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Ministry of Public Health Service of the Republic of Belarus

Educational establishment

«Gomel State Medical University»

Department of Public Health and Public Health Service


of the medical practice

of the student of the________________ year, group __________________



who undergoes the practice in the establishment _____________________



Terms of the practice from ___________________to__________________

Individual task № ____

  1. Instruction for students

    1. Organization of practice

Medical practice is the most important constituent of the educational process of medical students and has for its object to consolidate theoretical knowledge in public health and public health service.

Along with having practical trainings in therapy, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, a medical student must acquire practical skills of public health and public health service.

Medical practice as a doctor assistant is an obligatory form of the doctor training for 5-year students of the Faculty of General Medicine for Overseas Students in the specialty «General Medicine» 1–79.01.01.

Medical practice in the discipline «Public health and public health service» stipulates:

1. Detailed acquaintance with one of the seven individual tasks:

― Organization of therapeutic out-patient polyclinic aid.

― Organization of in-patient therapeutic aid.

― Organization of surgical out-patient polyclinic aid.

― Organization of in-patient surgical aid.

― Organization of medical service of female population.

― Organization of in-patient gynecological aid.

― Organization of in-patient obstetric-gynecologic aid.

2. Making up of a written report about the performed work in accord with an individual task.

2.1. On completion of the practice, a student must get a medical reference, which contains data about the fulfillment of a practice program and individual task, about attitude to the work, participation in public life. The reference is to be drawn up and signed by a supervisor of the medical practice.

3.1. The practice report consists of a diary, which includes an account about the performed individual task and a supervisor`s reference.

The diary must comprise a note about the department governor`s checkup of a practice report a and signature of a manager of a public health establishment or his deputy`s, certified with an official seal of the public health establishment.

4.1. The outcome of the medical practice is a differential credit.

2. Individual tasks

An individual task is fulfilled in a medical preventive organization (or its subdivision) and must include concrete information, taking account of a practice place, and obligatory scope of the data, which are as follows.

Individual task № 1. Organization of therapeutic out-patient polyclinic aid.

General information about an out-patient polyclinic organization.

Name of an out-patient polyclinic organization (OPO), its capacities.

Organization of the work in the out-patient polyclinic organization: shifts, work at week-days and holidays. Organization of making appointments to doctors and procedure of home visits. Order of keeping a «Medical out-patient`s card» and order of its passing to a specialist during visits in the out-patient polyclinic organization.

Description of therapeutic service.

Therapeutic staff in the polyclinic: number of staff and employed posts, labor supply, staffing, coefficient of second employment.

Organization of patients` visits to doctors in the polyclinic and at home, schedule of general practitioners.

Functional duties of a general practitioner and the governor of the therapeutic department.

Work in the examination of temporary disability. Contemporary structure of a medical consulting committee, organization of its work in medical rehabilitation and examination of work-status.

Forms of the participation of general practitioners in yearly prophylactic medical examination of the population. Organization of dispensary observation over patients with risk factors and chronic diseases. Number and structure of patients under dispensary observation. Description of the indicators of the organization and quality of mass medical examination.

Organization of consultative aid and role of the governor of the therapeutic department.

Succession in the activities of the polyclinic, in-patient and emergency departments, description of the main indicators. Order of patients` hospitalization, indications for hospitalization.

Contemporary system of quality control of rendering medical aid.

Work of general practitioners to form a healthy mode of life.

Year reports based on the primary data, formed by general practitioners.

Account and analysis of work.

Medical demographic indices of population health.

Description of population sickness rate: level of primary and general incidence of the attended population, structure of the sickness rate, its dynamics.

Primary disability of the population: rate, dynamics, main causes, work in rehabilitation of disabled people.

Death rate, structure of population mortality, its dynamics.

Conclusions and suggestions.

On the basis of the analysis, carried out in comparison with known normative meanings and factual data a student must formulate conclusions about the work of the therapeutic service and make suggestions to improve its activity and the system of public health service in general.