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Case of missing file

Firm organizes the security system to prevent the firm from external or internal stealing. There are two types of ownership that can be stolen: material or intellectual.

There are 5 main methods to prevent stealing:

  1. firm can organize the security department;

  2. install cameras, everywhere;

  3. using system of personal access to firm (ex. some pass or permit);

  4. pay workers more to reduce probability of stealing or resigning of the worker;

  5. use personal liability for breakage;

To prevent industrial espionage it has to be a special system of access to confidential data. The firm needs a special control of applicants or new employee because some of them have the goal of looking for some secrets about marketing or plans of the firm.

Every considerable firm has security officer or security department. The main functions of such departments are internal security of the firm meaning personal security and safe keeping and secrecy; secrecy of management, marketing and financial information.

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