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534.02 Кб

4. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на то, какое действие они выражают в будущем:

1. We shall be using computers to do calculations or prepare texts.

2. Will you know everything about a new version of a laptop?

3. These computers will be coming with printers.

4. Everybody expects that the application of this device will be wide.

5. She will not know how to switch on the device. Let`s teach her.

6. A user will read the manual carefully.

7. Will you be playing the computer games?

8. He will lose the results of his work if something goes wrong with the computer.

9. Will the students know how to use the hardware devices?

10. The new Windows version will help you and your computer interact easy.

Текст Прочтите текст о том, как отправлять файлы в электронном виде, и, следуя инструкциям, выполните эти действия: Attachment basics

When you send photos in e-mail, the photos go along as attachments, just like any other file which you add to an e-mail.

To attach a photo in Outlook:

  1. Click New to open a Message window.

  2. Fill in the To and Subject boxes as usual and type any message you wish to accompany the photos.

  3. Click Insert File (the paperclip icon), locate your file through the Insert File box, click the file’s name and then click the Insert button. If you wish to add multiple files from the same folder, hold down the Ctrl key while clicking multiple files, then click the Insert button.

  4. Repeat Step 3 for any other files you wish to attach.

  5. Click Send.

In Outlook Express:

  1. Click Create Mail to open a New Message window.

  2. Fill in the To and Subject lines and type in your message.

  3. Click the Attach button, locate the file in the Insert Attachment box and click Attach. Use Ctrl-click to select multiple files.

  4. Click Send.


1. Образуйте существительные с помощью данных суффиксов и переведите их:

-ist: telegraph, special, to type, material

-er: to organize, to work, to read, to report

-or: to educate, to construct, to act, to translate

-ment: to measure, to improve, to develop

-ion: to express, to conduct, to direct

-ation: to combine, to inform

-sion: to divide, to decide, to convert

-ssion: to transmit, to permit

-ing: to draw, to begin

-th: long, broad, strong

2. Выделите суффиксы существительных и переведите слова на русский язык:

teacher, scientist, movement, direction, collection, appointment, connection, operator, multiplication, dimension, function, beginning, production, reading, presentation, operation, occupation, management, location, indicator, handler, extension, equipment, execution, editor, edition, container

Урок 4


1. Правила чтения гласной о.

2. Правила чтения буквосочетаний wr, wh.


1. Существительные в функции определения.

2. Спряжение глаголов в Past Indefinite (Simple) и Past Continuous (Progressive) Active.


Some Kbytes from Peter Norton`s life


Суффиксы существительных -ity, -ance (y), -ence (y), -ness, -age

Словарный минимум

1. set


набор, установка

2. space



3. specification


технические требования

4. destination


адресат, назначение

5. access


доступ, выборка

6. routine


программа, процедура, порядок

7. distribution



8. utility



9. to find (found, found)


искать, находить

10. to think (thought, thought)



11. to need



12. to run (ran, run)


выполнять, работать, управлять

13. to deliver


доставлять, снабжать

14. to solve



15. to define



16. to convert



17. to divide



18. to include



19. to supply


снабжать, подавать

20. to determine



21. to introduce



22. spesific



23. insufficient


недостаточный, несоответствующий

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]