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Қазақстан Республикасының білім және ғылым министрлігі «Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университеті»ШЖҚ РМК

Шетел тілдерінің теориясы мен тәжірибесі кафедрасы


«Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университеті» ШЖҚ РМК филологияфакультетінің деканы Жарқынбекова Ш.Қ.



5В011900 «Шет тілі: екі шет тілі»мамандығының білім алушылары үшін

TF 3307 Теориялық фонетика пәні бойынша


Астана 2013


Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы

Оқу-әдістемелік құралы



Еуразия ұлттық университеті









1Ксанова Дидара Маратовна, MSc, Л.Н.Гумилев атындағы ЕҰУ шетел тілдерінің теориясы мен тәжірибесінің кафедрасының аға оқытушысы. 70 75 00 (ішкі 32209); email: kafedra_tpiya@enu.kz, ksanova_dm@enu.kz.

Ғылыми бағыты: Елтану. Тіл теориясы. Мемлекеттік басқару.

Ғылыми мектебі: HEC – Ecole de Gestion, Université de Liège, Belgique; Л.Н.Гумилев атындағы Еуразия Ұлттық университеті.

2Пәннің коды, атауы және кредит саны

Теориятлық фонетика, коды - TF 3307, кредит саны – 1

3Оқу пәнін өткізу уақыты мен орны: 6 семестр; бекітілген сабақ кестесіне сәйкес.

4Оқу пәнінің пререквизиттері мен постреквизиттері: базалық негізгі ШТ, тіл біліміне кіріспе, мәтін типологиясы, мәтін интонациясы, фононстилистика.

5Оқу пәнінің сипаттамасы:

5.1 Оқу пәнінің аты:

«Теориялық фонетика» бойынша бұл курс жалпы тіл білімінің логикалық жалғасы болып табылады, лингвистикаға кіріспесімен және ШТ лексикологиясымен, тарихы, теориялық грамматикасымен тығыз байланысты.

5.2 Оқу пәнінің мақсаты:

лингвистикалық пәндер аралығында теориялық фонетиканың орнының сезіну, педагогикалық мамандық студенттердің лингвистикалық, лингво-мәдени, мәдениаралық және коммуникативті, кәсәби-жерсінбелік компетенцияларды қалыптастыру.


Оқу пәнінің міндеттері:


фонетикалық бірліктер, олардың түп негіз бен қызметтерін зерттеу;


салыстырмалы-аналитикалық шешімдің негізінде ШТ фонетикалық құрылым

мен ерекшеліктерінің үрдістерімен танысу;


фонетикалық және фонологиялық теориялардың тарихына экскурс.


Оқу пәнінің мазмұны:

«Теориялық фонетика» пәнінің мазмұны фонетика мне фонологияның теориялық негіздері туралы білім және ұғым, просодия, ШТ интонациялық модельдері мен айту стандарттары, фоностилистика негіздері ұғымын ұсынады.

5.5 Пәнді оқыту жоспары


Тақырып атауы


БӨЖ тапсырмалары



түрлері, сғат







Дәріс – 1 сағ

Phonetics and other



БӨЖ – 2сағ

linguistic and non




linguistic disciplines.


Types of phonetics.General, special,

Дәріс – 1 сағ

Methods of investigation


historical, comparative and applied

БӨЖ – 2сағ

in phonetics.










Organs of speech and their functions.

Дәріс – 1 сағ

Active and passive organs



БӨЖ – 2сағ

of speech.






Phonemes and allophones.

Дәріс – 1 сағ

Functions of the phoneme.



БӨЖ – 2сағ



English vowels. Vowels in context.

Дәріс – 1 сағ

Articulation of vowels.



БӨЖ – 2сағ



English consonants.Consonants in context.

Дәріс – 1 сағ

Articulation of consonants.

ЕҰУ Ф 703-09-12Оқу-әдістемелік құралы. Үшінші басылым



Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы

Оқу-әдістемелік құралы



Еуразия ұлттық университеті










БӨЖ – 2сағ





Syllabic structure of English language.

Дәріс – 1 сағ

Comparative study of the


Syllabic theories on the nature of syllable.

БӨЖ – 2сағ

syllabic structure of EL




with that of other tongues.


Accentual structure of English language.

Дәріс – 1 сағ

Typology of word stress in


Definition of stress. Typology of word

БӨЖ – 2сағ

the English language.








Articulatory transitions of vowels and

Дәріс – 1 сағ

Articulatory base of the



БӨЖ – 2сағ

English language.



Structure of English language intonation.

Дәріс – 1 сағ

Prosody and its




БӨЖ – 2сағ




Intonation groups. Basic nuclear tones in

Дәріс – 1 сағ

Basic nuclear tones in the



БӨЖ – 2сағ

English language.



Components of prosody. Melody. Tempo.

Дәріс – 1 сағ

Timbre. Rhythm. Pitch.


Timbre. Rhythm. Pitch. Tone and overtones.

