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Английский язык

Контрольная работа № 1

Вариант 4

Контрольная работа № 1

I. Устные сообщения и беседа по темам. Это задание является общим для всех вариантов контрольной работы.

Тема 1: About My Family and Myself

Let me introduce myself. My name is ( ). I was born on the 5 th of September 1990 in Rostov-on-Don. I am 22 years old. This year I have entered Don State Technical University. Now I am a first-year student. I study at extra-mural department and take my courses by correspondence. In 5 years I shall be a manager.

My appearance is ordinary. I am not tall, my hair is short and my eyes are brown. I go in for sports because it is my goal to be strong and healthy. I have a lot of interests such as sport and computer. I am fond of playing computer games. It is my hobby. I have a good collection of different computer games at home.

Now I want to tell you about my family. It is not large. I have got a mother, a father and a brother. My mother is a teacher. She is a kind woman. My mother is 46 but she looks much younger. My father is 50 years old and he is a programmer. He is a skilled specialist. My brother Peter is 26. He is married and has a family of his own. His wife is a housewife. They have a daughter.

We live in a house with all modern conveniences: gas, electricity, hot and cold water, a telephone. It is not far from the center of the city. We have many relatives and friends. We are a friendly family and love each other very much.

Тема 2: My Working Day

I am a first-year student of Don State Technical University. I study at the correspondence department and work at the real estate agency.

I’d like to tell you about my working day. As a rule I get up at 8 o’clock in the morning, I wash myself, brush my hair and make my bed. Then I have breakfast. Usually my mother cooks breakfast for me.

After breakfast, at half past 9 I leave for work. The office where I work is not far from my house and it takes me about fifteen minutes to get there on foot.

My working day starts at 10 o’clock in the morning and is over at 7 p.m. I have a break for dinner from 1 till 2 p.m. Usually I have dinner at the café. Sometimes I have a snack at the office. During my working day I receive and send e-mail messages and faxes, meet clients and speak over the phone with them and perform other important tasks.

I come home at about 8 o’clock in the evening. I have supper with my family. Then I go to my room or go for a walk with my friends. At about 12 o’clock I go to bed.

II. Контрольные задания по грамматике Вариант 4

1. Найдите подлежащее и сказуемое в предложениях:

    1. Are you a first-year full-time student?

You – подлежащее

Are a student - сказуемое

    1. After graduating from the institute he worked as an engineer.

He – подлежащее

Worked - сказуемое

2. Употребите соответствующее местоимение:

2.1 We live in Rostov. Our city is large. a)my b) our c) him

2.2 I have an elder brother. He is married. a)he b) his c) him

2.3 This book isn’t interesting. Give me that one. a)this b) that c) these

2.4 Those new buildings belong to our Institute. a)this b) that c) those

2.5 Ann is ill. Let’s visit her some day. a)some b) any c) no

2.6 Is there anybody in the library? a)somebody b) anybody c) nobody

2.7 Give me something to read. a)something b)anything c) nothing

3. Заполните пропуски нужной формой глагола to be:

3.1 At school we were good friends. a) am

3.2 We will be certified specialists in some years. b) is

3.3 My mother is at home now. c) are

3.4 I am a first-year student. d) was

3.5 You are late today. e) were f) shall be g) will be

4. Заполните пропуски нужной формой глагола to have:

4.1 I had a lot of work to do last week. a) have

4.2 Every day he has dinner at 2 o’clock. b) has

4.3 Our Academy had three departments in 1980. c) had

4.4 You will have this book tomorrow. d) shall have

4.5 Usually they have fish for supper. e) will have

5. Выберите правильный вариант перевода:

5.1 There is a bookcase in the corner of the room.

a) Книжный шкаф стоит в углу комнаты.

b) В углу комнаты есть книжный шкаф.

5.2 There are some large factories in our city.

a) В нашем городе есть несколько крупных заводов.

b) Несколько крупных заводов находятся в нашем городе.

6. Определите временную форму сказуемого:

6.1 The students are working at the laboratory. d) a) Pres. Ind.

6.2 My friend attends classes regularly. a) b) Past. Ind.

6.3 He took this book in our library. b) c) Fut. Ind.

6.4 The group of engineers has developed a new method. g) d) Pres. Cont.

6.5 I shall be doing my home task at 10 o’clock. f) e) Past. Cont.

6.6 In summer the sun shines brightly. a) f) Fut. Cont.

6.7 When we came in, she was reading a book. b), e) g) Pres. Perf.

6.8 Next summer we shall visit our relatives. c) h) Past. Perf.

6.9 She will have translated this text by Monday. i) i) Fut. Perf.

6.10 She helped me yesterday. b)

6.11 We had done the task by 2 o’clock. h)

7. Употребите соответствующую форму сказуемого:

