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Гарвардский анализ (3 курс)

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American companies want to reach the level of Japanese companies on business success. Japan has its own style of management, consisting of four main points. From America is the political pressure on Japan to more imports of goods and investing money in American industry. The result is a clash of two styles of managements.


Difficulties in applying Japanese management techniques to the American employees.


a. CEO 2M Mr.Yoshi Hajima

b. Japanese model of management, the American model of management, U.S. and Japanese government, employees; The Morioka Manufacturing Company (2M); Bendix Corporation


- Political pressure associated with investing in U.S. production

- Purchase of a factory in California

- The emergence of the problem of association staff

- Talk to the CEO of the Japanese company with a friend from San Francisco

- Find ways to solve the problem


1. Whether to sell the factory?

2. How to combine two models of management?

3. How to improve the efficiency of production?

4. How to avoid the complete ruin factory?

5. How to find a common language with the factory worker?


  1. Advantages

1. Do not embed the Japanese model of management in the production of purchased

2. Fully translate bought a factory under standard Japanese management

3. Hold a meeting with employees of American and see how they are ready for change

4. Refuse to buy this factory

b. Disadvantages

1. Lack of coordination leads to poor results of the effectiveness of the new enterprise

2. American workers may not be ready for such changes and the cost will be useless

3. Opinion workers can disperse and can be podobrvano confidence in the leadership

4. Political pressures will remain and will have to buy the factory for further business opportunities


  1. I recommend not translate the American factory worker in California on the Japanese model of management.

  2. Each country has its own foundations. The factory continues to operate in America, and interact with other companies that also continue to apply the American model of management. Also, workers base their work on American standards, which is fundamentally different from the Japanese. I believe that the actions of others will be unprofitable in the substantive law and is not improve performance. Japanese people should learn how to interact with American workers according to their principles of Management.


1. To familiarize with the American model of management of those who will interact directly with the factory and CEO

2. Highlight the advantages of this model

3. Make a tentative plan to raise kvallifikatsii American workers in this factory

4. Hold a meeting at the factory

5. Spend a couple of trainings on well united team

6. Clarify the main problems encountered in the old factory owners regarding personnel

7. Eliminate the consequences of these problems

8. Learn how to combine the two models of management

9. Organize production