БӨЖ – 2сағ





English literary pronunciation in British

Дәріс – 1 сағ

Social factors in building


Isles and in the USA

БӨЖ – 2сағ





Different types of pronunciation.

Дәріс – 1 сағ

Regional features of



БӨЖ – 2сағ

national variants of








Phonostylistics of English language. Formal

Дәріс – 1 сағ





and informal talk. Spontaneous talk.

БӨЖ – 2сағ

conversation in










Дәріс – 15сағ






БӨЖ – 30сағ




6Негізгі және қосымша әбідиет тізімі

6.1 Негізгі әдебиет:

1С.Ф. Леонтьева – A Theoretical course of English phonetics. М. 1988

2Е.М. Меркулова – Introduction to Phonetics. С. 2000.

3М.А. Соколова – Теоретическая фонетика английского языка. М. 1991

4Т.И. Шевченко - Теоретическая фонетика английского языка. М. 2006

5D. Johnes. – The phoneme: its nature and use. Lnd. 1967

6.2 Қосымша әдебиет:

1Roach, P. English phonetics and phonology. A practical course. CambridgeUniversity Press, 2001.

2Collins, Beverly & Mees, Inger M. Practical Phonetics and Phonology. A resource book for students. London&New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2003.

3J.D. O‘Connor – Better English pronunciation. Cambridge, 1977

7Оқу нәтижелерінбағалау жәнебақылау

7.1 Бақылау түрлері (ағымдық, кезеңдік), аралық аттестаттау

Аудиториялық сабақ барысында ағымды бақылау, БӨЖ тапсырмаларын орындалуының сапасын бақылау, презентация мен тестілеу түрінде өткізілетін екі аралық бақылау және тестілеу түрінде өтетін қорытынды бақылаудың өткізілуі жоспарланады.

7.2 Бақылау формалары: аралас


«Теориялық фонетика» пәні – міндетті пән. Оқу жүктемесінің көлемі 1

кредиттен тұрады, оның ішінде дәріс – 15 сағат, БӨЖ – 30 сағат.

Пәннің талаптары: аудиториялық сабақтарға міндетті түрде қатысу, мәселелерді, сұрақтарды талқылауға белсене қатысу, дәрістер мен семинар сабақтарына

ЕҰУ Ф 703-09-12Оқу-әдістемелік құралы. Үшінші басылым



Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы

Оқу-әдістемелік құралы



Еуразия ұлттық университеті








оқу-әдістемелік құрал және негізгі әдебиет бойынша алдын-ала дайындалу, БӨЖ тапсырмаларын сапалы және уақытылы орындау, бақылаудың барлық түріне қатысу (ағымдық бақылау, БӨЖ тапсырмаларын тексеру, аралық бақылау, қорытынды бақылау).

ЕҰУ Ф 703-09-12Оқу-әдістемелік құралы. Үшінші басылым



Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы

Оқу-әдістемелік құралы



Еуразия ұлттық университеті









Бұл глоссарий – Теориялық фонетика пәнін оқитын студенттерге арналған анықтама басылым. Глоссариймен жұмыс істеу студенттердің болашақ кәсіптік қызмет үшін қажет ұғымдық-категориялық аппаратының негізінде жатыр. Глоссарий арнайы лексикалық қорын кеңейтеді, болашақ қызметтің бағытында терминологияны қолдану шеберлігін қалыптастырады, ой өрісін кеңейтеді, студенттердің өздеріне сенімділікті күшейтеді, кәсіптілік компетенцияның қалыптасуына мүмкіндік туғызады.

Глоссарий – тұрақты құрал емес. Электронды түрінде болғанының арқасында, оны ылғи толықтырып жаңартуға болады.

Advanced tongue root (ATR) Having the root of the tongue pulled forward so as to widen the pharynx (and, often, to raise thebody of the tongue nearer to the roof of the mouth).

Pharyngeal sounds are [ −ATR], as the pharynx is narrowed.

Affricate A stop followed by a homorganic fricative.

Allophone A variant of a phoneme. The allophones of a phoneme form a set of sounds that (1) do not change the meaning of a word, (2) are all very similar to one another, and (3) occur in phonetic contexts different from one another—for example, syllable initial as opposed to syllable final. The differences between allophones can be stated in terms of phonological rules.

Alternations Variations in words that can be described in terms of phonological rules;

for example, the difference between [aɪ] and [ɪ] in divine, divin(ity).

Alveolar An articulation involving the tip or blade of the tongue and the alveolar ridge, as in English [d] in die.

Alveolar ridge The part of the upper surface of the mouth immediately behind the front teeth.

Alveolo-palatal Post-alveolar consonant produced with significant raising of the front of the tongue toward the palate.

AmbisyllabicBelonging to two syllables.A consonant such as[p]inhappyis some-times said to be ambisyllabic.

Anticipatory coarticulationAn actionin which one of the speech organs that isnot involved in making a particular soundmoves toward its position for a subsequentsound. For example, the rounding of thelips during[s]inswim is due to the anticipation of the lip action required for[w].

