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І. Перепишіть і письмово перекладіть на українську мову наступні пропозиції. Пам'ятайте, що суб'єктний і об'єктний інфінітивні звороти відповідають підрядних речень.

  1. We expect our country's productive forces to raise to a qualitatively new stage during the current five-year period.

  2. The Ukrainian is known to possess rich mineral resources.

3. The new method to be introduced at our plant will increase labour productivity.

II. Перепишіть і письмово перекладіть на ро українську сійську мову наступні пропозиції. Зверніть увагу на переклад залежного і незалежного (самостійного) причетних обертів.

  1. Ukrainian specialists, having much experience in housing construction, help the developing states.

  2. Having applied the latest achievements of science and technology, we could improve the production quality.

  3. The scientist has made a number of experiments, some of them being very important for our work.

III. Перепишіть і письмово перекладіть на ро українську сійську мову наступні складні пропозиції. Зверніть увагу на те, як переводяться умовні речення.

  1. If our country's scientific potential had not been increased, the living standards of the population would not have improved.

  2. If this new device is applied, the process of production will be simplified.

  3. It would be impossible to increase the real wages of Ukrainian people without raising labour productivity.

IV. Прочитайте і постарайтеся зрозуміти текст. Потім перепишіть і письмово перекладіть 2,3 і 5-й абзаци тексту.

Пояснення до тексту

  1. tallow - сало, жир

  2. bio-degradable U розкладається мікроорганізмами "'

  3. nutritive - живильний

  4. alginate - альгінат (сіль альгінатовой кислоти)

  5. a pilot plant - досвідчений завод


  1. A new detergent made of sugar is now testing the industrial market, Scientists who invented the new product believe it to be the forerunner of a whole new chemical industry based on sugar rather than on oil and coal.

  2. The production of the detergent, which has been patented in 30 countries, is very simple. Sugar is reacted directly with tallow - a product made from animal fats -at the right temperature and with a catalyst to produce a brown solid, no by-products being formed during the reaction, so no need for expensive separations.

  3. All that has to be added is colouring matter to turn the product into an attractive powder or water, if it is to be used in liquid form. The result is a detergent which is completely bio-degradable, contains no phosphates and is just as effective as conventional detergents. Toxicity tests indicate the product to be completely harmless, even nutritive. Sugar being a minor component in the reaction and tallow being a low-cost product, the new detergent can compete in price with conventional ones.

  4. Microbiology provides another way of using sugar as a raw material. A range of

special microbes has been bred which feed on sugar and produce such products as gums and alginates normally extracted from plants. Bugs have been developed which can turn useless wastes into protein, the raw materials being the waste products of agriculture arid fruit growing.

5. A pilot plant to test the system is being built and will be run on wastes from the citrus fruit industry. The plant is expected to produce 100 tons a year of protein sufficient to support several thousand pigs or almost 100,000 chickens. Scientists believe that plants of this sort,, fed with valueless wastes which would otherwise cost money to cart away, could provide sufficient protein for a meat industry in many parts of the world.

  1. Випишіть з 1-го абзацу тексту пропозиція, що містить об'єктний інфінітивний оборот, і переведіть його письмово на українську мову.

  2. Прочитайте 4-й абзац тексту і письмово дайте відповідь на наступне питання:

What have special microbes been fed on?

Соседние файлы в папке 2 рік навчання кваліфіковані і після 11