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Present forms___________________________________________

Present Simple

♦ for permanent states, repeated actions and daily routines.

He works in a bank. He takes the train to work every morning.

♦ for general truths and laws of nature.

The sun sets in the west.

♦ for timetables (planes, trains, etc.) and programmes.

The plane from Brussels arrives at 8:30.

♦ for sports commentaries, reviews and narration.

Peterson overtakes Williams and wins the race. Mike Dalton plays the part of Macbeth. Then the prince gets on his horse and quickly rides away.

♦ to give instructions or directions (instead of the imperative).

You sprinkle some cheese on the pizza and then you bake it. (Instead of: Sprinkle some cheese on the pizza ...)

With: usually, often, always, etc., every day! week/month/year, in the morning I afternoon I evening, at night, at the weekend, on Mondays…

Present Continuous

♦ for actions taking place now, at the moment of speaking.

He is giving the baby a bath at the moment.

♦ for temporary actions; that is actions that are going on around now, but not at the actual moment of speaking.

I’ m looking for a new job these days. (He is not looking for a job at the moment of speaking.)

♦ with adverbs such as: always, constantly, continually, etc. for actions which happen very often, usually to express annoyance/irritation/anger.

I'm always meeting Sara when I go shopping. You're constantly interrupting me when I'm talking.

♦ for actions that we have already arranged to do in the near future, especially when the time and place have been decided.

They're moving into their new house next week.

♦ for changing or developing situations.

More and more species are becoming extinct.

With: now, at the moment, these days, still, today, tonight,

Present Perfect

♦ for an action which started in the past and continues up to the present, especially with state verbs such as be, have, like, know, etc. In this case, we often use for and since.

Rachel has had the dog for three years.

Past forms______________________________________________

Past Simple

♦ for an action which happened at a definite time in the past. The time is stated, already known or implied

They went camping by the lake last month. (When did they go camping? Last month. The time is stated.)

♦ for actions which happened immediately one after the other in the past.

First she paid the driver, then she got out of the taxi.

♦ for past habits or states which are now finished. In such cases we can also use the expression used to.

Kitchens were/used to be very different a hundred years ago.

The PS is used with the following time expressions: yesterday, then, when, How long ago ...?, last night/week/month/year/Tuesday, etc., three days/weeks, etc. ago, in 1997, etc.

Past Continuous

♦ for an action which was in progress at a stated time in the past. We do not mention when the action started or finished.

At seven o'clock yesterday evening they were having dinner. (We do not know when i they started or finished their dinner.)

♦ for an action which was in progress when another action interrupted it. We use the past continuous for the action in progress (longer action) and the past simple for the action which interrupted it (shorter action).

He was walking down the street when he ran into an old friend.

♦ for two or more simulta­neous past actions.

She was talking on her mobile phone while she was driving to work.

♦ to describe the atmosphere setting, etc. in the introduction to a story before we describe the main events.

One beautiful autumn afternoon, Ben was strolling / down a quiet country lane. The birds were singing and the leaves were rustling in the breeze.

With: while, when, as, all morning I evening I day I night, etc.

Past Perfect

♦ for an action which happened before another past action or before a stated time in the past.

She had finished work when she met her friends for coffee. (She finished work first and then she met her friends.)

♦ for an action which finished in the past and whose result was visible in the past.


- non finite form of the verb that only calls the action in its process without indicating the person, the number and the mood.

Forms (6) Active Passive

Present (to) lose (to) be lost

Pres. Cont. (to) be losing

Perfect Active (to) have lost (to) have been lost

Perf. Cont. (to) have been losing


♦ subject

To elect and to be elected is the right of every person.

- in the function of the subject the infinitive often follows the predicative. Then it has some explanatory words and in this case before the predicative formal subject state.

It was pleasant to walk in the garden.

♦ predicative

- in the function of predicative the I is used with the linking verb “to be” that is translated into Russian “заключается в том чтобы”. The duties of the postman are to deliver letters and newspapers.

As a part of compound verbal predicate

- Inf is used in combination with modal verbs. They must do it at once.

With many other verbs that don’t have complete meaning without Inf. After: to begin, to continue, to like, to want, to intend, to promise, to decide, to try. I hope to see you. I want to be informed.

In the combination with adjectives describing feelings and emotions: happy, glad, eager, … I’m glad to see you.

♦ direct object.

- in this function only indefinite active Inf is used: to do, to go, to wait. I told him to go. He asked me to wait.

(the Inf in this function always preceded by pronoun).

♦ attribute.

- preceded by definite noun: intention, reason, desire. They have no intention to order this goods.

In some cases the Inf can have meaning of future. In Russian this infinitive is translated with a meaning of modality. The question will be discussed as the conference shortly to open in Moscow. The bill to be paid right now.

In this function the Inf can be used after words: the first, the second, the third, the last. He’s always the first to come.


♦ Active

pres. inf. Refers to the present or future. He expects to stay here for a week.

pres. cont. inf: (to) be + -ing. Refers to an action happening now. He seems to be working hard.

perf. inf: (to) have + past participle. Refers to the past and shows that the action of the infinitive happened before the action of the verb. He claims to have won a lot of money. (First he won the money, then he claimed that he had won it.)

perfect cont. inf: (to) have + been + -ing. Refers to the past and emphasizes the duration of the action of the infinitive, which happened before the action of the verb. He's got a headache. He claims to have been working on the computer all morning. (We emphasize what he has been doing all morning).

The perfect infinitive is used with verbs such as seem, appear, believe, know, claim, expect and modal verbs.

♦ Passive

pres. inf: (to) be + past participle. He hopes to be offered a promotion.

perf. inf: (to) have been + past participle. She is believed to have been kidnapped.

The to-infinitive

♦ to express purpose. Sam went to the bank to get some money.

♦ after certain verbs (agree, appear, decide, expect, hope, plan, promise, refuse, etc). He promised to help us with the decorations.

