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3D Game Programming All In One (2004)

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Team LRN

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Team LRN


Game Programming

All in One

Kenneth C. Finney

Team LRN

© 2004 by Premier Press, a division of Course Technology. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system without written permission from Course PTR, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

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ISBN: 1-59200-136-X

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2004090733

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Team LRN

This book is dedicated to my wife, Tubetti, and my two sons, Rockid and Lincus, whose sacrifices and encouragement made it possible.


Team LRN


Iwould like to thank Dave Wilkes for his encouragement to do this book, and the other guys at Wilkes Associates for just putting up with me, especially during the early days of its creation.

I also want to thank my editors, Mitzi Koontz, Laura Gabler, Mike Dawson, Les Pardew, Kevin Hawkins, and Dave Astle, and especially the ever-patient Jenny Davidson (she laughs at my jokes!). A big thank you to André LaMothe for pushing the idea, and making it happen.

Many thanks and a tip o’ the hat go to those Four Guys in a Garage: Jeff Tunnell, Rick Overman, Mark Frohnmayer, and Tim Gift. These are the perpetrators of Torque, and the founders of GarageGames. An amazing crew. Thanks to Desmond Fletcher for his assistance (knowing and unknowing) with subjects as diverse as particles, terrain, and clouds. Many thanks go to Melv May, Harold Brown, Anthony Rosenbaum, Phil Carlisle, Dave Wyand, Matthew Fairfax, Pat Wilson, Ryan Parker, Simon Windmill, Kevin Ryan, Joe Maruschak, Joel Baxter, Justin Mette and the 21-6 gang, and Frank Bignone, for their many contributions to the Torque engine and its game development community. Hearty thanks to Nick Palmer for allowing me to use his music, which appears on the CD.

I also want to thank every player who came to Tubettiworld in those halcyon DF2 days and made it his or her virtual home. They made it a great place to play and socialize online. I would like to list them all, but obviously I can’t. To the late John “Tufat” Tucker, the gentleman—I salute you, !S. Then there are, in no particular order: AceTW, his evil twin Malfunction, Strata, Spector, Roadkill, Midnight, Oz Mal, Deadbolt, Insomniac, Checkfire, Norway, Animal, Qdad, MickyD, Buster, Major Chip Hazard, Pirate, Kotch, C2, FF6, IRS Agent, and Kdawg—I mustn’t neglect to mention Dr. Evil and the great work he


Team LRN

Acknowledgments vii

and his gang are doing with the TXP stuff. Last, but certainly not least, Jim, The Nailer, the epitome of the Online Game Player, and an all around great guy. I hope that everything works out, Jim.

Along the way, there have been many others in various places that deserve some mention: KILLER and his gang, who do what cornered rats do best—fight back. Many other game developers can learn a thing or two about hard work from those guys. Onchas, Cowboy, Badger, and the rest of the “Allies”—keep up the good work. Same with you “Axis” players (except that your days are numbered!). Also a hearty !S to the Playnet forum denizens who opened a second front as soon as the war started (Teh?).

I’m sure I’ve forgotten to acknowledge someone, and I’ll probably get e-mails to that effect, but that’s the risk one embraces.



Team LRN

About the Author

KENNETH C. FINNEY is the Principal Software Engineer at Wilkes Associates, Inc. in the Greater Toronto Area. He began programming in 1974 and was a recipient of the prestigious Conference Board of Canada ITX (Innovation in Technology Excellence) Award in 1997 for his work on InScan—a high-speed document scanning system. He was a consultant to the Department of National Defence in Canada in Armoured Fighting Vehicle systems design, and is an orange-qualified Nuclear Engineer designing NDE systems and techniques for Candu reactor stations. He is an associate professor at Seneca College at York University in Toronto, helping technical writers learn how to survive in a software development environment. Ken is the creator of the popular Tubettiland ‘Online Campaign’ Mod and the ‘QuicknDirty’ game management tools for Novalogic’s Delta Force 2 game series. He is currently working on the new and unique Tubettiworld action/adventure game (www.tubettiworld.com) using the Torque Game Engine.


Team LRN

About the Series Editor

ANDRÉ LAMOTHE, CEO, Xtreme Games LLC, has been involved in the computing industry for more than 25 years. He wrote his first game for the TRS-80 and has been hooked ever since! His experience includes 2D/3D graphics, AI research at NASA, compiler design, robotics, virtual reality, and telecommunications. His books are top sellers in the game programming genre, and his experience is echoed in the Course Technology PTR

Game Development series.

Team LRN