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Genomic Imprinting and Uniparental Disomy in Medicine

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These results suggest that UPDX may not be uncommon in mentally retarded patients with Turner syndrome. Functional disomy X seems to be the cause of mental retardation in these patients, although the underlying molecular basis could be diverse. In addition, even without unusual dysmorphic features, Turner syndrome patients with unexplained mental retardation need to be investigated for possible mosaicism including such mar(X)=r(X) chromosomes (Yorifuji et al., 1998).

Three normal females were reported to have maternal UPDX (Avivi et al., 1992). They were found among the children (84 males, 33 females) of 36 unrelated couples. A full account of this study has not yet been published.

Paternal UPDX

Case 1

The 13 12-year-old girl with growth retardation, mild gonadal dysfunction, and a low frequency of lymphocytes with 45,X had, from polymorphic marker studies, homozygosity for paternal X alleles in diploid cells and an absence of X-linked demonstrable maternal alleles in all cells (Schinzel et al., 1993). She was born at 40 weeks’ gestation to a mother and father (24 and 33 years of age, respectively) who were themselves of normal height. Thelarche and pubarche occurred during the course of the 11th year. At 1312, she measured 135.5 cm (less than the 3rd centile) and weight was 43 kg (25–50th centile), while head circumference was in the 75–90th centile. Bone age was chronologically normal and predicted final height was 140 cm. The only other Turner stigmata were short neck, broad chest, and cubitus valgus. Ovaries and uterus were of normal size on ultrasound examination. Mental development and school achievement were normal and menarche occurred toward the end of the 13th year. Genetic studies showed that from roughly 1112 to 1312 years, the proportion of 45,X in blood cultures declined from 13–8% to none (in 50 cells). Various hormonal studies showed normal results except for the GnRH stimulation test, suggesting mild ovarian insufficiency. The clinical picture, basically one of growth retardation, remains etiologically unsolved, since no other tissues could be studied for 45,X cell line mosaicism, so that the role of paternal disomy remains uncertain in this case.

Case 2

One additional case of paternal UPDX was described by (Yorifuji et al., 1998). The authors analyzed the parental origin and X inactivation status of X-derived marker [mar(X)) or ring X (r(X)] chromosomes in six Turner syndrome patients. Two of these patients had mental retardation of unknown cause in addition to the usual Turner syndrome phenotype. By polymorphic marker analysis, both patients with mental retardation were shown to have UPDX (one paternal and one maternal), whereas the four others had both a maternal and paternal contribution of X chromosomes. These results suggest that uniparental disomy X may not be uncommon in mentally retarded patients with Turner syndrome.



This is the 47th possible uniparental pair, which can only be heterodisomic and of paternal origin.

A boy with hemophilia A was investigated using molecular and cytogenetic techniques because his father and his uncle also suffered from hemophilia A. In addition, his mother, who had no family history of hemophilia A, had normal coagulation assays. The cytogenetic analysis was normal. More than 15 X-linked DNA markers were used to determine whether the disease was due to a de novo mutation or transmitted by the father (Vidaud et al., 1989). The data indicated that the propositus inherited the X chromosome from his father. The analysis of DNA markers from chromosomes 2, 7, 11, 16, 17, and 18 showed that the parental UPDXY was restricted to the sex chromosomes. The authors favored the occurrence of gamete complementation, an XY sperm having fertilized a presumably X- nullisomy ovum (Vidaud et al., 1989)


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