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Unit 4-Advertising

Promotion is the aspect of marketing concerned with increasing sales. Promotion attempts to increase demand for a product and thereby increase sales. Three main promotion activities are: advertising, personal selling, and sales promotion. Sales promotion involves several activities. They are two types: information(a pamphlet or booklet, demonstration) and stimulation (the distribution of free samples, premiums and coupons)Sales promotions also involve displays of the products)

Personal selling involves a salesperson trying to convince customers directly to buy a product.Advertising is a non-personal presentation of goods, services or ideas aimed at a mass audience. It`s particularly suited for products that are widely distributed, such as convenience goods. There are several methods of advertising and several media. The method selected depends upon the product, the distribution of the market, and the type of information. For example television advertising reaches a large audience. It is a new and unique way of talking to consumers. It has the advantage of appealing to the emotions of the audience through the sense of sight and sound. Television advertisements are expensive to produce and must be repeated thousands of times in order to justify the cost of production. Newspaper advertisements, on other hand, can appear on a particular day in a particular geographic area.A newspaper advertisement can contain a lot of written detail.Advertisers everywhere know that personal recommendation carries great weight.Normally word-of-mouth-promotion is free, but impossible to arrange.Outdoor advertising is other type of advertising.In fact it is most effective when coupled with other media. But as outdoor advertising is a glance medium, messages must be brief to fit in a 2-3 second time frame.

In general advertising works best when the demand for a product is increasing. Using advertising a company can emphasize the differences between its product and that of the competition The purpose of the advertising is to communicate information that convinces a customer to buy a specific product.

There are some factors which make your advertising campaign successful. First off all it`s targeting. You must know particular limited group or area for which you produce goods or services. Advertising campaign must be cost effective and of course generate sales.

Unit 5-Employment

Most large companies have special personnel department, which are responsible for employer-employee relations. Every personnel department has a method for choosing the best candidate from among the applicants for the position. Many companies is tasting prospective employees and conform the interview with them.

At first applicant should write CV. Resume should contain the most important information for the position, which you are seeking and so you should write one or two top skills or abilities and living the rest for the interview. CV must be easy to read, concise but don’t ramble. And most important in applying for a job is interview. I think that the key factor of successful interview is preparation. First of all applicant shell find out about the job. He could ring up the Press Officer or the Marketing Department. Other main factor is make good impression an interview. A growing number of firms consider that employee is face of the company. The interviewers don’t like applicants who don’t look smart. That way if you don’t know the dress code of the company when you want to apply for you shell steak formal style.Also three quarters of people fell anxious about job interviews, but you should remember that this anxiety can help to lose the position before getting it.\\