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Accident at the factory

There are two main causes of industrial accident at the factory:

  1. Human factor. If managers did their best to prevent accidents, making machines safety, It would be always a probability of an accident because the human factor may take place. For ex. worker can break safety rules and smoke in a painting store and even if manager placed fire signaling worker would injure to his heath. The main types of safety precautions:

    1. Work up safety rules of a company and look after workers are doing them well;

    2. Using automated lines in most hazardous to one’s health areas

    3. Use fire signaling;

  2. Technical problem with equipment

    1. Use only state certified machines. Also it will be an argument if worker will sue company for negligence;

    2. Carefully maintenance modernizing of equipment;

Compensation means money, paid to an employee who has had a serious accident which has reduced or may reduce his working capacity.