♦ after adjectives which a) describe feelings/emotions (happy, glad, etc.), b) express willingness/ unwillingness (willing, eager, reluctant, anxious, unwilling, etc.), c) refer to a person's character (mean, clever, etc.) and also with the adjectives lucky and fortunate. I was annoyed to hear that he had left. He is reluctant to help. You were clever not to believe them.

With adjectives which refer to character we can also use an impersonal construction. It + be + adjective + of + noun I pronoun. e.g. It was clever of you not to believe them.

♦ after certain nouns and pronouns such as something, somewhere, anyone, nothing, etc. usually to show that something is necessary or possible. We've got a lot of homework to do. Take something to drink on the bus.


- non finite form of a verb having noun and verb features.

- formed by adding the suffix -ing to the stem of the verb.

In Russian language there is no such form, close to the G.

- has the forms of tenses (temporary/preceded) and voice as verb.

Forms (4) Active Passive

Indefinite doing being done

Perfect having done having been done

Funcs (The noun features of the G)

- can act as subject, object (direct or prepositional) and predicative.

Entering (subject) his house was like returning (direct object) to a colder world. She liked being (object) alone. Her hobby is reading (predicative). Thanks so much for remembering (prep obj) my birthday.

♦ as a predicative used to express a general statement.

The most horrible thing was loosing his friendship.

- as part of compound verbal predicate.

in this case G is used with verbs denoting: the beginning, the duration or the end of an action such as: begin, burst out, cease, continue, finish, give up, go on, keep on, live off, start, stop.

He went on grinning. Polly burst out laughing and crying.

Such verbs as: begin, cease, continue, start can be followed both G/Inf with small change of meaning. The choice may be determined by style.

She began to cry (inf), and they began crying (G) with her.

The use of the G/Inf may be determined by the nature of the independent verb. Such verbs as: know, realize, think, consider, understand, can’t be used in a Gerundial form.

With horror she began to realize …

Go on + Inf = then (смена действия)

She looked up at her and went on to sort out the letters.

Go on + G = continue (продолжение)

Stop + Inf = stop to do smth else (смена действия)

He stopped to fill the tank with petrol and went on driving.

Stop + G = finish, give up (прекращение)

- as a part of Compound verbal modal predicate the G follows the verb and verbal phrases denoting modality (attempt, cant help, intend, try). Cant help doing smth. But she could not help smiling back.

Try + Inf = attempt, to do one’s best: Try to help him.

Try + G = to do smth as experiment: I try to testing this cake.

♦ as Direct Object.


- non finite form of verb which is corresponds in Russian to ‘причастие’/’деепричастие’.

Forms (5) Active Passive

Present: asking being asked

Past: - asked

Perfect: having asked having been asked

We used to divide them just as PI/PII.

Transitive verbs have 5 forms of the P. Non transitive – only 2.

♦ Present P. Active (PI)

- formed by adding -ing ending to the stem of the verb without ‘to’.

- corresponds to the Russian ‘причастие настоящего времени действительного залога’ with ending ‘щий’. Sometimes ‘действительное причастие прошедшего времени’ with ending ‘вший’ and ‘деепричастие несовершенного вида’ with ending ‘а’/’я’:

Reading = ‘читающий’/’читавший’/’читая

Present P. Active often show the action simultaneous with the action of the verb.

PI has function of attribute. In this function PI can precede the noun.

The rising sun was hidden by the clouds.

And often it can be the after the noun.

The man smoking the cigar is my brother.

The second function is adverbial modifier.

Knowing English well he translates difficult articles. He sat in the armchair reading the book.

The PI can be used in the function of adverbial modifier of time to express the preceding action but in that case when the action expressed by main verb and the P. followed one and other.

Arriving at the station we called the porter.

In this case very often PI is replaced by Gerund with preposition ‘on’.

♦ Past P. Passive (PII)

- corresponds in the Russian to ‘страдательное причастие прошедшего времени совершенного вида’ with ending ‘ный’, ‘тый’ and ‘действительное причастие со страдательным значением’ with ending ‘щийся’, ‘вшийся’.

Published = ‘опубликованный’/’издающийся

Books published for children are well illustrated.

Can be in the function of attribute:

- before the noun: There are very many illustrated magazines.

Adjectives / Adverbs / Comparisons _______________________

Adjectives - describe nouns. They have the same form in the singular and plural. They go before nouns (e.g. a small house) but after the verbs be, look, smell, sound, feel, taste, seem, appear, become, get, stay, etc. She is beautiful. They seem unhappy.

♦ There are opinion adjectives and fact adjectives. Opinion adjectives such as boring, exciting, etc. show what a person thinks of somebody or something. Fact adjectives such as tall, thin, new, etc. give us factual information about age, size, color, origin, material, etc.

♦ There are also compound adjectives which are formed with: a) present participles: a never-ending journey, b) past participles: a broken-down washing machine, c) cardinal numbers + nouns: a three-hour delay (NOT: a three hours delay).

♦ We can also use nouns as adjectives before other nouns. In this case the nouns have no plural form: morning paper - morning papers, coffee table -coffee tables

♦ The following adjectives have a difference in meaning:

a) He gave her a gold ring. (= ring made of gold) They walked on the golden sand. (= sand the colour of gold)

b) She bought a silk blouse. (= blouse made of silk) This new shampoo promises to give you silky hair. (= hair which feels like silk)

c) They walked up the stone path. (= path made of stone) The man had a stony look on his face. (= cold look - like stone)

♦ Order of adjectives.

Ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, …) go before cardinal numbers (1, 2, …)

the first two weeks (NOT: the two first weeks)

The adjectives afraid, alike, alive, alone, ashamed, asleep, awake, content, glad, ill, pleased, etc. are not followed by nouns.

The man was alive. Karen is ill today.

The adjectives chief, elder, eldest, former, indoor, inner, main, only, outdoor, outer, principal, upper are always followed by nouns.

This is my elder son.

