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1 курсу 2012 к лету / английский

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Progress test

Exercise 1. Present Continuous form.

Добавьте окончание «-ing».


Walk – walking

smoke – smoking

1. drive - _____________

2. stop - ______________

3. work - _____________

4. use - _______________

5. look - ______________

6. get - _______________

7. buy - ______________

8. think - _____________

9. swim - _____________

10. cry - ______________

Exercise 2. Present Continuous.

Раскройте скобки, используя настоящее продолженное время (Present Continuous).


Julie is wearing earrings. (wear)

1. I ______________ on holiday tomorrow. (not go)

2. A Why __________YOU ______________________? (smile)

B Because Mr Black didn't give us any homework.

3. A Where's Richard?

B He _____________ next to Jane. (stand)

4. Tom ______________at his desk. (not sit)

5. A What __________Sue _____________? (eat)

B A tuna sandwich.

6. A What ____ YOU______________ ? (do)

B I _____________ my shoes. (clean)

7. I can't phone my wife.

The telephone_________________ (not work)

Exercise 3. Present Simple and Continuous.

Раскройте скобки, используя настоящее простое (Present Simple) или настоящее продолженное (Present Continuous) время в зависимости от смысла предложения.


'Be quiet! I'm watching (watch) this film!'

1. We usually______________ (take) the bus to town, but today we_______________ (go) by car.

2. A Where__________ you usually (go)_____________ on Friday evenings?

B To a disco.

3. A It's 1 1.30. Why___________ YOU___________________ (work) so late?

B Because I ______________ (have) a lot of homework.

4. A Where ___________ your parents ______________(live)?

B In a small village near Oxford.

A ____________they ______________(like) living the country?

B Yes, they do.

5. A What ____________you usually__________ (have) for breakfast?

B Toast. But today I_____________ (have) some fruit because there isn't any bread.

6. A The telephone ____________ (ring). Can you answer it?


Exercise 4. Possessive pronouns.

Перепишите предложения, используя абсолютную форму притяжательного местоимения.


It's my pen. It's mine.

They're her socks. They're hers.

1. It's your newspaper. _____________________________

2. They're his books. _______________________________

3. It's her T-shirt. __________________________________

4. They're our videos._______________________________

5. This is their house.________________________________

Exercise 5. going to

Составьте утвердительные, отрицательные повествовательные предложения и вопросы, используя конструкцию «going to».


she / pilot - She's going to be a pilot.

he / not / bus driver - He isn't going to be a bus driver.

you / hairdresser? - Are you going to be a hairdresser?

1. they / architects - _________________________________

2. he / not / ballet dancer - ___________________________________

3. you / pilot? - _____________________________________

4. I / not / policeman - __________________________________

5. we / athletes - ________________________________________

6. she / not / chef - ______________________________________

7. he / vet? - ___________________________________

8. I / actress - _________________________________

9 he / not / travel agent - ___________________________

10 you / English teacher? - ________________________

Exercise 6. Infinitive of purpose.

Перепишите предложения, используя инфинитив цели.


I went to Holland because I wanted to see the tulips.

I went to Holland to see the tulips.

1. I'm going to Moscow because I want to see the Kremlin.


2. Paul is going to London because he wants to buy some clothes.


3. Roger went to India because he wanted to visit the Taj Mahal.


4. Tim is going to America because he wants to see the Niagara Falls.


6. Frank is learning French because he wants to get a better job.


7. Peter is saving money because he wants to buy a car.


8. Henry went to Japan because he wanted to visit Kyoto.


9. Chris went to the newsagent's because he wanted to buy a newspaper.


10. Brian and Jane are going to Paris because they want to climb the Eiffel Tower.


Exercise 7. Adverbs.

Образуйте наречия от следующих прилагательных


quick - quickly

1. slow - ____________ 5. hard - _________________

2. early - ____________ 6. sudden - __________________

3.careful - ____________ 7. fast - __________________

4. good - _____________ 8. bad - _________________

Exercise 8. Question words

Добавьте в вопрос подходящее вопросительное слово.


A How tall is your sister?

B 1 m 52.

Where / Which / Why / How / Who / What / When

1. A _____________ often do you go to the cinema?

B About once a month.

2. A _____________ time does the programme start?

B At nine o'clock.

3. A ______________ did you close the window?

B Because I'm cold.

4. A __________ colour is Angela's new car?

B Red.

5. A ___________ did you go to town with?

B Jim and Lucy.

6. A ___________ newspaper do you want - the Italian one or the English one?

B The English one.

7. A ___________ is Edinburgh?

B It's in Scotland.

8. A ___________ are you going to clean your room?

B When this film has finished.

9. A ___________ is your favourite season?

B I like summer best.

Exercise 9. Past Simple and Present Perfect

Допишите вторую (простое прошедшее время) и третью (перфект) формы глагола


stay stayed stayed

sing sang sung

1. eat ___________ _______________

2. win ___________ _______________

3. live ___________ _______________

4. have___________ _______________

5. do ___________ _______________

6. cook ___________ _______________

7. go ___________ _______________

8. drive___________ _______________

Exercise 10 Present Perfect and Past Simple

Отметьте галочкой правильный вариант.

  1. I went to London last week.

I have been to London last week.

  1. Have you ever been to France?

Did you ever go to France?

  1. Kate has finished her homework two hours ago.

Kate finished her homework two hours ago.

  1. Did he go to the dentist last week or the week before?

Has he been to the dentist last week or the week before?

  1. I haven't seen that film yet.

I didn't see that film yet.

  1. I've just bought my plane ticket to Paris – here it is!

I just bought my plane ticket to Paris – here it is!

  1. Jim and Cathy won £1,000 last month.

Jim and Cathy have won £1,000 last month.


Соседние файлы в папке 1 курсу 2012 к лету