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The_Theory_o_Grammar (2).doc
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Examination Questions.

  1. Language Levels and Their Basic Units.

  2. The subject of the theoretical grammar.

  3. The Word and its Basic Features. The Morpheme and the Morphemic Structure of the Word.

  4. The Theory of Oppositions.

  5. The Problem of Classifying Words. The Traditional Classification of Words. Notional and Functional Parts of Speech.

  6. The Category of Number with English Nouns. The Problem of the Category of Case with English Nouns.

  7. The Problem of the Category of Gender with English Nouns

  8. The Status of the Article in the Hierarchical Language Structure. The Number of Articles in English. The Meaning and Functions of the Article in English.

  9. The Morphological Field of the Adjective.

  10. The Category of Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives.

  11. The Syntactic Process of Substantivization of Adjectives.

  12. The Syntactic Process of Adjectivization of Nouns.

  13. The Morphological Field of the Verb. The Category of Tense. The Category of Aspect.

  14. The Category of Retrospective Coordination (Perfect). The Category of Mood. The Category of Voice.

  15. The Morphological Field of the Verb. Non-finite Verbs.

  16. The Morphological Field of the English Pronoun.

  17. The Complex Sentence.

  18. The Compound Sentence.

  19. The Phrase Theory. Types of Syntactic Relations within a Phrase. Classification of Phrases.

  20. The Simple Sentence as the Basic Unit of Syntax. Classification of Sentences.

Брянский государственный университет

имени академика И.Г. Петровского


Зав.Кафедрой ___________ Экзамен по теоретической “____” ___________2008 г. Грамматике английского языка

4 Курс иф

Экзаменационный билет № 1

  1. Language Levels and Their Basic Units.

  1. The Category of Voice.

  1. Analyze the Sentence Given.

  1. Analyze the Phrase Given.


Брянский государственный университет

имени академика И.Г. Петровского


Зав.Кафедрой ___________ Экзамен по теоретической

“____” ___________2008 г . грамматике английского языка

4 курс ИФ

Экзаменационный билет № 2

  1. The Word and its Basic Features.

  1. The Phrase Theory. Types of Syntactic Relations within a Phrase. Classification of Phrases.

  1. Analyze the Sentence Given.

  1. Analyze the Phrase Given.


Брянский государственный университет

имени академика И.Г. Петровского


Зав.кафедрой ___________ Экзамен по теоретической

“ ____” ___________2008 г. грамматике английского языка

4 курс ИФ

Экзаменационный билет № 3

  1. The Morpheme and the Morphemic Structure of the Word. The Notion of the Zero Morpheme.

  1. The Problem of the Reflexive Voice.

  1. Analyze the Sentence Given.

  1. Analyze the Phrase Given.


Брянский государственный университет

имени академика И.Г. Петровского


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