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ICC students 1 / Confusables 1-3 stud

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Complete the sentences by putting in a suitable derivative:


1. He wrote one poem which ... his undying fame (to make certain).

2. I ... you that this medicine cannot harm you (to cause to believe).

3. The house is ... against fire (to protect against loss).

4.You know him, ...? (of course.).

5. She is somewhat too self-... (sure of her own ability).

6.You may rest ... that he'll never trouble you (certain).

7.The doctor tried to . .. the patient. (to comfort).

8.The teacher lacked ...· in front of his class (strong belief in one's ability).


1.I support the liberal party. What are your ...? (political opinions).

2. He left the country for ..... reasons (concerning public affairs and/or the government).

3.One of the new government's ... is to control public spending (a plan or course of action in directing affairs).

4.Where's our insurance ... got to? (a written statement of the details of an agreement with an insurance company).

5.Most English people believe that Churchill was an outstanding ....(a person whose business is politics).

6.The Western media invariably try to ... any issue concerning Russia (to give a political character to).

7. To learn as much as possible of an enemy has always been regarded as ... (well judged with regard to one's advantage).


1.He gave no ... to my question (answer).

2. She is most .... to kindness (answering readily).

3. He is a .... person and can be trusted (trustworthy).

4. His appearance in court as a ... will do nothing to help his career (a person answering a charge in a divorce suit).

5.The prisoner was idiotic and ..... (showing lack of ability to think of the effect of his actions).

6. On Friday we'll be broadcasting a report from our London ...... (smb employed to report news from a distant area).


1. My ... is c1ear (an inner sense of right and wrong).

2. Is he ... enough to answer questions? (awake)

3. The class ... of the workers made them unite (awareness)

4.The stone hit her on the temple and she was ... for several minutes (passed out)

5.A ... tradesman will never short-change a customer(scrupulous).

6. A sketch of himself has a .... humour one would not have suspected (present at a hidden level of the mind).

7. This wasn't ·.. done (on purpose, intentionally).

8. I’m too …-…. when I have to speak in public. (shy, lacking confidence)


1. The government gave a ... explanation of its plans for industrial development (thorough, broad).

2. One often finds a writer's books more ... if one knows about his life (easily understood).

  1. She was perfectly .... to me (which cannot be understood).

4. Our ignorance and ... of the least things in nature is stupendous (the state of not understanding).


1.The police think the missing woman was ... (kidnapped).

2.I was .... to come against my will (to persuade smb to do sth)

3.From the fact that Socrates was a man and the principle that all men are mortal I ... that Socrates would die (to determine sth from general in relation to particular).

4.He won't ... the rent of our house (to make smaller).

5. They will ... no less than ten pounds from your wages (to take away from a total).

6. Copper is a highly ... metal (able to act effectively as a path to electricity, etc.).

7.Plenty of exercise is ... to good health (likely to produce).

- decide -

1. A .... person acts quickly and often succeeds (marked by determination and firmness).

2. I'm .... whether to call the doctor or not (in doubt).

3. His character is very ... (sure of oneself).

4. She is ... a shrew (unquestionab1y).

5. His whole attitude is marked by ... and incompetence (hesitation).

- tire -

1. I'm ... of your stupid questions (annoyed).

2. You'll never find another worker as ... as that one (never getting tired).

3. She is just a ... child who won't do as she is told (annoying).

4. Forced idleness is the most ... thing (causing fatigue).

5. The baby screamed on ... (not showing or feeling tiredness).


1.Yours is an ....plan (not sensible or reasonable).

2. The dancer moved with ... grace (gained by practice).

3. Is it ... to try to grow crops in a desert (that can be successfully used).

4. She pulled out the stitches with an ... hand (not skillful).

5. We’ve bought a very .... little table that fold up out of the way when not needed. (suited to actual conditions).

6. The work of a medical ... demands both skill and devotion (a person who works in a profession).


1. I place full ... in the government's abilities (trust.)

2.One should ... a good deal of what one hears (to refuse to believe in

3. What was written on his face was sheer open-mouthed ...(disbelief)

4. He can move with an ... speed (unbelievable).

5. At his mention of a luncheon at the White House she looked .... (showing disbelief).

6. Children's ... is proverbial (willingness to believe).

7. They are persons sufficiently ... (deserving praise, approval).

  1. We will not take a footman without ... from his last master (written proof of a person's trustworthiness, etc.).

-sense -

1. Do try to be ... (reasonable).

2. Tropical animals are extremely ... to cold (quick to feel the effect of ).

3. I was almost ... with terror (unconscious; foolish).

4.The .. of the instrument is below standard (ability to indicate slight changes).


