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NewArchive / 29 - The principle semantic processes

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  1. The principle semantic processes.

Changes in the denotational M

  1. extention

 arrive in old Eng was ‘to come by sea’

  1. restriction of M = narrowing

 hound was ‘a dog of any breed’  ‘a dog used in the chase’

deer old Eng ‘a beast’  олень

  1. specialisationthe W with the new M comes to be used in the specialized

vocabulary of some limited group within the speech commumity

 to glide ‘to move gently & smoothly’(restr+spec)  ‘to fly with no engine’(a glider)

desemantisation – some features of the M are lost

awful –dreadful  awfully need smth – ‘awfully’ is only an intensifier

  1. generalization – the W with the specialized M passes from the specialized vocabulary into common use

 camp was a military term ‘the place where troops are lodged in tents’ (ext+gen) ‘temporary quarters’ (of travellers..)

the change in the connotational component may result in

deterioration=degradation – the acquisition by the W of some

T pejorative development of M derogatory emotive charge ['pi:dʒ(∂)r∂tiv]

 boor was ‘a villager, a peasant’  ‘a clumsy, ill-bred fellow’

idiot ‘uneducated person’  now a curse W

amelioration = elevation – T ameliorative [∂'mi:lj∂r∂tiv]

development of M – T attitude to T referent is changed – T improvement of T connotational component of M

 minister ‘a servant, an attendant’  ‘a civil servant of higher rank’

liberal – in the past ‘with loose morale’  now ‘open mind’

3.Nature of semantic change

  1. shift of M (сдвиг) ?

silly was ‘blessed’ (юродивый, блаженный)  not clever

  1. transference (перенос) based on associations & metaphoric thinking

A necessary condition of any semantic change is some connection/association betw T old M & T new. Two types of association

Metaphor – transference based on similarity –one thing resembles another

The foot of the mountain hand of T clock

Metonimy – contiguity (сходство по смежности) – two referents are associated, one of which makes part of T other or is closly connected with it

We have a Picasso on the wall

the House  members of T house