We do not usually use a long list of adjectives before a single noun. A noun is usually described by one, two or three adjectives at the most.

a beautiful blue evening dress

Certain adjectives can be used with 'the' as nouns to refer to groups of people in general. These are: elderly, middle-aged, old, young, blind, dead, deaf, disabled, living, sick, homeless, hungry, poor, rich, strong, unemployed, weak, etc.

The adverbs below have two forms, each with a different meaning:

The treasure was buried deep underground (= a long way down) He is deeply in love with her (= very)

The hotel guests can use the swimming pool free (= without payment) The animals in the safari park can roam freely (= without limit/restriction)

The kite flew high in the sky. (= at I to a high level) He is a highly respected doctor. (= very much)

She arrived late for the meeting. (= not early) He hasn't been feeling well lately. (= recently)

Which of his songs do you like most? (= superlative of much) I'm mostly interested in modern art. (= mainly)

As he came near, I realised that something was wrong. (= close) She nearly fainted when she heard the news. (= almost)

He is a pretty strange man. (= rather)

The bridesmaids were prettily dressed in pink. (= in a pretty way)

He is working hard these days. (= with a lot of effort) They hardly go anywhere now that they have children. (= almost never)

Hardly has a negative meaning and is often used with: any, anyone, anywhere, anything and ever.


The coach is cheap. It is slow, though. The train is more expensive than the coach. It is also faster. The plane is the most expensive of all. It is also the fastest.

♦ For comparison, adj have got 2 forms: the comparative / superlative.

♦ We use the comparative form + than to compare two things, etc.

A is shorter than B. This chair is more comfortable than the other one.

♦ We use the + superlative form + of/in to compare one person, thing, etc with more than one person, thing, etc. in the same group. We use in when we talk about places.

Peter is the smartest of all my students.

'Don's' is the most expensive restaurant in our town.

♦ The comparative of one-syllable adjectives is formed by adding -er, and the superlative by adding -est. e.g. soft - softer - softest The comparative of real, right and wrong is formed with more and the superlative with most. e.g. real - more real - most real Some one-syllable adjectives of abstract meaning such as clear, safe, true, free, wise, etc. take either -er/-est or more/most. e.g. clear - clearer - clearest OR clear - more clear - most clear

♦ after too/enough. She is too young to stay out so late.

♦ with it + be + adjective I noun. It is important to get there on time. It is her ambition to open her own shop.

♦ to talk about an unexpected event which can be unpleasant, usually with only. She came home to find her sister waiting for her. They rushed to the airport (only) to be informed that the flight had been cancelled.

♦ after: be + the first/second, etc./next/last/best, etc. He was the first to arrive.

♦ after verbs and expressions such as ask, learn, find out, wonder, want to know, decide, explain, etc. when they are followed by question words (who, what, where, how, etc.). 'Why' is followed by a subject + verb, not by an infinitive. He explained how to operate the machine. I don't know why he left. If two to -infinitives are joined with 'and' or 'or', the 'to' of the second infinitive can be omitted. He agreed to come and help us.

The bare infinitive

♦ after modal verbs (can, should, must, etc.). He should apologize to his parents. BUT: Ought is followed by to -infinitive. e.g. She ought to find a job.

♦ after the verbs let, make, see, hear and feel. They saw her talk to the manager. BUT: be made, be heard, be seen + to -infinitive (passive). e.g. She was seen to talk to the manager. When see, hear and watch are followed by an -ing form, there is no change in the passive. e.g. / saw her getting into a taxi. She was seen getting into a taxi. can/could + see/hear + -ing form. e.g. We could see smoke coming out of the building. (NOT: We could see smoke come ...)

♦ after had better and would rather. You had better see a doctor.

Help is followed by either the to -infinitive or the bare infinitive. She helped me (to) fill in my application form.

As well after: something, somewhere, some, anyone, anything. Give me something to read.

♦ adverbial modifier. I came here to see

After: too/enough. It’s too cold to stay here.

In some cases we use Inf without ‘to’:

- after modal verbs

- after the word ‘make’ in the meaning ‘заставлять’

BUT: when ‘make’ is in passive it’s followed by Inf with ‘to’.

He was made to do smth.

He was happy. He had signed an important contract. (The action finished in the past and its result was visible in the past, too.)

The past perfect is the past equivalent of the present perfect.

He had fixed the old armchair. It looked brand new. (The action -had fixed- happened in the past. The result looked brand new- was also visible in the past.). He has fixed the old armchair. It looks brand new. (The action -has fixed- happened in the past. The result - looks brand new - is still visible in the present.)

With: before, after, already, just, for, since, till! until, when, by, by the time, never, etc.

We can use the PP/PS with before or after without any difference in meaning.

They went out after it had stopped I stopped raining.

Past Perfect Continuous

♦ to put emphasis on the duration of an action which started and finished in the past before another past action or a stated time in the past, usually with sinсе or for.

They had been looking for a house for six months before they found one they liked.

♦ for an action which lasted for some time in the past and whose result was visible in the past.

Last Friday Ron had to fly to New York. His flight was delayed. He was annoyed. He had been waiting at the airport for three hours. (He waited at the airport for three hours and the result of the action was visible in the past, too.)

The past perfect continuous is the past equivalent of the present perfect continuous.

I had been driving for ten hours, so I felt exhausted. (The action - had been driving - lasted for some time in the past. The result -felt exhausted- was also visible in the past.). I have been driving for ten hours, so I feel exhausted. (The action -have been driving-started in the past. The result -feel exhausted- is still visible in the present.)

With: for, since, how long, before, until, etc.

♦ for an action which has recently finished and whose result is visible in the present.

She has just washed her hair.

♦ for an action which happened at an unstated time in the past. The exact time is not mentioned because it is either unknown or unimportant. The emphasis is placed on the action.

The Taylors have bought a sailing boat.

♦ for an action which has happened within a specific time period which is not over at the moment of speaking. We often use words and expressions such as today, this morning/evening/week/month, etc.

She has taken fifteen pictures today. BUT: She took twenty pictures yesterday. (The time period - yesterday - is over.)

