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Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation and memorize the words:

Exciting [ik’saitiŋ], challenging [‘t∫ælindΖiŋ], ambitious [æm’bi∫əs], socially [‘səu∫(ə)li], conscious [‘kon∫əs], figure [‘figə], care[‘k3ə], contribute [kən’tribju:t], quality [‘kwoləti], dangerous [‘deindΖ(ə)rəs], manifest [‘mænifest], forefront [‘fo:frΛnt], qualified [‘kwolifaid], knowledge [‘nolidΖ], restore [ri’sto:], research [ri’sə:t∫ ], profile [‘prəufail]

Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary:

exciting захоплюючий

challenging важкий але цікавий

ambitious амбіційний

socially conscious суспільно свідомий

public health охорона здоров’я (общественное здравоохранение)

to provide забезпечувати

dental care стоматологічне обслуговування/допомога

to contribute (to) сприяти

to manifest проявляти

forefront авангард

highly-qualified високо кваліфікований

well-trained добре навчений

skills навички, вміння

to carry out проводити (експерименти тощо)

treatment лікування

to recognize усвідомлювати

responsibility (for) відповідальність

examination огляд (хворого)

to make a diagnosis поставити діагноз

to restore повернути (здоров’я)

prevention профілактика, попередження

to conduct research проводити дослідження

Exercise 3. Translate into Ukrainian:

Challenging profession, an intelligent and ambitious person, to work in public health, to be in the forefront, quality dental care, a highly-qualified and well-trained professional, to carry out experiments, to restore patients’ health, prevention of dental diseases, oral diseases, the examination of the patient, knowledge and skills.

Exercise 4. Find definitions to the following words:

  1. skill a) physical inspection of a patient

  2. examination b) the medical care given to a patient

  3. disease c) special ability to perform an activity very well

  4. treatment d) the identification of diseases

  5. diagnosis e) an unhealthy condition in a person




(words of Latin and Greek origin) _______________________________________________________

1. analysis (gr.) analysEs

[…is] […i:z]

diagnosis diagnosEs

2. a) phenomenon (gr.) phenomenA

b) bacterium (lat.) bacteriA

datum datA

3. bacillus bacilli


radius radii

4. formula (lat.) formulAE (or formulas)



Exercise 5. Write the given words in Plural:

Dentist, diagnosis, library, boy, basis, box, bacillus, foot, patient, tooth, child, analysis, life, body, coccus, bacterium, condition, mouth, class, woman, formula, focus, profession, man, country.

Exercise 6. Complete the sentence in 5 possible ways:

I want to be a dentist because

Exercise 7. Read and translate the text:


Dentistry became a medical profession a little over a hundred years ago.

Now dentistry is an exciting, challenging profession for intelligent, ambitious, and socially conscious professionals.

The dentist is a very important figure in public health. Dentists provide dental care that contributes to the quality of their patients’ lives. Dentists may detect oral cancer and other dangerous conditions of the body that manifest themselves in the mouth, and they are in the forefront of new developments in cosmetic and esthetic practices.

The dentist is a highly-qualified and well-trained professional who has skills and knowledge to plan and carry out the most complicated treatment. He must recognize his responsibility for his patients’ health.

The work of the dentist consists of

- the examination of teeth and oral cavity;

  • making diagnoses;

  • planning and carrying out treatment to restore oral health;

  • prevention of dental and oral diseases.

The dental profession includes not only those who provide direct patient care, but those who teach, conduct research, and work in public and international health.

Currently there are more than 166,000 professionally active dentists in the United States. Ukraine has 19,000 dentists of various profiles.

Exercise 8. Answer the questions:

  1. When did dentistry become a medical profession?

  2. Who should work in dentistry?

  3. Why is the dentist a very important figure in public health?

  4. What does the work of the dentist consist of?

  5. How many dentists work in the USA?

  6. How many dentists are there in Ukraine?

Exercise 9. Translate into English:

Захоплююча професія, забезпечувати стоматологічне обслуговування, виявити рак ротової порожнини, розумні та амбіційні особи, високо кваліфіковані стоматологи, мати знання та навички, нові розробки в косметичній та естетичній медицині, проводити складне лікування, поставити діагноз, профілактика захворювань зубів та ротової порожнини.

Exercise 10. Complete the definitions:

  1. Dentist is a specialist …

  2. Dentistry is the branch of medicine concerned with …

  3. Preventive dentistry is the branch of dentistry concerned with …

  4. Dental care is health care provided by …

Exercise 11. Translate the following word-combinations and use them in sentences:

- care

- disease

- chair

- examination dental

- formula

- health education (санітарна просвіта з питань догляду за зубами)

- practice