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ПЗ48: «Our University. Writing a Story about Your Faculty»

Work in pairs. Describe the emblem of our University.

Read the information about Educational process of our university and discuss it.

The university renders services secondary education, higher education and post graduated education. According to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «About education», Bologna Declaration and other international documents in education sphere since 2004 the university has started the realization of credit technology of education including three levels of training (a bachelor degree - a magistracy - doctoral studies) and providing to students a choice of an individual educational trajectory and teachers.

The university carries out specialist training on 51 qualifications of a bachelor degree, 25 specialities of a magistracy, 4 specialities of doctoral studies PhD.

The university has necessary conditions for realization of remote educational technologies, there is a developed material base, the sufficient supply with information, the faculty certificated in the field of remote training. Up to date at our university training about 900 students of the correspondence form of training with application of remote technologies on 11 educational programs is already conducted. According to these technologies students of three faculties are trained: information technologies, history, economic and law, and musical-pedagogical.

The excellent students actively participating in scientific and public work, are appointed Presidential and nominal grants. For stimulation of students’ interest and their encouragements for successes in educational, scientific and public work, according to domestic situations, at university since 2011 students are awarded grants named after academician Manash Kozybaev and the rector of NKSU named after M. Kozybaev.

The important problem for the university today is maintenance of close interrelation with employers. Together with oblast akimat and the Department of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with the purpose of attraction of employers to management of the university, assistance in increase of competitiveness of the university, to development of innovative activity and material base the Board of guardians is created.

Up to date at all faculties and in institute of language and literature a various kind of scrutinous and training programs, electronic help systems, real-virtual laboratories are actively used, multimedia language laboratories, computer classes, specialized laboratories and many other things are equipped. All this allows to develop intellectual skills at students and actively to form professional competence

Within the limits of reforming educational process the new normative base is generated, methodical maintenance is developed; the new system of a point-rating estimation of students’ knowledge is introduced.

The basic documents regulating educational process in NKSU named after M. Коzybaev, are developed according to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «About education», the State obligatory standards of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Rules of the organization of educational process on credit technology of training and other normative documents of the Republic of Kazakhstan in sphere of education and science. The Educational programs realizing NKSU named after M. Коzybaev, are developed in view of requirements of employers, inquiries of a labour market, the Dublin descriptors coordinated with the European framework of qualifications.

In NKSU named after M. Коzybaev special attention is given the problems of a professional training in a state language. The language policy at university is carried out according to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the law «About languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan». Educational process at university is directed on maintenance of knowledge and development of the Kazakh language as state one up to standard for each educational level. Educational process is based on the program of perfection of training of students in a state language.

For formation of professional skills in conditions of modern manufacture all kinds of students’ practical training will be organized on the basis of contracts with the enterprises, the organizations and establishments of oblast. Selection of corporate partners is carried out in conformity with specialization of trainee. As bases of practice scientific laboratories of the university are used also. Practical training are held on the basis of study health-improving complex «Мiras» and country agrobiological station (АBS),  there are special training grounds also.

The academic service operating university a department (office) of the registrar, allows to systematize on-line all documentation accompanying students, to provide availability of the information to any trained, by registration of history of educational achievements, maintenance of the organization of all kinds of the control of knowledge and calculation of the academic rating.

Соседние файлы в папке Иллюстративный и раздаточный материал 2003