We use the PP to announce a piece of news and the past simple or past continuous to give more details about it.

The police have finally arrested Peter Duncan. He was trying to leave the country when they caught him.

With: for, since, already, yet, always, just, ever, never, so far, today, this week/month, etc., how long, lately, recently, still (in negations), etc.

Present Perfect Continuous

♦ to put emphasis on the duration of an action which started in the past and continues up to the present, especially with time expressions such as for, since, all morning I day I year, etc.

Sam has been talking on the phone for half an hour.

♦ for an action which started in the past and lasted for some time. The action may have finished or may still be going on. The result of the action is visible in the present.

Her feet hurt. She has been walking all morning.

♦ to express anger, irritation or annoyance.

Somebody has been giving away our plans.

With the verbs live, work, teach and feel (= have a particular emotion) we can use the PP/PPC with no difference in meaning.

We have lived/have been living here for twenty years.

With: for, since, how long, lately, recently.

We use the PP to put emphasis on number and the PPC to put emphasis on duration.

I've typed four reports so far. I've been typing reports all morning.

♦ The comparative of two-syllable adjectives ending in -y is formed by adding -ier and the superlative by adding -iest. e.g. easy - easier - easiest (more usual) Also easy - more easy - most easy (less usual)

Some two-syllable adjectives such as: clever, common, stupid, narrow, gentle, friendly, simple, etc. take either -er -est or more/most.

common - commoner - commonest OR common - more common - most common

♦ The comparative of adjectives ending in -ing (interesting), -ed (pleased), -ful (careful) and -less (careless) is formed with more and the superlative with most. e.g. thrilling - more thrilling - most thrilling

♦ The comparative of adjectives of three or more syllables is formed with more and the superlative with most: intelligent - more intelligent - most intelligent

♦ The comparative and superlative forms of adverbs are formed in the same way as those of adjectives.

♦ Adverbs which have the same form as the adjective usually take -er in the comparative and -est in the superlative: hard - harder - hardest late - later - latest

♦ Adverbs formed by adding -ly to the adjective take more in the comparative and most in the superlative form: comfortably - more comfortably -most comfortably

♦ Irregular comparisons (adjective/adverb – comparative – superlative)

good/well – better – best, bad/badly – worse – worst, much/many/a lot of – more – most, little – less – least, far - further/farther - furthest/farthest

a) further/farther (adv) = longer (in distance)

Barclays Bank is further/farther away than Lloyds. further (adj) = more e.g. Let's hope there won't be any further delays. (NOT: farther delays)

b) elder/eldest (+noun) (adj) = for members of a family: My elder brother is a doc. BUT: My brother is older than me. (NOT: elder then)

♦ We use adjectives or their comparative or superlative forms with the following words:

a) very + adjective: It's very cold today.

b) even / a lot / much / far / a bit / a little / slightly + comparative: He seems much better today.

c) by far + super: Shes by far the most beautiful woman Ive ever seen.

d) most + adj/adv = very: This is most unusual. (It is very unusual.)

e) any/no + comparative (its used in questions/negations): The days aren't getting any warmer. I want no more of that kind of behavior.

The young have a lot of energy. (We refer to young people in general.) but: The young people of our town are organising a charity concert. (We refer to a specific group of young people).

When we talk about one person we say AIThe young man/woman, AIThe blind man/woman, etc.

The young woman who lives next door is a medical student.

Adverbs - usually describe verbs, adjectives, other adv or sentences.

♦ An adverb can be one word (carefully) or a phrase (in the morning). Adverbs can describe manner (how), place (where), time (when), frequency (how often), degree (to what extent), etc.

a) He drives carefully. (How does he drive? Carefully - manner)

b) Your bag is here. (Where is it? Here - place)

c) They'll leave tomorrow. (When will they leave? Tomorrow - time)

d) He sometimes goes fishing at the weekend. (How often does he go fishing? Sometimes - frequency)

e) She is very polite. (How polite is she? Very - degree)

♦ We usually form an adv by adding -ly to the adj: serious - seriously

Adj ending in -le drop the -e and take -y. gentle - gently

Adj ending in consonant + у drop the -y I and take -My. happy - happily

Adj ending in -I take -ly. awful - awfully

Adj ending in -ic usually take -ally: dramatic - dramatically But: public - publicly \

Adjectives ending in -e take -ly. polite - politely But: true – truly

The following words end in -ly, but they are adjectives: elderly, cowardly, friendly, likely, deadly, lively, lonely, silly, ugly, lovely, etc.

She's a lively child.

We use the words way/manner to form their adverbs.

She greeted me in a friendly way/manner. He complained in a cowardly way/manner.

The adverbs loud(ly), cheap(ly), quick(ly), tight(ly), fair(ly) and slow(ly) are often used without -ly in everyday English.

Come here quick/quickly.

Some adverbs have the same form as adjectives. These include: hard, fast, free, high, low, deep, early, late, long, near, straight, right, wrong. Also hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly.

The lake is deep, (adjective)

They went deep into the forest, (adverb) These biscuits are very hard, (adjective) He tried hard in order to succeed, (adverb) 'Bella Donna' is a weekly magazine, (adjective) It comes out weekly, (adverb)

- after the noun: There are very many illustrated magazines by this painter.

The adverbial modifier:

- of reason: Squeezed by the ice the steamer couldn’t continue it’s way.

- of time: When asked he was ready to answer.

The part of compound verbal predicate.

My pencil was broken. The letters were typed.

♦ Perfect P. Active

- corresponds in Russian to ‘деепричастие совершенного вида прошедшего времени’.

Having lost his address I was not able to come to him.

Can be in the function of adverbial modifier:

- of reason: Having lived in London for a long time I know this town well.

- of time.

♦ Present P. Passive

- corresponds in Russian to ‘причастие совершенного вида’ with ending ‘ший’, ‘щийся’.

The questions being discussed at the meeting are very important.