1. Teachers usually make ... in red ink (a change that corrects something).

2. The criminals were sent to prison for ... punishment (intended to correct).

3.He is an ... liar (unable to be changed for the better).

4.The wit of the last age was yet more .. then their language (not correct).


1.There was a clear ... of the murderer's heel in the mud (a mark left by pressure).

2. She is high-strung and ... (easy to influence).

3. Olivier's acting in King Lear was most .. (causing admiration).

4. His descriptions are ... (producing little impression).

-imagine -

1. All the characters in this book are .... (not real).

2.Their youngest is a most .. child (good at inventing things)

  1. It's simply .. (inconceivable).

  2. I never expected this from such a dull ....person as Judy (lacking the power of imagination)

- appreciate -

1. The temperature dropped ... last night (considerably).

2. Their ... of the performance was expressed in loud cheers (understanding of the worth).

3. His kindly ... words moved her almost to tears (feeling or showing understanding)

-confide -

1. The politician spoke in a .... voice (showing assurance).

  1. I don't know why she chose me as her ... (a person with whom one discusses one's personal affairs).

  2. You have won my .... (faith, full trust).

  3. He gave her a ... look (showing full trust).


  1. ... is one pound (the cost of entrance).

  2. As the theatre was full I was unable to gain ..... (right of entrance).

3. This is not an ... excuse (that can be allowed or considered).

4. ... , he is a thief, but he is irresistably charming (it must be admitted that).

5. In your state tea, coffee and alcohol are .. (which cannot be allowed).


1. All he wants is a warm fire and a ..... chair to sit in (giving comfort, esp. to the body).

2. She turned red with ... when the teacher spoke (slight anxiety or shame).

  1. I felt .. when I had to admit my guilt (embarrassed).

4. He rang up another .... , seeking the same reassuarances. ( a person or thing that puts you at ease).

-habit -

1. The Tiger Moth has a limited .... (the natural home of a plant or animal).

  1. The shipwrecked seamen finally reached an .... island (without people living there).

  2. The house is unfit for human ... (the act of living in)

  3. He gave her a ... greeting of 'Hi!' (customary).

5. The village numbers 54 ... (people living there).

  1. He failed to find a ... house at this price (which can lived in).


  1. To ... is human (make a mistake).

  2. Very few people now uphold the ... belief that the world is flat (incorrect).

  3. The dog's ... walk suggested rabies (irregular in movement)

4. This word doesn't look right; look it up in the ... (list of mistakes and printing errors at the beginning of the book).



1. He read ... at Oxford (the science of the way in which industry and trade produce and use wealth).

2. The new oil-fields will improve the state of the ... (the economic life of the country).

3. She is an ... housekeeper and feeds her family cheaply (not wasteful).

4. The country is in a bad ... state, so we must reduce profits (connected with trade, industry, etc.).

5. Now that Jim is out of work we'll have to ... (save money).

-exhaust -

1. We've made an ... study of the matter (thorough).

2. She was pale with ... (the state of being tired out).

3. His supply of jokes was ... (endless).

4. He felt ... after a month of working overtime (tired).

Confusibles 2

Give the Russian equivalent(s) of the following English words, then think of a possible Russian confusable and translate it back into English.

  1. sherbet cask expertise bazaar complexion gallant extravagant genial sandals marmalade

anecdote turf bullion satin saloon velvet sympathetic motif variant version actual ambition decade complex control critical manifestation material(adj) meeting perspective prospective regime simulate specific soda stimulus temperamental faculty fiction marasmus

b) toad-in-the-hole sweetmeat mincemeat night cap pigtail sweetbread Welsh rabbit

ponytail bed-sitter tomboy crow’s foot black pudding shepherd's pie monkey-puzzle

bubble-and-squeak London eye

Confusibles 3

Please explain the difference:

exact-exacting enormity-enormous offensive-offending officious-official- officinal burnished-burnt fallacy -infallible furnished-furbished personal-personable dependent -dependable tolerant -tolerable pertinent-impertinent moral-morale dessert - desert impassive - impassioned full - fulsome impolite - impolitic inoperable – inoperative whole- wholesome considerate-considerable vindictive - vindicate impressive-impressionable prodigious - prodigal glow - glower luxuriant - luxurious coherence - cohesion decent-descent regal -regale complacent – complaisant desperate – disparate rational – rationale unbound – unbounded unwonted – unwanted instillation – installation leanly (adj) – cleanly (adv) negligible – neglectful – negligent abstruse – obtrusive - obtuse prosecute – persecute purr-murmur

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