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Straightforward Intermediate Progress Tests

Listening script

Straightforward Intermediate Progress Test 1

Listening script

Track 7, Progress Test 1, Listening: Part 1


Have I ever told a lie? Well, er … yes! I often lie about how old I am. You know, to get into clubs where you have to be 18. But then I’m almost 18 so it’s not so bad.


Umm, that’s quite difficult. I mean, although I’ve known him for a few years it’s still not easy to say. I think he’s fairly confident and I like him, but some people think he’s arrogant.


The next train at platform 2 is the 12.40 to Oxford, calling at Birmingham International and Banbury. The train at platform 1 is the 12.48 from London.


So, there are really only three things to remember about living here. You’re not allowed guests in your room after 11 o’clock at night. You have to keep the noise down after midnight. It’s best if you switch off your CD player and TV, but you don’t have to. Finally, you mustn’t smoke in the kitchen or shared lounge.


Stan: Hi Linda! Come in. It’s great to see you.

Linda: Thanks, Stan. Sorry I’m late.

Stan: Don’t worry, you’re not the last. Where’s Gary?

Linda: He’s coming. He’s just parking the car.

Stan: Good. Would you like anything to drink?

Linda: Yes, a glass of red wine would be great. Where shall I put my coat?

Stan: Let me take it. I’ll put it over here.

Linda: Thanks, Stan. Can I use your bathroom?

Stan: Sure. It’s just there on the right.

Linda: Thanks.

Track 8, Progress Test 1, Listening: Part 2

Janet: So, Adam you’ve travelled a lot. How many countries have you visited?

Adam: Mmm, forty-three, forty-four, something like that.

Janet: And what’s your favourite place or the most interesting place you’ve ever been to?

Adam: That’s an impossible question to answer! There are lots of places that are special or bring back memories … not always good ones.

Janet: Well, what do you like about travelling?

Adam: I guess it’s partly the sense of freedom and also the fact that you meet some amazing people, but overall I think it’s probably the fact that you never know what’s going to happen next.

Janet: Mmm, yes. I can understand that. So, what’s the most memorable journey you’ve ever had?

Adam: Now that question is much easier to answer! I often find the journeys where not everything went right are the best and one in particular stands out. I was in Latin America and I’d arranged to meet some friends in a certain town. To get there I needed to travel upriver about 150 kilometres. So one evening I went to a place where I could book a trip on a canoe. I paid my money, got my ticket and checked when the canoe left in the morning. But in the morning I found that there wasn’t a canoe and that the place where I’d paid my money was closed!

Janet: Oh no! So what did you do?

Adam: Well, I went down to the riverbank and I negotiated with the fisherman and managed to get a ride in a canoe heading in the right direction.

Janet: How did you do that? I mean, I didn’t know you could speak any Indian languages.

Adam: No, I can’t. But most of the people there speak Spanish.

Janet: So what happened next?

Adam: We went up the river and there were about twenty people in the canoe. Every now and again we’d pull over to the shore and someone would get off and wander into the jungle. I guess they must have lived there, or something. Anyway, after about seven hours I was the only one left and the canoe suddenly pulled up to the riverbank and the guy told me that that was as far as he was going.

Janet: What?

Adam: Yes, and I was still over 80 kilometres from where I wanted to be!

Janet: So what did you do?

Adam: I got out and walked up the bank. There I found a small hut with an old woman and her son. I spoke to them and found out that there was a road about three kilometres away through the jungle. Well, the son was kind and he showed me the way to the road and then I tried to hitchhike.

Janet: And did you get a lift?

Adam: Yes, eventually! And I arrived in the town at about 10 o’clock that night. My friends were waiting for me and when they found out what had happened they thought it was really funny.

Janet: Well, I don’t.

Adam: At the time it wasn’t, but looking back at it now it was quite amusing and it’s a really good story to be able to tell people.


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