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Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

West Kazakhstan agrarian-technical university

named after Zhangir Khan

Сurriculum (syllabus) on discipline «Basics of oil and gas business»

module М - 13.1. Basics of oil and gas business

For 2nd year students

Speciality 5В072900 – «Construction and operation of oil & gas pipelines and oil & gas storages »

Faculty «Маchine Building»

Uralsk – 2014


председатель УМБ факультета декан факультета

«Машиностроительный » «Машиностроительный»

____________ Бигалиева Р.С. ________ Шакешев Б.Т. «___» _________ 2014 г. «___» _________ 2014г.

Curriculum (syllabus) on discipline

«Basics of oil and gas business»

Complied by: s.t. Itisheva S.U.

Chair «Oil and gas business and technology of mechanical engineering»

Faculty «Machine Building» cabinet -206

Curriculum (syllabus) is developed on the basis of the standard curriculum of discipline 5В072900 «Construction and operation of oil & gas pipelines and oil & gas storages»

Quantity of credits – 3

Lectures – 15hours

Practical –30 hours

SROP – 25 hours

SRO – 65 hours

Total – 135 hours

Control Form – examination

Обсуждено на заседании кафедры «___»___________2014 г. Протокол №______

Заведующий кафедрой _________ Нариков К.А.

  1. Discipline description

1.1 Prerequisite subjects:

-For the study of course of «Basics of oil and gas business» students need knowledge of the followings disciplines: English, chemistry, physics, mathematics, bases of geology.

1.2 Purpose of studying of discipline:

Discipline “Basics of oil and gas business” is introduction to speciality of the direction of oil and gas business and allows to future engineers to understand and to define her place and role of in aggregate interconnected future disciplines of speciality and their place among other specialities.

1.3 Objectives:

- Formation of system knowledge and representations of processes of production of oil and gas;

- Developing skills of technical translation. The system of exercises of each training session is directed to train active vocabulary in the oral speech. Active vocabulary used directly on petroleum objects.

1.4 Discipline summary

-Discipline “Basics of oil and gas business” - represents informative material for taking possession of oil and gas terminology and gives representation of the most important aspects of petroleum industry: from origin, exploring and production of hydrocarbon to their transport and processing

1.5 Results of training:

А – to recognise equipment and the technology of oil production;

В – to interpret system representations of process of oil and gas production;

С – to use basic terminology, applied at exploration of the oil-fields, production oil and gas of in English

Д - to characterize prospect of gaining new scientific or technical knowledge, using modern educational technologies;

- to generate statements and reports on seminars , participation in discussions and scientific student conferences.

Е - to evaluate the level of technique and technology of drilling, operation properly.

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