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1Reviews and everything / NBK 10 sentence essay

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Alex Kvartalny @ flamedragon27.blogspot.com

Group 501

10 Sentence Essay on Natural Born Killers.

Oliver Stone: “Come See My Latest Creation”

You ain't seen nothin' yet”.

Mickey Knox

Violence is breathtaking, brilliant and glorious. Here’s how you can solve so many of your problems. If somebody is hurting you, be it your abusive father or a weak mother a sure way to deal with them is simple – kill. Kill for love, kill for freedom, kill because you were naturally born to, kill to help the already morally dead out of their misery, kill for entertainment. Indulge into the endless ocean of violence that will make you obliviously and euphorically happy. Get addicted to the bottomless pool of psychosis on the screen. Experience living in the narrow space of your television. Enable real monsters, collude with evil by choosing not to empathise and be afraid to step out into the real world we’re just about to show (or create). Natural Born Killers. We’ve been waiting for you.

Violence is one of the best parts in any movie, because of the excitement and adrenalin it arouses”

Quentin Tarantino.