.

314 8 Radioactivity

8.5.3 Radionuclides in the Environment

Over 60 radionuclides can be found in the environment and some of them pose a health hazard to humans. They are grouped into three categories as follows:

1.primordial – originate from before the creation of the Earth;

2.cosmogenic – continually produced by cosmic radiation hitting the Earth;

3.man-made or artificial – produced through the process of radioactivation.

Pathways of radionuclides into environment:

1.atmospheric pathway (through human activity, radioactive decay, cosmogenic reactions),

2.water pathway (deposited in water from air or from ground through erosion, seepage, leaching, mining, etc.),

3.food chain pathway (radionuclides in water or air may enter the food chain).

Pathways of radionuclides into human body:



3.through skin.

8.6 General Aspects of Radioactive Decay Processes

Radioactive nuclides, either naturally occurring or artificially produced by nuclear reactions, are unstable and strive to reach more stable nuclear configurations through various processes of spontaneous radioactive decay that involve transformation to a more stable nuclide and emission of energetic particles. General aspects of spontaneous radioactive decay may be discussed using the formalism based on the definitions of activity A and decay constant λ without regard for the actual microscopic processes that underlie the radioactive disintegrations.

A closer look at radioactive decay processes shows that they are divided into six main categories:

1.α decay

2.β decay

3.γ decay

4.Spontaneous fission

5.Proton emission decay

6.Neutron emission decay.

The β decay actually encompasses three decay processes (β+, β, and electron capture) and the γ decay encompasses two processes (γ decay and internal conversion).

8.6 General Aspects of Radioactive Decay Processes


There are many di erent spontaneous radioactive decay modes that an unstable nucleus may undergo in its quest for reaching a more stable nuclear configuration. On a microscopic scale the nine most important radioactive decay modes are:

1.α decay


3.β+ decay

4.Electron capture

5.γ decay

6.Internal conversion

7.Spontaneous fission

8.Proton emission decay

9.Neutron emission decay

Nuclear transformations are usually accompanied by emission of energetic particles (charged particles, neutral particles, photons, etc.). The particles released in nuclear decay are as follows:

α particles in α decay,

electrons in βdecay,

positrons in β+ decay,

neutrinos in β+ decay,

antineutrinos in βdecay,

γ rays in γ decay,

atomic orbital electrons in internal conversion,

neutrons in spontaneous fission and in neutron emission decay,

heavier nuclei in spontaneous fission,

protons in proton emission decay.

In each nuclear transformation a number of physical quantities must be conserved. The most important of these quantities are:

1.Total energy



4.Atomic number

5.Atomic mass number (number of nucleons).

The total energy of particles released by the transformation process is equal to the net decrease in the rest energy of the neutral atom, from parent P to daughter D. The disintegration (decay) energy, often referred to as the Q value for the radioactive decay, is thus defined as follows:

Q = {MP (MD + m)} c2 ,


where MP, MD, and m are the nuclear rest masses (usually given in atomic mass units u) of the parent, daughter, and emitted particles, respectively. The energy equivalent of u is 931.5 MeV.

316 8 Radioactivity

Often atomic masses rather than nuclear masses are used in calculations of Q values for radioactive decay. In many decay modes the electron masses cancel out, so that it makes no di erence if atomic or nuclear masses are used in (8.141). On the other hand, there are situations where electron masses do not cancel out (e.g., β+ decay) and there special care must be taken to account for all electrons involved when atomic rest masses are used in (8.141).

For radioactive decay to be energetically possible the Q value must be greater than zero. This means that spontaneous radioactive decay processes are exogenic. For Q > 0, the energy equivalent of the Q value is shared as kinetic energy between the particles emitted in the decay process and the daughter product. Since the daughter has a much larger mass than the other emitted particles, the kinetic energy acquired by the daughter is usually negligibly small.

In light (low atomic number) elements nuclear stability is achieved when the number of neutrons N and the number of protons Z is approximately equal (N ≈ Z). As the atomic number increases, the N/Z ratio for stable nuclei increases from 1 at low Z elements to about 1.5 for heavy stable elements.

If a nucleus has a N/Z ratio too high for stability, it has an excess of neutrons and is called neutron-rich. It decays through conversion of a

neutron into a proton and emits an electron and anti-neutrino. This process is referred to as βdecay. If the N/Z ratio is extremely high, a direct emission of a neutron is possible.

If a nucleus has a N/Z ratio that is too low for stability, it has an excess of protons and is called proton-rich. It decays through conversion of a proton into a neutron and emits a positron and a neutrino (β+ decay). Alternatively, the nucleus may capture an orbital electron, transform a proton into a neutron and emit a neutrino (electron capture). A direct emission of a proton is also possible, but less likely, unless the nuclear imbalance is very high.