In this case the P. is used in the function of attribute.

Also it can be used in the function of adverbial modifier of reason/time, corresponding in Russian to ‘будучи’.

Being packed the good arrived in good condition.

♦ Perfect P. Passive

- corresponds in Russian to the form which is not used now ‘быв’ and has the function of adverbial modifier of reason/time.

Having been sent to the wrong address he didn’t get it.

- verbs that used only with G: admit, appreciate, avoid, celebrate, consider, delay, deny, enjoy, forgive, imagine, mean, mention, mind, miss, postpone, practice, put off, recall, recollect, resist, risk, suggest.

- after adjectives: busy, worth.

- verbs used either with the G/Inf such as: allow, cant effort, cant bear, deserve, dread, fear, forget, hate, like, love, neat, neglect, omit, permit, plan, prefer, recommend, regret, remember, require, want.

With the verbs expressing feelings/attitudes (cant bear, dread, hate, like, love, prefer) the G express more general / habitual action than Inf.

I hate walking when its dark (habit). I hate to see you in a bad mood.

such verbs: would love, would prefer can be followed by only Inf.

Theres an important difference btw G/Inf aft: remember, forget, regret.

I remember your coming (preceding action – прошедшее).

I remember to pay the bill (timing of the action – одновременное).

♦ Prepositional Object.

after: admit, agree, confess, devote, look, forward, object (+ to)

- approve, complain, hear, speak, think (+ of)

- warn against, interfere with, dream of/about, believe, succeed (+ in)

- insist, depend, rely (+ on)

♦ attribute (определение).

In this function the G modifies mainly abstract nouns and is always preceded by a preposition (mostly of). The following nouns with the preposition of may precede the G: advantage, art, business, chance, custom, evidence, expense, feeling, the good, habit, hope, idea, intention, importance, manner, method, opportunity, option, possibility, question, risk, recollection, thought, way, work.

It would be foolish to go to the expense of hiring a car.

The G in the function of an attribute may be preceded by limited number of nouns modified by prepositions:

for, in, at, about, to. such as: apology, excuse, reason (for) difficulty, experience, harm, skill, use (in) amazement, delight, surprise, pleasure (at) objection (to) fantasy (about)

♦ adverbial modifier (обстоятельство): circumstances, manner, time.

As the adverbial modifier of manner the G is preceded by prepositions: by, with. He left without waiting.

As adverbial modifier of circumstances the G is used after: without.

I left without saying goodbye.

As adverbial modifier of time: after, at, before, in, on.

He called me before going to the club.


abstract (love, freedom, etc.), proper (Joe, Europe, etc.), group (family, team, crowd, group, etc.) or common (chair, hat, boy, etc.).

Most nouns which refer to jobs, social status, etc. have the same form for men and women (doctor, teacher, etc.) Others have different forms:

actor – actress, duke duchess, hero – heroine, host hostess, king – queen, prince – princess, waiter – waitress, widower - widow, etc.

Scientists do a lot of research in order to find cures for various diseases. A lot of money is spent on equipment every year, but the information collected is invaluable.

Countable nouns

- nouns which we can count. They have singular and plural forms. We usually form the plural by adding -s.

Irregular Plurals: man - men, woman - women, foot -feet, tooth - teeth, louse - lice, mouse - mice, child -children, goose - geese, ox - oxen

Some nouns have the same form in the singular and the plural:

a) some kinds of animals (sheep, deer) and fish (trout, cod, salmon, ...)

A sheep was grazing in the field. Some sheep were grazing in the field.

b) the words aircraft, spacecraft, hovercraft, etc.

c) some nouns ending in -s: crossroads, series, species, works, etc. A car is a means of transport. Cars are a means of transport.

- can take singular or plural verbs.

The window is open. The windows are open.

- always go with a/an/the/my, etc. in the singular.

/ paid the bill. This is my pen.

- can be used alone or with someIanyImanyIfew in the plural.

/ love apples. I bought some apples to make a pie.

Uncountable nouns

- nouns which we cannot count. They do not have different plural forms. Uncountable nouns include:

a) many types of food: flour, butter, meat, cheese, rice, sugar, etc.

b) liquids: coffee, lemonade, oil, petrol, wine, water, etc.

c) materials: crystal, wood, plastic, silver, china, glass, etc.

d) abstract nouns: knowledge, beauty, help, freedom, education, etc.

e) others: research, luggage, hair, weather, behavior, advice, news, information, fun, equipment, litter, rubbish, furniture, money, etc.

We use the following nouns with uncountable nouns to show quantity: a piece of cake/paper/news/advice/information/furniture, a glass/bottle of water, a jar of jam /honey, a rasher of bacon, a packet of heel tea, a

Compound nouns

- that are made of two or more parts and are formed as follows:

a) noun + noun. The plural is usually formed by adding -s/-es to the second noun. ticket inspector - ticket inspectors

b) -ing form/adjective + noun. The plural is formed by adding -s/-es to the noun.

swimming pool - swimming pools e.g. greenhouse - greenhouses

c) noun + in-law. The plural is formed by adding -s to the noun.

sister-in-law - sisters-in-law

d) noun + adverb. The plural is formed by adding -s to the noun.

runner-up - runners-up

e) verb + adverb particle. The plural is formed by adding -s to the word.

breakthrough - breakthroughs

♦ We use singular verb forms with:

a) nouns which refer to school subjects: economics, physics, etc.

b) nouns which refer to sports: gymnastics, athletics, bowls, etc.

c) nouns which refer to games: billiards, dominoes, darts, etc.

d) nouns which refer to illnesses: measles, mumps, etc,

e) the word news.

- plural nouns when we talk about an amount of money, a time period, weight, distance, etc. Five hundred thousand pounds was donated to build a new hospital wing.

- group nouns such as jury, family, team, group, crew, crowd, class, audience, committee, council, army, club, press, government, company, etc. when we mean the group as a unit. But we use plural verbs when we mean the individuals who make up the group.

