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Union’s affairs

The main function of shop-steward is trouble shooting between employee and management. He is a representative from the employee’s side in struggle workers to decrease and employer to increase efficiency of the labor. There are many problems in their relations: employees want to increase their wage and decrease workday’s time and management has opposite views.

The methods of shop-steward;

  1. Convince employees work more effective, and convince management to use bonus payment;

  2. Convince employee not to demand too much threaten with strike;

  3. Organize labor strike;

  4. Looking for that employer meets commitments of a collective agreement and the state law;

  5. Is a one of the representative of the workers in court;

  6. Insist of using pension and sick-pay schemes and other social guaranties.

Labor union is a nonprofit organization for purpose standing upon the rights of workers to protect them from despotism of employer and obtaining the best possible working conditions.

The main instruments of labor unions are actions at law, when the legal rights of the workers has been broken and the strikes, fighting for salary increase or working conditions improvement.