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Тест МКР

Варіант 1

Призвіще ____________________


Курс 2 Група ___________

  1. Закінчіть речення обираючи вірне слово. Зразок надається.

capital services resources labor input land

A large amount of capital is invested in all these branches.

  1. A country's economic wealth is represented by its reserves of minerals, land, and other natural ____________.

  2. There has been a big __________of resources into the project from industry.

  3. Arable __________rents at $3 and $4, or even $6 an acre.

  4. __________ is not only human but usually physical work although it can also apply to intellectual work.

  5. Mining rose by 9.1%, manufacturing by 9.4% and ___________by 4.3%.


2. Закінчить речення використовуючи вирази, наведени у дужках, в потрібному місці. Зразок надається.

Country economic profile.

Our country has become a completely modern market economy (dependence on their foreign trade.). It is characterised by up-to-date industry, 1) ( low inflation and a stable currency)_______________________, and extensive government welfare measures. Other features include very good living standards, as well as high 2) (long-term demographic changes)________________________. We export food and energy and have a 3) (environmental taxes)________________________. The government has reduced the formerly high unemployment rate and maintained 4) (high-tech agriculture)_______________________. It has also lowered income tax rates and raised 5) (comfortable balance of payments surplus)______________________. This way, it has been able to maintain overall tax revenues. Finally, in order to deal with 6) (modern market economy)_____________________ which could reduce the labour force, the government has introduced a number of labour market reforms.


3. Підкресліть вірну форму дієслова. Зразок надається.

Are you doing / will you do anything in the evening?

  1. We are going to visit / are visiting the Fair Trade.

  2. I’m afraid I’ll be / am a little late.

  3. The tour of the city will start / starts at 2 p.m.

  4. It’s got stuffy in the room. I ’ll open / ‘m opening the window.

  5. He’ll probably go / is probably going for business to India.

  6. He is sure that he will get / is going to get a credit.

  7. Tom Kent is visiting / visits the Brunsfield factory on Monday morning.

  8. I’m very excited. I’ll see / I’m going to see all my family this weekend.

  9. The flight will take / is taking four hours.

  10. So you are off to States for a year. What are you going to do / will you do there?


4. Оберіть необхідну форму дієслова використовуючи нульовий, І, ІІ або ІІІ тип умовних речень. Зразок надається.

If I meet my bank manager on Thursday, I’ll tell him about our decision.

a) am meeting b) will meet c) am going to meet d) meet

  1. If I ______ promoted, I would be able to buy a bigger house.

    1. got

    2. will get

    3. get

    4. had got

  1. If you ______ the train, you wouldn't have been so tired when you arrived.

    1. took

    2. had taken

    3. will take

    4. take

  1. If the factories ______ more goods, they require more resources.

    1. produce

    2. don’t produce

    3. will produce

    4. produced

  1. If you ______ a bit harder, you'd be really good at your job.

    1. worked

    2. will work

    3. had worked

    4. work

  1. If prices rise, the demand for goods _______.

    1. would fall

    2. will _fall

    3. falls

    4. fell

  1. Do you think Harry ______ angry if I used his office whilst he was away?

    1. would be

    2. been

    3. will be

    4. is

  1. If you learn new things, you _____ right decisions.

    1. make

    2. made

    3. makes

    4. would make

  1. If we didn't agree to their terms, what ______?

    1. would have happened

    2. would happen

    3. will happened

    4. happen

  1. If I won the Lottery, I ______ my job. I love it too much.

    1. won’t leave

    2. will leave

    3. wouldn't leave

    4. left

  1. If my computer was broken, I ______ out of work for month.

    1. ‘ll be

    2. would be

    3. would have been

    4. am




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