8.7 Alpha Decay

Alpha (α) decay was the first mode of radioactive decay detected and investigated during the 1890s. It played a very important role in early modern physics experiments that led to the currently accepted Rutherford-Bohr atomic model (see Chap. 2) and is characterized by a nuclear transformation in which an unstable parent nucleus P attains a more stable nuclear configuration (daughter D) through ejection of an α particle. This α particle is a helium-4 nucleus that has, with a binding energy of 7 MeV/nucleon, a very stable configuration.

While α decay was well known since the discovery of natural radioactivity by Henri Bequerel in 1896 and α particles were already used as nuclear probes

8.7 Alpha Decay


by Hans Geiger and Ernest Marsden in 1909, its exact nature was finally unraveled much later in 1928 by George Gamow.

In α decay the number of protons and neutrons is conserved by producing a 42He nucleus (α particle) and lowering the parent’s A and Z by 4 and 2, respectively, i.e.,





Z P Z2 D +

2He .

When an α particle is emitted by the parent (Z, A) nucleus, the atomic number of the parent decreases by 2 and it sheds two orbital electrons from its outermost shell to become a neutral daughter atom (Z −2, A−4).

The energetic α particle slows down in moving through the absorber medium and captures two electrons from its surroundings to become a neutral 42He atom.

Typical kinetic energies of α particles released by naturally occurring

radionuclides are between 4 MeV and 9 MeV, corresponding to a range in air of about 1 cm to 10 cm, respectively, and in tissue of about 103 cm and 102 cm, respectively.

The Coulomb barrier that an α particle experiences on the surface of the parent nucleus is of the order of 30 MeV; thus classically an α particle with a kinetic energy of 4 to 9 MeV cannot overcome the barrier. However, the quantum mechanical e ect of tunneling gives the α particle a certain finite probability for tunneling through the potential barrier and escaping the parent nucleus P that transforms into the daughter nucleus D. Thus, positive decay energy Qα and the quantum mechanical e ect of tunneling (see Sect. 1.25) make the α decay possible.

8.7.1 Decay Energy in α Decay

The decay energy Qα released in α decay appears as kinetic energy shared between the α particle and the daughter nucleus and is given as follows:

Qα =

M(P) [M(D) + M(24He)]



{M (P) [M (D) + M (α)]} c2 ,


where M(P), M(D), and M(42He) are the atomic rest masses and M (P), M (D) and M (α) are the nuclear rest masses of the parent, daughter, and α particle, respectively.

Since neither the total number of protons nor the total number of neutrons changes in the α decay, Qα can also be expressed in terms of binding energies EB of the parent, daughter and helium nuclei, as follows:

Qα = EB(D) + EB(α) − EB(P) ,



EB(D) is the total binding energy of the daughter D nucleus,

318 8 Radioactivity

EB(α) is the total binding energy of the α particle (28.3 MeV), EB(P) is the total binding energy of the parent P nucleus.

The definition of nuclear binding energy EB is given in (1.13). For α decay to be feasible, Qα must be positive. This implies that the combined total binding energies of the daughter nucleus and the α particle nucleus must exceed the total binding energy of the parent nucleus. Or, similarly, this implies that the rest mass of the parent nucleus must exceed the combined rest masses of the daughter nucleus and the α particle.

Two entities are produced in α decay: the α particle and the daughter product. For decay of the parent nucleus at rest this implies that the α particle and the daughter will acquire momenta p equal in magnitude but opposite in direction and kinetic energies equal to (EK)α = p2/(2mα) for the α particle and (EK)D = p2/(2MD) for the daughter.

α decay occurs commonly in nuclei with Z > 82 because in this range

of atomic number Z, decay energies Qα given by (8.143) or (8.144) are positive and of the order of 4 MeV to 9 MeV.

The Qα > 0 results mainly from the high total binding energy of the 42He nucleus (28.3 MeV) that is significantly higher than for nuclei of 32He, 31H, and 21H for which spontaneous ejection from parent nuclei energetically is not feasible.

Ejection of a heavy nucleus from the parent nucleus is energetically possible (large Q value); however, the e ect of tunneling through the potential barrier is then also much more di cult for the heavy nucleus in comparison with tunneling for the α particle.

Emission of heavy particles from parent nuclei with Z > 92 is possible and represents a mode of radioactive decay referred to as spontaneous fission, as discussed in Sect. 8.14.

The total decay energy Qα must be written as follows:


Qα = (EK)α + (EK)D = 2mα

positive for α decay to occur and is




1 +








2M (D)


M (D)





= EK)α 1 +

M (D)



Since mα M (D), the α particle recoils with a much higher kinetic energy than the daughter, i.e., the α particle acquires a much larger fraction of the total disintegration energy Qα than does the daughter.

From (8.145) we determine (EK)α, the kinetic energy of the α particle, as

(EK)α =








1 +





M (D)