The jury is ready to give the verdict. (We mean the jury as a unit.). The jury are all staying at the Park Hotel. (We mean the individual members of the jury.)

♦ We use plural verb forms with:

- nouns such as: clothes, people, police, stairs, (good) looks, surroundings, outskirts, premises, earnings, wages, cattle, poultry, etc.

Designer clothes are rather expensive.

- nouns which refer to objects that consist of two parts, such as: trousers, binoculars, shorts, shoes, gloves, tights, glasses, earrings, socks, scissors, etc.

We do not use a/an or a number with these words. We use the phrase pair of... instead. Where are your gloves? I was given a pair of gloves.

Word Formation________________________________________

Prefixes are syllables which we add before certain words to form new words. The meaning of the new word depends on the prefix that has been used.















previous, former








done wrongly or badly
















more, better




(done) to a great extent












in favour of












under, less




big, more




(travel) from one side, group etc to another




not enough


♦ The prefixes below are used to express opposite meanings.

de- defrost, decompose

die- dishonest, dislike

in- indirect, independent. il- (bef. I) illogical. im- (bef. m, p) immoral, impractical. Ir- (bef. r) irresponsible but: unreliable, unreasonable

non- non-smoker, non-stop un- unacceptable, unemployed

♦ Suffixes are syllables which we add to the end of certain words to form new words.

♦ Nouns referring to people

• verb + er/or/ar. teach - teacher, sail - sailor, beg - beggar

• noun/verb/adjective + ist. motor - motorist, tour - tourist, national – nationalist

• verb + ant/ent. contest - contestant, study - student

• noun + an/Ian. republic - republican, library - librarian

Modal Verbs____________________________________________

can, could, may, might, must, will, would, shall, should and ought are modal verbs. They do not take a suffix (-s, -ing or -ed).

They are followed by a bare infinitive, except for ought which is followed by a to-inf. They may come tonight. You ought to get a job.

They go before the subject in questions and are followed by not in negations. Can I say something? I couldn't understand him.

Modal verbs do not usually have tenses.

They can refer to the present or the future. I must go now (present) You must call me early tomorrow morning (future)

Ability (Can – Could – Be able to)

Can is used in the present and future. Could is the past tense of can. We use be able to to form all the other tenses.

♦ Can = be able to - ability in the present. Tom can play the guitar.

♦ will be able to - ability in the future. When you graduate, youll be able to get a job. BUT we use can when we decide now ab smth we’ll do in the near future. / havent got any money now, but I can pay you tomorro

♦ Could = used to be able to - ability in the past (repeated past action)

We can use was/were able to with no difference in meaning.

/ could/was able to run fast when I was young.

♦ was/were able to = managed to do ability in the past (single past act.). We use it to show that someone had the ability to do smth in a particular situation in the past. Although it was dark, he was able to find his way.

♦ We normally use could with the verbs see, hear, smell, taste, feel, understand, guess and remember. She listened carefully and she could hear people talking in the next room. (NOT: was able to hear)

♦ In negations we can use couldn't or wasn't/weren't able to with no difference in meaning. / couldnt/wasnt able to reach him on the phone.

Obligation/Duty/Necessity (Must – Have to – Should / Ought – Need)

♦ must = it is your duty/you are obliged to do sth.

♦ have to = it is necessary to do sth. We have to be at the airport at 9.

We use must when the speaker decides that something is necessary. We use have to when somebody else other than the speaker has made the decision. / must (have to) finish the report by tomorrow.

Must and have to have different meanings in questions.

Must I tidy my room? (= Do you insist that I tidy my room?)

Do I have to tidy my room? (= Is it necessary for me to tidy my room?)

♦ Have got to has the same meaning as have to, and is often used in everyday speech. We got to phone Mum tonight.

♦ can + present infinitive = general possibility (theoretically possible)

This structure is used in affirmative sentences to show that smth is possible theoretically or in general, that is, when we are not referring to a specific situation. This road can get very busy. (In general, not in a specific situation.)

♦ Could/May/Might + present Infinitive = it is possible/it is likely/perhaps It is used to show that something is likely to happen in a specific situation. The roads could I may I might get very busy tomorrow afternoon because there is a demonstration. (NOT: The roads budget)

In questions we use can (to talk about general or specific possibility), could or might. We do not use may. I got a bouquet of flowers, but there was no card. Who can I could I might they be from?

♦ could/might + perfect Infinitive (refers to the past) = it was possible, but it didn't happen. Yesterday, I left the car unlocked. It could/might have been stolen, but luckily it wasn't.

Permission (Can / Could / May / Might)

♦ Asking for permission.

Can/Could/May/Might I ...? = Do you/Would you mind if...?

Could and may are more polite than can. Might is formal. May and Might are used to ask for permission when we do not know the other person very well. We normally reply with: Certainly/Of course/Why not?/No, Im afraid you cant. Can I use your pen for a minute? - Of course. May I see the manager, please? - Certainly.

♦ Giving permission

can/may = you are allowed to do sth (can - informal, may - formal)

May is usually used in writing. You may make a phone call here.

We do not use could or might to give permission.

Could I borrow your dictionary? - Yes, you can/may (NOT: could)

♦ Refusing permission

can't/mustn't/may not = you are not allowed to do sth

May not is formal and is usually used in writing.

I'm sorry, but you can't/mustn't use.. Customers may not enter this area.

We do not use couldn't to refuse permission.

♦ Talking about permission

We use can and be allowed to to refer to laws or regulations.

All citizens over the age of 18 can /are allowed to vote (law)

There is a difference in meaning btw may / be allowed to in questions.

a) May I use your phone? (= Will you allow me to use your phone?)

b) Are we allowed to use the office phone? (= What is the rule?)

Passive Voice__________________________________________

Voice is the grammatical category of the verb which shows the relations between the subject and the action expressed by the verb.

The PV shows that the subject of the sentence is doer (or the agent) of the action denoted by the verb In the sentence.

