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The Article Level 2_2

The Article Level 2_2

I. Use the proper article with abstract nouns and names of materials.

1.___life is impossible without___water and___air. 2. You can't swim in the river,___water isn't warm enough. 3. She hurried in and found___coffee almost boiled away. 4.___oil is lighter than___water. 5. He has___deep knowledge in mathematics. 6. You can't do any work without ___knowledge. 7.___life is ___

complicated matter. 8.___Browns lived___quiet life somewhere in South Carolina. 9. The Moslems don't eat ___pork. 10.___water is precious in deserts and can be found in oases. 11. This is___coffee I am so fond of. I don't think there is___better coffee than this. 12,___ coffee is cultivated in the south of the island. 13. It seems to me Englishmen show___ deep distrust of strangers. 14. He wanted to give his son___ good education. 15.___ air was fresh and cool. 16. Nothing can travel faster than___light. 17. He can give you___good piece of ___advice. He is fond of giving___advice. But___ advice he gave us did not help. 18. The patient was making ___noticeable progress. 19. You can be satisfied with ___progress you have made. 20. Our plane ran into___ heavy weather.

II. Add ‘the’ or ‘a/an’ where necessary with the words school, university, college, hospital, prison, church:

1.Can I drive you to University? It’s on my way.

2.When I’m in London, I always go to theatre.

3.Margaret believes that all children should go to church every Sunday.

4.In Sweden, children start school when they are six or seven.

5.Jim’s been in hospital for six weeks now.

6.He lives near church on the hill.

7.She’s going to university to do French.

8.There was a fire at school in Newtown.

9.Even her most dedicated fans wouldn’t call her new play a great work of theatre.

10.Have you heard hospital is going to close?

11.It’s time the children went to bed.

12.He’s been in and out of prison since he left school.

III. Use the proper article with nouns denoting parts of the day and names of seasons.

1.___winter was bitterly cold.

2.It was ___early autumn.

3.It was___evening, it was___warm summer evening.

4.October is ___rainy month.

5.There are many wonderful verses about ___winter.

6.In ___spring ___days become longer and ___nights grow shorter.

7.Children have long vacations in ___summer and short vacations in ___winter and ___spring.

8.___summer is ___ good time for sports.

9.It’s pleasant to go to ___country on ___hot day in ___summer.

10.It was ___cold rainy autumn.

11.What’s ___weather like in Siberia in ___winter?

12.Look at ___sky. It is covered with ___dark clouds.

13.When it is ___winter in one part of our country it is already ___summer in another.

14.In ___winter they used to plan what they would do on ___warm day in ___summer.

15.Have you got enough wood for ___winter?

16.It was ___wild and snowy winter.

17.They got up at___ dawn as we were to set off early in ___ morning.

18.It was obvious that it had been snowing at___night.

The Article Level 2_2

The Article Level 2_2

IV. Use the proper article with names of subjects:

1.Did you finish ___school ___last year?

2.What was your mark in__ Biology?

3.He has made ___great progress since ___beginning of ___term.

4.It’s easy for ___child to study ___foreign language.

5.___boy is good at ___Mathematics, ___Physics and ___Chemistry, but his knowledge of ___Literature and

___English is rather poor.

6.___Phonetics is a branch of ___Linguistics.

7.If you want to speak without mistakes you must study ___Grammar hard.

8.She attends ___course of ___lectures on ___Russian Literature at ___University.

9.I’m not interested in ___Chemistry.

10.Her major subject at _____Cambridge University is ___History of ___Art.

V. Use the proper article with names of meals.

1.Before _____ breakfast Michael dropped into David's room.

2.My old friend is coming to _____ dinner today.

3.When I finally arrived home, there was _____ icy supper on the table and no one around.

4.__ free brunch is offered to children in Disneyland.

5.Sheila made a business call from the lobby, grabbed ______ quick lunch and told John that she

wouldn't be home up until ______ dinner.

6.George was having ____ high tea with his parents when he had a message.

7.Do you remember ____ breakfast in Hyde Park?

8.I still can't forget _____ spicy dinner we had at the Indian restaurant last week.

9.The Smiths are giving ____ dinner in honour of their foreign friends.

10.Mark was about to have ____ lunch in the office when his wife called him to tell him she had

prepared ______ delicious lunch of turkey with rosemary sauce and new potatoes and dessert to follow.

11.James had to cancel 1) ______ lunch he was invited to as there was 2)_____ official business brunch in a neigbouring town and he was sure he couldn't get back to town earlier than before 3)______ five o'clock tea.

12.We ordered _____ light dinner.

VI. Use the correct article with names of person.

1.Are we talking now about ___ John Smith who led ___ Labour Party?

2.We are going to a barbeque with ___ Simpsons.

3.There’s ___ Linda Jones to see you.

4.A special award was given to ___film director Ingmar Bergman.

5.The prize is to be given each year in memory of ___ late Ann Slacks.

6.We met our old friend ___ Romy Thompson in Sydney.

7.That surely can’t be ___ Jenny Watson we knew in Zimbabwe.

8.I found myself sitting next to ___ Boris Yeltsyn! Not ____ Boris Yeltsyn, of course, but someone with the same name.

9.I didn’t realize how rich he was until I heard that he owns ___ Picasso.

10.He’s really keen on football. He likes to think of himself as ___ Paul Gascoigne.

11.Have you heard that ___ Woodwarts are moving house?

12.I was honoured to get an invitation from ___ Queen ____ Elizabeth II.

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