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Раскрытые темы по английскому / Topic_12_Advertising_manager_at_work

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Advertising manager at work

Every large and medium companies usually have an advertising manager. The main function of advertising manager is increasing sales by force of advertising. Advertisement may be put in a different media, which differs by the number of people in contact group. So, the efficiency of advertising depends of number and structure of a contact group.

Characteristics of a perfect TV advertisement:

  1. Remaining in one’s memory therefore it should be differs from another;

  2. It should have some intrigue (subject);

  3. It should motivate customer;

  4. It has to be objective;

  5. It should not break a state laws (ex. Russia law restricts smoking and strong drinks);

  6. It should be informative;

  7. Characters of the advertisement should be admirative or should be like customer.

Beer “Tuborg”

In this advertisement we can see the dreams of the woman which show us how those around her want her to be, and she really see herself with a beer.

Bride, conventual, hard worker, sexy girl.