The PV Is formed by the means of noun or pronoun plus auxiliary verb to be plus PII. Only transitive verbs can be used In passive.

Forms (10) Indefinite Continuous Perfect

Present I am invited I am being invited I have been Invited

Past I was invited I was being invited I had been Invited

Future I shall be invited - I shall have been invited

Fut in the P I should be invited - I should have been invited

The PV can be used with the modal verbs as well (must, can, could, may, might, should, ought to, to have, to be).


1) When the person who carries the action is unknown, unimportant or obvious from the context. Coffee beans are grown In Brazil.

2) When the action is more important than the person who carries it out, as in news headlines, articles, formal notices. The new hospital will be opened on May 14.

3) When we refer to an unpleasant event and we do not to say who or what to blame. A lot of mistakes have been made.

Sometimes when we want to point out the person who carries the action we use preposition by before the agent. It was made by me.

We should remember that with the verbs which take two objects such as bring, tell, send, show, teach, promise, buy, write, allow, pay, lend, owe, feed, pass we can make two different passive sentences:

She was given some sweets.

Some sweets were given to her.

If the verb in the sentence is used with the preposition we keep it in passive voice. He was looked at.

In the Complex object construction with the verb make in active we use the infinitive without to but in passive we use to. He was made to do it. The same with the verbs: help, send and hear.

The passive construction is used in Complex Subject construction as well. He is said to be the teacher.



Present forms 1

Past forms 3

Infinitive 5

Gerund 9

Participles 11

Adjectives / Adverbs / Comparisons


Nouns 17

Future forms 20

Word Formation 21

Modal Verbs 23

Passive Voice 27

♦ We use have to when we need to use other tenses.

We had to call for the doctor when Aunt Lucy fainted last night.

♦ should/ought (less emphatic than must) Should and ought express duty. People should take/ought to take better care of the environment.

♦ need = it is necessary to. Need I talk to the boss right away?

Need can be used as a main verb or as a modal verb with no difference in meaning. When it is used as a main verb it is followed by a to - infinitive and takes -s in the third person singular. We form questions and negations with do/does. Mike needs to buy some new clothes. You don't need to do this right now.

Need is used as a modal verb mainly in questions and negations. Need I (Do I need) book a room in advance? - You needn't

Absence of Necessity (Needn’t / Don’t have to / Don’t need to – Didn’t need to – Needn’t have done).

♦ needn't/don't have to/don't need to + present infinitive (present or future) = it isn't necessary to do smth. You needn't/don't have to I don't need to work tonight. (It isn't necessary for you to work tonight.)

♦ didn't need to didn't have to = it was not necessary to do sth

This structure suggests that an action did not happen in the past because we knew then that it was not necessary. She didn't need to/didn't have to take a taxi. (It wasn't necessary, so she didn't.)

♦ needn't + bare perfect infinitive = it was not necessary to do sth, but it was done This structure shows that an action happened in the past, even though it was not necessary. You needn't have bought any bread. I'd already bought some. (It wasn't necessary, but you did.)

Prohibition (Mustn’t / Can’t) = it is forbidden to do sth/you are not allowed to do sth/it is against the rules/law to do sth. You mustn't/can't drive over 35 mph. (= It's against the law. You are not allowed to …)

Logical Assumptions (Must – Can’t / Couldn’t)

♦ must = I'm sure/certain that sth is true

Must is used in affirmative sentences and expresses positive logical assumptions. It is Sunday. He must be at home. (I'm sure)

♦ can't/couldn't = I'm sure that sth isn't true, real, etc. Can't and Couldn't are used in negations and expresses negative logical assumptions. It is Sunday. He can't/couldn't be at work. (I'm sure)

Probability (Should / Ought) = probably

Should and ought are used to express that smth is likely to happen in the present or future. It's 10 o'clock. He should be/ought to be at work.

Possibility (Can - Could / May – Might)

• verb + ее (passive meaning). train trainee

♦ Nouns formed from verbs

-age pack - package

-al refuse - refusal

-ance accept - acceptance

-ation realize - realization

-ence differ - difference

-ion . revise - revision

-ment enjoy - enjoyment

-sion comprehend -comprehension(verbs ending in -d/-t)

-sis hypnotise - hypnosis

-tion prescribe - prescription

♦ Nouns formed from adjectives

-ance important - importance

-cy vacant – vacancy

-ence competent - competence

-ion desolate – desolation

-ness lonely - loneliness

-ity formal - formality

-ty loyal - loyalty

-y modest - modesty

♦ Adjectives formed from nouns

-ous fame - famous

-al addition - additional

-ic hero - heroic

-ive expense - expensive

-ful (with) care careful

-less (without) care – careless

-y health - healthy

-ly friend - friendly

♦ Adjectives formed from verbs

-able like - likeable

-ible defend defensible

-ive conclude - conclusive

♦ Verbs formed from adjectives

-en light – lighten

-ise legal - legalize

Future forms_____________________________________________

Future Simple

♦ in predictions about the future usually with the verbs think, believe, expect, etc., the expressions be sure, be afraid, etc., and the adverbs probably, perhaps, certainly, etc

I’m afraid we won’t be on time for the meeting.

♦ for on-the-spot decisions.

I’ll take this leg of lamb.

♦ for promises (usually with the verbs promise, swear, guarantee, etc.), threats, warnings, requests, hopes (usually with the verb hope) and offers.

I don’t understand this exercise. Will you help me with it? (request). Of course! I’ll explain it for you. (offer).

♦ for actions/events/situations which will definitely happen in the future and which we cannot control.

The temperature will reach 40 °C tomorrow.

The future simple and be going to are used with the following time expressions: tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, tonight, soon, next week/month/year, in a week/month/year, in two/three days/weeks, etc.

Future Continuous

♦ for an action which will be in progress at a stated future time.

This time next week we’ll be cruising round the islands.

♦ for an action which will definitely happen in the future as the result of a routine or arrangement.

Don’t call Julie. I’ll be seeing her later, so I’ll pass the message on.