7.1 Your son is playing football now. a) plays;b) is playing c) has


7.2 I wrote some letters last week. a) wrote; b) was writing; c) has written

7.3 Our teacher speaks several foreign a) speaks; b) is speaking

languages. c) has spoken

7.4 She has already watched TV today. a) have watched; b) has watched

c) is watching

8. Дополните предложения соответствующими обстоятельствами:

8.1 Have you already read this book? a) now; b) already;

8.2 Engineers were making an experiment

at 5 o’clock yesterday. c) at 5 o’clock yesterday;

8.3 This plant produced a great number

of machines last month. d) by 6 o’clock;

8.4 Are the students writing their tests now? e) last month;

8.5 The postman had brought us newspapers by 6 o’clock. f) tomorrow

9. Употребите правильный вариант перевода сказуемого:

9.1 My father has worked at the factory а) проработает; б) будет работать;

for 12 years. в) проработал

9.2 We had translated the article by 5 o’clock. а) перевели; б) переводили

в) переводят

9.3 The students will have done their task а) будут делать; б) сделают

by the end of the term. в) делают

III. Текст и задания к нему

Задание 1. Переведите текст в письменном виде.


Canada is the world’s second largest in territory country. It occupies the whole of the northern part of the North American continent.

The country borders on the USA. Its land territory is 9,6 mln. sq. km. Its coasts are washed by the Pacific, the Atlantic and the Arctic Oceans. There are many mountains and plains on its territory. Canada is a country of lakes and rivers. The country has several climatic zones, that’s why the climate conditions are rather different.

The population of Canada is over 26 mln. The capital of the country is Ottawa. It is situated on the hills along the Ottawa river in Western Ontario. Ottawa is an important political, industrial and cultural center of the country.

Canada is a capitalist federal state. The country comprises 10 provinces and 2 territories (the north-western territory and the territory of Yukon). There are 2 official languages in the country: English and French.

The formal head of the state is the Queen of Great Britain represented by the Governor-General. The Federal Parliament consists of the Senate and the House of Commons. The Prime Minister, the leader of the party holding the majority in the House of Commons, is responsible for the policy conducted by the Canadian Parliament.

Canada is known for its greatest resources of metal ores, oil and gas. Forests are the greatest wealth of the country. The main branches of Canadian industries are machine-building, hydro-electric, automobile and ship-building. Canada’s main agricultural products include wheat, meat, some kinds of fruit, especially apples, and dairy products. Fishing industry occupies an important place in the country economy.

The largest Canadian cities are Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, Edmonton, Hamilton, Quebec and some others.


Канада является второй по величине территории страной в мире. Она занимает всю северную часть североамериканского континента.

Страна граничит с США. Ее сухопутная территория занимает 9,6 млн. кв. км. Ее берега омываются водами Тихого, Атлантического и Северного Ледовитого океанов. На ее территории много гор и равнин. Канада является страной озер и рек. В стране несколько климатических зон, поэтому в ней различные климатические условия.

Население Канады составляет более 26 млн. человек. Столица страны - Оттава. Она расположена на холмах вдоль реки Оттава в Западном Онтарио. Оттава является важным политическим, промышленным и культурным центром страны.

Канада является капиталистическим федеративным государством. Страна состоит из 10 провинций и 2 территорий (северо-западная территория и территория Юкон). В стране 2 официальных языка: английский и французский.

Формальной главой государства является королева Великобритании, представленная генерал-губернатором. Федеральный парламент состоит из Сената и Палаты Общин. Премьер-министр, лидер партии имеющей большинство в палате общин, несет ответственность за политику, проводимую канадским парламентом.

Канада славится огромными ресурсами металлических руд, нефти и газа. Леса являются самым большим богатством страны. Основными отраслями промышленности Канады являются машиностроение, гидроэлектрическая, автомобильная и судостроительная отрасли. Основные сельскохозяйственные продукты Канады включают в себя пшеницу, мясо, некоторые виды фруктов, особенно яблоки, и молочные продукты. Рыбная промышленность занимает важное место в экономике страны.

Крупнейшие канадские города - Монреаль, Торонто, Ванкувер, Эдмонтон, Гамильтон, Квебек и некоторые другие.

Задание 2. Найдите в тексте и выпишите английские эквиваленты следующих речевых отрезков:

1) страна озер и рек; 2) занимает всю северную часть; 3) Северный ледовитый океан; 4) расположена на холмах; 5) быть представленным генерал-губернатором; 6) имеющая большинство; 7) отвечать за политику; 8) основные отрасли промышленности; 9) главное богатство; 10) огромные ресурсы; 11) глава государства;12) климатические условия.

  1. a country of lakes and rivers; 2) occupies the whole of the northern part;

  1. the Arctic Ocean; 4) is situated on the hills; 5) represented by the Governor- General; 6); holding the majority; 7) is responsible for the policy; 8) the main branches of industries; 9) the greatest wealth; 10) greatest resources; 11) the head of the state; 12) the climate conditions.


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