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Correspondence Department Independent Work Summer

Контрольная работа по грамматике №2 для студентов 1 курса заочного отделения ФАЯ

I. Open the brackets using the suitable tense-form:

A:– When I (come around)? Is Thursday still OK?

Well, don’t come at six – I (work) then.

What time do you think you (be) free?

Let’s see. I (work) on the manuscript all day as I told you, and I expect I (complete) the second chapter by about seven. OK?

Yes, because I (be) quite busy at about six tomorrow as well. I’ve got an appointment with my dentist and I don’t think she (finish) much before seven.

Well, we really must be getting on with the book, you know – by the end of this month we (work) on the project for a whole year. It’s taking far too long.

Yes. I (jump) for joy when it’s finished.

Me too. By the way, you (go) near the post office?

Probably. It’s not far from the dentist.

You see. I’ve been expecting an important parcel and I think it (arrive) by Thursday. If you (go) past there, could you collect it for me?

No problem. So, I (see) you later. Bye for now.

B:Mr. and Mrs. Brown had a typical bad holiday experience. They arrived at the old hotel which (situate) in the middle of nowhere. The brochure claimed that it (build) recently, but it was obvious that it was old. It (not/decorate) for years and the paint (peel) off the walls. The previous owners (sell) the hotel, which (buy) by an elderly couple. They (advise) by their children to employ staff to manage it but, unfortunately, people (still/interview) at the time when Mr. and Mrs. Brown arrived.

C:Last week a new leisure centre (open) in the town of Halden. The centre (believe) to be the largest in Europe and it (hope) that it (visit) by over 40,000 people a month. The centre (plan) for over ten years, but it (only/make) possible by a large government grant. Unfortunately, it (not/finish) yet, but it (think) that it (complete) by next month. The centre includes an Olympic-size swimming pool and fifty tennis courts which (can/book) by phone. The gym (claim) to be the most modern in the country. The equipment (buy) in Germany and training (provide) by five top instructors. Entrance fees are cheap because half the cost (pay) by the local council, so many local people will be able to afford them.

II. Change from Direct into Indirect Speech using an appropriate introductory verb from the list below:

promise, apologise, remind, complain, deny, inform, order, allow, encourage, forbid

1.“The exam papers are still being marked, Jane,” the teacher said.

2.“Don’t forget to thank your mother,” he said to Linda.

3.“You mustn’t come here again,” she said to the tramp.

4.“I didn’t hit him,” Sarah said.

5.“I’ll tidy up when I return home, Mum,” Tim said.

6.“I’m sorry I forgot to do the homework,” she said to the teacher.

7.“You may see her for a few minutes,” the nurse said to me.

8.“Get off the grass immediately!” he said to the kids.

Correspondence Department Independent Work Summer

9.“You’re always forgetting to shut the fridge door,” she said to her husband.

10.“Come on! Try it again,” he said to me.

III. Rewrite in another way:

1.Just after solving one problem, I was faced with another.

Hardly …

2.It’s their fifth wedding anniversary tomorrow. They will …

3.They are broadcasting her favourite song on the radio.

Her …

4.We’ll have to leave if he doesn’t come in a few minutes. Unless …

5.The news was so wonderful that we decided to have a celebration.

It was …

IV. Choose the correct variant:

1.Ann (offered, suggested) me another cup of coffee.

2.Nick (said to me, told me) (not to forget, don’t forget) that I (am, was taking) my exam (tomorrow, the next day).

3.Jack (asked, was asked) to return all the books that he (borrowed, had borrowed) a month (before, ago).

4.The waitress asked us what we (would take, would have taken) for the first course.

5.He (told to us, said) he (graduated, had graduated) from the University in 1990.

6.She wanted to know if my daughter (would go, will be going) to college after she (left, has left) school.

V. Translate into English the parts given in brackets:

1.We (знаем) each other for a year. We (впервые встретились) when we (сдавали) our entrance exams.

2.They were sure if (им не будут мешать), the work (будет закончена) by evening.

3.He was sorry he (пропустил) so many classes (за последнее время). (Ему придется догонять группу) to pass his exams.

4.– I wonder if Jane (знает) that the time-table (изменилось).

Don’t worry. I (буду ей звонить) tonight.

5.What a nice raincoat you (купила). I wonder how much (он стоит).

6.I (была) out of town (на днях) and (хорошо провела время).

7.Cars may be parked on (ни на одной) side; it’s against the law.

8.The girl took some coins out of her pocket and threw them one after (другой) into the air.

9.Ann was the person who made (меньше всех) mistakes in the test.

10.Take your umbrella with you (вдруг пойдет дождь).

11.Your endless quarrels (нужно положить конец).

12.He’s borrowing his (родителей) car (пока) they are away.

13.(Чем более занят) he is, (тем более счастлив) he is.

Correspondence Department Independent Work Summer

Контрольная работа по грамматике №2

для студентов 1 курса заочного отделения ФАЯ (100 POINTS)


I.A: shall I come, will be working, you will be, will be working, will have completed, will be (am), will have finished, will have been working, will jump (will be jumping), will you be going, will have arrived, go, will see

B:was situated, had been built, hadn’t been decorated, was peeling, had sold, was bought, had been advised, were still being interviewed

C:was opened, is believed, is hoped, will be visited, had been planned, was only made, hasn’t been finished, is thought, will have been completed, can be booked, is claimed, has been bought (was bought), is provided (will be provided), is paid (will be paid)

35 points

II.1. The teacher informed Jane that the exam papers were still being marked.

2.He reminded Linda to thank her mother.

3.She forbade the tramp to come there.

4.Sarah denied that she had hit him.

5.Tim promised his mother to tidy up when he returned home.

6.She apologized that she had forgotten to do the homework.

7.The nurse allowed me to see her for a few minutes.

8.He ordered the kids to get off the grass immediately.

9.She complained to her husband that he was always forgetting to shut the fridge door.

10. He encouraged me to try it again.

20 points

III.1. Hardly had I solved one problem when I was faced with another.

2.They will have been married for five years tomorrow.

3.Her favourite song is being broadcast on the radio.

4.Unless he comes in a few minutes we’ll have to leave.

5. It was such wonderful news that we decided to have a celebration.

5 points


IV. 1. offered

2. told me, not to forget, was taking, the next day


was asked,


borrowed, before

4. would take

5. said, graduated

6. would go, left






13 points

V. 1. have known, first met (2 points),

7. neither




were taking



8. another




2. they were not bothered, would have

9. the fewest




been done/completed


10. in case it rains (2 points)


3. had missed, lately, he would have to

11. must be put an end to


4. knows, has changed, will be phoning

12. parents’ car, while





13. the busier, the happier


5. have bought, it is (it costs, it was, it





cost you)







6. was , the other day, had a good time






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