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Authors' acknowledgements

We arc grateful to many people and organisations for their invaluable assistance in producing this study pack

Our thanks to:

• Videotel Marine International Ltd., London, UK, for providing visuals

• Kelvin Hughes, Glasgow, UK, for assistance in sourcing charts

Mary Rigby for proofing and linguistic advice

John P. Whitchcr and numerous marine superintendents

whose photographs appear in these pages

• Fotoflite, Ashford, UK, for permission

to use photographs of vessels

Geoff Holder, Speakeasy, Perth, UK, for sound advice


• Companies whose products appear in these pages

• David McFarlane;

Ranald Macinnes;

Joe Maclay; Craig Noble;

Captain S. Messerle; Captain A. Panov; Captain H. Eusebio;

Captain W. Kenda; Sergey Zakharov; Natasha Osmakova; Julia Yakovleva; C/Engr Edwin C. Solidum and Innes Svalba

Design & Layout: Rocket Visuals Ltd., Edinburgh, UK Printed by: McQueen, Galashiels, UK Illustrations: Rachael Kewley, Paul Mudie and Lars Stenberg

Admiralty charts 4010 & 5385 on pages 5.1, 15.1 and 15.7 are reproduced by permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office and the hydrographic offices of Norway and the United Kingdom

'Marlins' is a Registered Trademark

The writers and publishers have used their best efforts to ensure accuracy in preparing Marlins Study Pack 1. They do not assume, and hereby disclaim. any liability for any actions taken by any person at I result of systems or procedures depicted in this Study Pack.

Purchasers and users of Marlins Study Pack 1 are advised to nuke themselves aware of systems, procedures and facilities on I

own vessels as they may vary from those depicted herein

All situations, persons and dialogues depicted in Marlins Study Pack 1 are,

to the best of the writers' knowledge, entirely fictional. Any such situation,

person or dialogue which bears any resemblance to any actual situation, person or dialogue is purely coincidental.

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