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The Article Level 2_1

The Article Level 2_1

I. Use the correct article (“a”, “—“) or pronouns “some” or “any”):

At Your Service, Sir!

__ robots are common in industry and perhaps they will soon be common in the home. __robot working in the home must be able to behave like ___human. You could ask it to make breakfast for you. “I’d like __pot of coffee, please and ___ boiled eggs.” “How many, sir?” “Two please.” You wouldn’t have to worry about bringing friends home to dinner. “I’ve brought ___friends for dinner,” you would say, “please prepare ___ meal for six.” Your robot would be ___ cook, ___servant and ___ cleaner, and perhaps it could even do the shopping. “We haven’t got ___tomatoes,” you would say. “Be ___ good robot and get some from the supermarket.” ___robots would never need to sleep, and would never complain. But I wouldn’t want them wandering round the house at night!

II. Supply “a”, “an” or “one” in the following sentences:

1.I need ___ picture-hook to hang this picture.

2.Did you say you wanted ___ picture-hook or two?

3.___ nail won’t be enough for this job. I need several.

4.You should use __ hammer to drive in those nails.

5.How many orange juices did you say? – Just ___ orange juice, please.

6.You should get out into the fresh air on ___day like this!

7.__day, many years later I learnt the truth.

8.I was out walking late __evening when I saw ___ strange object in the sky.

9.He says he’s going to be ___ millionaire ___day.

10.There were over __ hundred people at the party. 11.Have you ever seen ___ silent movie?

12.I’ve only ever seen ____ silent movie.

III.Supply “a”, “an” or “the” in the following text:

During our journey we came to __ bridge. As we were crossing __ bridge, we met ___ old man and spoke to him. __ man refused to answer us at first. He could tell at a glance that we had escaped from __ prisoner-of-war camp and he was afraid of getting into trouble. We weren’t __ first prisoners of war to have escaped from __ camp. As soon as Jim produced __ revolver, __ man proved very willing to answer our questions. He told us exactly where we were and directed us to __ farm where we might find food.

IV. Supply “a/an”, “the” or “ - ”.


1. We were looking for___place to spend

___ night. ___place we found turned out to be

in___charming village. ___village was called Lodsworth.

2.___ individual has every right to expect personal freedom, ___freedom of ___individual is something worth fighting for.

3.Yes, my name is ___Simpson, but I'm not ___Simpson you're looking for.

4. Who's at ____ door? - It's ___postman.

5. When you go out, would you please go to ___supermarket and get some butter.


I've got

___appointment this afternoon. I've got to go to___ doctor's.


We went to ___theatre last night and saw Flames. It's ____ wonderful play.

8.We prefer to spend our holidays in ___country, ___ mountains or by ____sea.

9.We have seen what ___earth looks like from ___moon.

10. This is the front room ceiling and ___walls need decorating, but ___floor is in good order. We'll probably cover it with___carpet.

11. Is there ___moon round ___ planet Venus?

15. What's John doing these days? - He's working as ___postman.

The Article Level 2_1

16. Could you pass me ___salt, please?

17. They're building ___ new supermarket in ___centre of our town.

18.Where's your mother at ___moment? - I think she's in ___kitchen.

19.If you were a cook, you'd have to work in ___kitchen all day long.

V. Supply “the” or “—“.

1.A lot of people are giving up _____ meat.

2.______meat we had for lunch last Sunday was very tough.

3.As someone said, ______life is just one damned thing after another.

4.I don't know much about ______life of ______Napoleon.

5.______ running is supposed to be good for you.

6.I ought to be fit with all ______running I do, but I don't feel fit.

7.Which is your favourite colour? - ______Red.

8.I think ______ red one will suit you best _______ Red is more your colour.

9.We learnt __________ English at school, but _______ English we learnt was useless.

10._______ London is a safe city today, but _______London of the 18th century was pretty rough. 11._______ indoor plants require a lot of effort and attention.

12._______Bach gives me a great deal of pleasure.

13._______ Bach recording you bought for my birthday is first class. 14.What has been the longest period of ______peace in ______ history? 15.If you study ______ History, you've got to read a lot.

16._______ fasting during ______ Ramadan is more difficult in the summer months. 17.________journeys to unknown places require a lot of preparation.

18.______ lives of ______ poets and ______musicians have often been unbearably difficult. 19.I'm not interested in the price of _____ silver or the price of ______ gold.

20.______ time is _______money.

21.I can never regret ______ time I've spent enjoying myself. 22.I often listen to ______ music and I like ______ jazz best.

VI. In each pair of sentences, fill in one space with the and the other space with a dash (-) to show no article.

a)1. For me, ___ football is my life.

2. ___ football in the second division is a much lower standard.

b)1. They say that___love makes the world go round.

2. They say that___love of a mother for her child is the strongest kind.

c)1. ___information in this article will be very useful for my project. 2. ___information about the Government's defense plans is hard to find.

d)1. ___students in my new class all seem very friendly.

2. ___students should be in their classes by 9.00.

e)1. I need___help!

2. Thanks very much for ___help you gave me yesterday.

f)1. ___computers in the January sale are not too expensive. 2. These days everybody needs to know how to use ___computers.

g)1. ___English are famous for their strange sense of humour. 2. ___English programmes are quite easy to find on satellite TV.

h)1. Many of my friends are studying ___business at university.

2. My father is involved in ___business of buying and selling houses.

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