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“Success” (unit 4 presentation) Grigoriev Anton, 366group

First of all, let’s try to give a definition for a “success”. I think, success means that you managed to make your idea alive.

There are lots of ways to get success, but I’ll tell you about main three. The first variant is following a plan, working like a workaholic, being disciplined and using imagination and intuition. Successful business people know their job well, have experience, have good vision of the future, they are good team players and they are able to manage their team, life and rest. But sometimes it’s impossible to act like this: you don’t have stamina to work hard or maybe you can’t make charming smile and so on. But nobody says that success is easy to get.

The second variant has its own name – “American Dream”. Everyone dreams about making (for instance, at its own garage) something very useful for everyday life or something brand-new, or maybe about getting a brilliant idea or invention. Here is a modern example – adventure-books about little mage Harry Potter. Missis Rouling, an author of these books, wrote a story and read it to her little daughter and nowadays Harry Potter has lots of fans all over the world. But people usually forget that it’s impossible to owe one little success and be happy till death. You should work on it; you should improve and develop success every day. This is hard like the first variant I introduced to you.

And the third variant is often in Russian minds. People want to steal (or win at the lottery) plenty of money and do nothing.

Important factor is luck, because it protects you from little problems and it even helps you somehow. But if you are successful – it doesn’t mean that you are lucky, because the success could be the result of hardest work and genius mind.

Being successful is sometimes having money you can spend on flash cars, domestic help, etc; also it’s a respect and influential friends. It depends on different man: there are people who like showing their level of life and who don’t like this kind of show, but for a quoted company it is vital to show the success of a business. Company can do it by making people happy working for it, by having prestigious head office, by making customers loyal, by giving reasons for good news and so on.

And at the end of my presentation I wish you to be successful with your start-ups and good luck.

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