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NewArchive / 26 - Polysemy - the synchronic aspect

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26 - Polysemy: the synchronic aspect. The semantic structure of the English polysemantic word. Ways of describing the organization of lexical-semantic variants of English polysemantic words.

Synchronically, polysemy is:

1.coexistence of various Ms of the same W at a certain historical period of the development of the Eng L

2.The arrangement of these Ms in T semantic structure of a W

3.T order in which Ms are enumerated in the dictionary is not arbitrary

T 1st M is basic/central, all other Ms are minor/marginal in comparison

 table – a piece of furniture

Minor Ms are only observed in certain contexts

 to keep T table amused

4.The frequency of occurrence in speech of individual Ms is an objective criterion of their value

 table – a piece of furniture – possesses T highest frequency value

5.! The stylistic stratification of Ms of a polisemantic W – they may differ in their stylistic reference

 yellow ‘colour’ – neuteral ; ‘sensational’ – both slang & American. Stylistically neuteral Ms are more frequent

As the semantic structure it is never static. The relationship between T diachronic & synchronic evaluation of T individual Ms of T same W may be dif in dif periods of T historical development of L

The semantic structure of the English polysemantic word:

e.g. BIG – physical size, degree (age), importance (popularity, influence), extensive activity (generosity, irony, enthusiasm)