♦ when we ask politely about someone's plans for the near future (what we want to know is if our wishes fit in with their plans.

Will you be using the photocopier for long? No. Why? I need to make some photocopies.

Future Perfect

for an action which will be finished before a stated future time.

She will have delivered all the newspapers by 8 o'clock.

With: before, by, by then, by the time, until/till.

Future Perfect Continuous

to emphasize the duration of an action up to a certain time in the future.

By the end of next month, she will have been teaching for 20 yrs.

With: by ... for.

loaf/slice of bread, a pot of yoghurt/honey, a pot/cup of tea, a kilo of meat, a tube of toothpaste, a bar of chocolate/soap, a can of soda, a carton of milk, a bowl of sugar/soup, etc.

Some of the above nouns can also be used with plural countable nouns. a kilo of tomatoes, a bowl of cherries

- always take singular verbs.

Gold is more expensive than silver. Milk comes from cows.

- do not go with a/an/one/two, etc. Water is good for you.

- can be used alone or with some/any/much/little/the/my, etc.

Don't forget to buy (some) coffee.

We use a/an, one/two, etc. with uncountable nouns such as coffee, tea, soda, etc. when we order something in a restaurant, cafe, etc.

We’ll have three coffees, please.

- Some nouns can be used as countable or uncountable, with a difference in meaning.

Would you like a glass of lemonade? Tina can't see without her glasses (spectacles) The vase is made of glass, (the material)

He went to the newsagent's to buy a paper, (newspaper) He wrote my phone number on a piece of paper, (the writing material). Don't forget to bring all the necessary papers. (documents)

Susan has got short, dark hair (all the hair on her head) There is a hair in my soup!

I've bought an iron as a wedding gift for Tom and Jane. (for ironing clothes). This chair is made of iron, (the material). You shouldn't eat too much chocolate. We gave her a box of chocolates.

Your room is a mess! We haven't got enough room to put you up. (space)

The table is made of wood, (the material). A lot of wolves live in the woods, (forest)

Mr Davis has a lot of experience in accounting, (length of time doing it). He had a few unpleasant experiences while living abroad, (events)

I haven't got any time to lose. How many times did Rick phone? (occasions)

A couple of, several, (a) few, many, a (good, large, great) number of and both are used with countable nouns, e.g. a couple of friends. (Too) much, (a) little, a great/good deal of, a small/large amount/quantity of are used with uncountable nouns, e.g. a small amount of money. A lot of, lots of, (hardly) any, some, no, plenty of are used with countable and uncountable nouns, e.g. plenty of friends/money



2007 © Faz


The Forbidden City is situated in the centre of Beijing. It was built as the Imperial Palace for the emperors of China. It was named the Forbidden City because no common or foreign person was allowed to go inside without special permission.

We form the passive with the verb to be and the past participle of the main verb.

The present perfect continuous, the future continuous, the past perfect continuous and the future perfect continuous are not normally used in the passive.

We can use the verb to get instead of the verb to be in everyday speech when we talk about things that happen by accident or unexpectedly.

Four people got hurt in the car crash. (= Four people were hurt...)

♦ when the person who carries out the action is unknown, unimportant or obvious from the context.

a) My flat was broken into last week. (We do not know who broke into the flat.)

b) Coffee beans are grown in Brazil. (It is not important to know who grows the coffee.)

c) My car was serviced yesterday. (It is obvious that a mechanic serviced it.)

♦ when the action itself is more important than the person who carries it out, as in news headlines, newspaper articles, formal notices, instructions, advertisements, processes, etc.

a) The new hospital will be opened by the Queen on May 15th. (formal notice)

b) Then, the milk is taken to a factory where it is pasteurised, (process)

♦ when we refer to an unpleasant event and we do not want to say who or what is to blame.

A lot of mistakes have been made, (instead of You have made a lot of mistakes)

We use could or was/were allowed to to say that we had general permission to do something in the past.

We use was/were allowed to and not could, to say that we had permission to do something in a particular situation in the past.

I could/was allowed to go to parties when I was young. (I was allowed to go to parties in general.) BUT: I was allowed to go to John's party last night. (NOT: I could go - as this is a particular situation)

Requests (Can / Could / Will / Would / May / Might)

Can/Could/Wlil/Would you...? - We use this structure to ask someone to do something for us. Can and will are informal. Would and could are more polite than can and will.

Can/Will you get me a glass of water? (informal) Could/Would you type these letters for me, please? (more polite)

We normally reply with: yes, Id (would) be happy to. Yes, Id be glad to. /Certainly/Of course / I’т sorry, but I can't

May/Might/Can/Could I...? - We use this structure to ask for something politely. Might is formal and is not often used.

Can/Could/May I have a piece of that cake, please?

We normally reply with: (Yes) Certainly / Of course

Offers (I’ll – Shall / Can / Could)

I'll = I'm willing to do something (informal). I’ll do the ironing for you.

Shall/Can/Could l/we ...? = Would you like me/us to ...?/Do you want me/us to ...? Shall/Can/Could I give you a hand with the preparations?

Suggestions (Shall / Can / Could)

♦ Shall l/we / Why don't we / How about / I/We can/could / What about ...? / Let's ... Shall we go the theatre tomorrow night? - I'd rather not. We can/could go to the cinema instead.

♦ We use shall in questions when we are asking for suggestions or instructions. Where shall I put these flowers? - In this vase.

Advise (Should / Ought / Must)

♦ should/ought + present infinitive = I advise you to/You had better do sth. It's late. You should go/ought to go home as soon as possible.

♦ We use must to give strong advice. Compare: You must follow a healthy diet, the doctor said to me. (an order which is likely to be obeyed). You should follow/ought to follow a healthy diet, my friend said to me. (a piece of advice which may or may not be followed)

Criticism (Should / Ought) + perfect inf = it would have been better if you had ... We use these structures to criticize someone else's actions.

You should (ought to) have come to me for help. (But you didn't.)

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