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History of Modern Biotechnology I

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Biotechnology in Switzerland and a Glance at Germany


supervision of this new technology. As it turned out, the Americans with their penchant for pragmatism showed a positive attitude towards the innovation genetic engineering brought about. In the USA and Canada, several opinion polls in the nineties showed a remarkable constancy in the perception and acceptance [115]. More than 70% of the population were positive towards research, genetically engineered food and crops. On the contrary, it thought biotechnology less risky than microbial contamination, pesticides or food additives, but drew the line at the cloning of animals. Tastier food, convenience and low prices were important to them. How seed was developed was irrelevant. Decisive for the acceptance were the long term information efforts of government, industry and universities, not to forget third-party groups, long before the first biotechnological products had found their way to the market.

The evolution could not have been more different in Europe, where government right from the start took a negative stance. The political left pointed out questionable procedures and unfathomable risks and thus prevented a wide and sustained acceptance. As early as 1982, FAST (Forecasting and Assessment in Science and Technology), a so called “future group” of the EC (European Commission) underlined the crucial importance of perception for acceptance or refusal of new technologies.Up to 1992,consumer and citizens organisations ran 10 workshops, which led to a number of publications intended for the general public. Their success with the general public was mitigated, they influenced, however, research, which tended to turn to “less risky” fields. Information and recommendations [121] of political organisations (7%), trade unions (6%), industry (7%), religious bodies (12%) met with little confidence, even public authorities (17%) were unable to convince the public, which believed environmental and consumer organisations (56%). The implied dangers were minimised by ever stricter legislation. In 1986, Denmark was the first country to pass a Gene Technology Act, followed by Germany with exceedingly restrictive legislation, which came into force in 1990. Political groups, such as “the Greens” were strictly against genetic engineering and its products. It was, however, not clear, whether this attitude was dictated by political opportunism or genuine conviction. The directives of the EC dealing with specific technological aspects of biotechnology were also disastrous for certain areas of research. Human genome research could only be continued in France and in Great Britain. Since 1995, Germany has tried to catch up with international research at mounting costs. In 1992, legislation in Germany had to be changed so as to allow for the start of a human genome programme, in which three centres and several outside groups are involved, and which is carried out under the auspices of the Federal Ministry of Research and Technology (BMBT). Although progress is promising, the German Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) thought it appropriate to add DM 1 billion over five years to the annual budget of DM 70 million of BMBT funds to complement and speed up the programme. These funds are intended to equal the $ 330 million over three years poured into biotechnology research in France and Great Britain. The DFG under its President E.-L. Winnacker has further launched a proposal for a “National Genome Initiative” directed by BMBT, and has called for the appointment of a “National Committee for the Co-ordination of Genome Research”. In Germany, bio-informatics in particular have been left


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at the post, and an annual sum of DM 100 million is thought necessary to catch up with research internationally.

The dramatic change in German policy also manifests itself in the growth of the bio-industrial sector of industry, which with 222 of 1200 small and mediumsized (SME) companies in Europe takes second place behind Great Britain. This figure rose by 28% in 1999 compared to 1998 and with 17% exceeds the European average.

The political development of the 1980s in Switzerland, too, had negative consequences, which took the form of specific legislation for this sector of research. It all began, as in the EU, with specific technical directives issued by the Safety Committee (SKBS) formed by the Swiss Academies. They started with guidelines to regulate non-human microbiological research. In the wake of manifold political activities and initiatives,a constitutional clause against improper use of biotechnology in non-human research areas was passed.It mentions respect and dignity of living beings,safety for humans and animals,protection of the variety of animal and vegetable species. The USA and the EU served as examples for the Swiss Government for a series of legislative measures specifically aimed at biotechnology, which will probably take until the end of 2000 to be passed.

In 1992, the Swiss political Left started an initiative “For the Protection of Life and Environment from Genetic Engineering (Gene Protection Initiative)”, which wanted to add a clause to the Swiss Constitution and would have severely limited research in this field. In 1998, it was thrown out by a clear majority of 68% of 41% of the Swiss who took part in the referendum. The most remarkable event of the campaign was a demonstration – the first of its kind – of more than 3000 scientists in the streets of Zurich, as part of a campaign to fight the initiative and its disastrous demands.

Despite the clear defeat in the referendum, opposition against genetic engineering, especially against the use of genetically engineered agricultural crops is kept up by pressure on legislative bodies and the public administration for more restrictive measures. As a result, genetically engineered varieties of maize have been given clearance for consumption, but their controlled release was not authorised. Foods with a content of more than 1% of genetically engineered organisms have to carry a label. Genetically engineered organisms that have not been cleared for consumption are not allowed in foods at all (zero tolerance).

5 Outlook

We have shown that in the early phases of molecular biology Europe made essential contributions despite World War II. Basic research in the USA made such rapid progress that practical application of its results was soon envisaged. It cannot be denied that genetic engineering in the USA was very much more performance oriented, as the many new enterprises founded by microbiologists straight from university show. The USA are also the dominant force in genome research, the characterisation of complete genomes and the interactions between single genes, as well as of their products. New disciplines emerged such

Biotechnology in Switzerland and a Glance at Germany


as genomics and proteomics, which produce enormous quantities of data that call for new approaches in data processing. Bio-informatics is the key to the interaction of genes and its regulation and will make characterisation of processes on the lowest molecular level possible.

This clears the path to molecular structure and the organisation of whole cells and the “common buzzword” for the molecular biology of organelles and whole cells will be cellomics.

Cellomics will be the basis for a number of applications in medicine and in a wide-ranging bio-industry, which will come up with new therapies based on new human endogenous substances and new strategies for cell and tissue-cultures. It will give insight into still incurable genetically linked illnesses and into realistic genetic engineering. Opposition against the use of transgenic crops will diminish in favour of a more realistic judgement.

The first signs of this development in German-speaking Europe are discernible in Germany, where the Federal Minister of Research not only started a human genome research programme (1995), but with the “Bio-Regional- Programme”(1997) also stimulated industry to create a performance bio-industry The new coalition government formed by the Socialists and the Greens have confirmed the preceding government’s policy of“Biotech Business as Usual”and intends to keep up research promotion as well as possible, despite cuts in the Federal budget.

This increases pressure on Switzerland not to follow others in genomics, but to take a lead in relevant areas. It can start from a comfortable position in proteomics, bio-informatics and the biotechnology of plants. Its international ranking is excellent, and, if it were encouraged by a prospective and courageous research policy, Switzerland could make manifold valuable contributions to the shaping of the emerging landscape in the biology of the new century.


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Received December 1999

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