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ПЗ6: «Home.Prepositions of Place and Direction. There is/there are. Rooms.

Articles: a/an/the/zero article»

Look at the Table and study it.

Prepositions of Place

Put in the articles where necessary:

1. She never eats …meat. She is …vegetarian.

2. Mother is baking …cake now.

3. They are going to …party tonight.

4. She goes to …swimming pool on …Saturdays.

5. What did you do …last night?

6. I went to …Spain …last April.

7. She visits her aunt once …month.

8. Mother likes …cooking.

9. I bought the last edition of Webster Dictionary.

10. Turn on …television. There’s …good comedy on.

11. A person who works in …library is …librarian.

12. …Sun isn’t a planet, it is …big star.

13. What is …most important invention of … 20th century?

14. I would like to have …sausage sandwich.

15. Who is standing at …door?

Use a, the or zero article to complete the sentences:

  1. …English is …global language.

  2. …lion is …wild animal.

  3. Put on …clean shirt, Tom!

  4. Have you done …exercises yet, Mary?

  5. Look! Ann is wearing …new dress.

  6. Ernest Hemingway was awarded …Nobel Prize for literature.

  7. …Big Ben is worth seeing.

  8. It is …royal park. There is …London Zoo.

  9. …Mum is older than …Dad.

  10. It’s twelve o’clock. Let’s have …break.

  11. What …deep knowledge!

  12. What …beautiful rainbow!

Соседние файлы в папке Иллюстративный и раздаточный материал 2003