ApicalAn articulation involving the tip of the tongue.

ApproximantAn articulation in which onearticulator is close to another but withoutthe tract being narrowed to such an extentthat a turbulent airstream is produced. Inmany forms of English, / j, l, r, w / areapproximants.

ArticulationThe approach or contact of two speech organs, such as the tip of thetongue and the upper teeth.

ArticulatorOne of several parts of thevocal tract that can be used to form speechsounds. Arytenoid cartilageOne of a pair of structures at the posterior ends of the vocalfolds.

Their movements control phonationtypes.

AspirationA period of voicelessness afterthe release of an articulation, as in


AssimilationThe change of one soundinto another making it more similar to aneighboring sound, as in the change of underlying[n]to[m]ininput [ɪmpʊt]or of

underlying[z]to[ʒ]indoes she [ʹdʌʒʃi].

Back (of the tongue)The part of thetongue below the soft palate.

ЕҰУ Ф 703-09-12Оқу-әдістемелік құралы. Үшінші басылым



Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы

Оқу-әдістемелік құралы



Еуразия ұлттық университеті








Back vowelVowel in which the body of the tongue is in the back part of the oralcavity

(mouth). The vowels[u, o, ɔ, ɑ]form a set of back reference vowels.

Bark scaleA scale in which equal intervals of pitch as perceived by listeners arerepresented by equal distance on the scale.

BilabialAn articulation involving bothlips, as in English[m]inmy.

Binary featureA feature (for example,Lateral) that can be used to classify soundsin terms of two possibilities.

Breathy voiceAnother name for murmur;a type of phonation in which the vocalfolds are only slightly apart so that theyvibrate while allowing a high rate of airflow through the glottis.

Broad transcriptionA transcription thatdoes not show a great deal of phonetic detail;often a simple phonemic transcription.

Cardinal vowelsA set of reference vowelsfirst defined by Daniel Jones. The vowelsof any language can be described by statingtheir relationships to the cardinal vowels.

Citation formThe form a word has when itis cited or pronounced in isolation. ClickA stop made with an ingressivevelaric airstream.

Closed syllableA syllable with a consonantat the end, as the first syllables in Englishmagpie, pantry, completion.

CoarticulationThe overlapping of adjacentarticulations. CodaThe consonants occurring after thevowel in a syllable.

Contour toneA tone in a language such asChinese that must be specified as a glidingmovement within the pitch range.

Coordinative structureThe functionalorganization of a group of muscles intoa hierarchical structure of goal-orientedcontrol units that accomplish subtasks of aphonetic task like closing the lips.

CoronalA term for sounds articulated withthe tip or blade of the tongue raised towardthe teeth or the alveolar ridge (or, some-times, the hard palate), such as[θ, s, t].

DeclinationGradual intonational pitch fallover the course of an utterance.

Degrees of freedom problemIn speechmotor control, the control problem causedby needing to control a great number of independent muscles.

DentalRefers to sounds made with thetongue touching the teeth.

DiacriticSmall added mark that can beused to distinguish different values of asymbol. DiphthongA vowel in which there is achange in quality during a single syllable,as in


DorsalDescribing a sound articulated withthe back of the tongue. DorsumThe back of the tongue.

DowndriftThe tendency for the pitch tofall throughout an intonational phrase. DownstepOptional lowering of a highpitch accent or high tone after a similarhigh pitch

accent or high tone.

Ease of articulationA phonetic force thatimpacts linguistic sound systems so thatpatterns that are easier to produce are morelikely than difficult patterns.

EpenthesisThe insertion of one or moresounds in the middle of a word, such as the

pronunciation of senseas[sɛnts].

Exemplar theoryThe idea that phoneticcategories are represented in the mind asa set of all of the examples of the categorythat the speaker has produced and/or heard.

FeatureA phonetic property of a sound.Some features like Coronal are fairly general, while others like Laminal Dental aremore specific.

FilterIn acoustic phonetics, a filter isan acoustic tube that enhances some frequency components of a sound sourcewhile decreasing the amplitudes of othercomponents.

FlapAn articulation in which onearticulator, usually the tongue tip, isdrawn back and then allowed to strikeagainst another articulator in returningto its rest position.

ЕҰУ Ф 703-09-12Оқу-әдістемелік құралы. Үшінші басылым



Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы

Оқу-әдістемелік құралы



Еуразия ұлттық университеті








FormantA resonating frequency of the airin the vocal tract. Vowels are characterizedby three formants.

FrequencyThe rate of oscillation in airpressure in a periodic sound wave. FricativeNarrowing of the distancebetween two articulators so that the airstreamis

partially obstructed and a turbulent airflowis produced, as in English[z]inzoo.

Front vowelVowel in which the body of the tongue is in the front part of the oralcavity

(mouth). The vowels[i, e, ɛ, a] form a set of front reference vowels.

FullA full, unreduced form of a word is aproduction that exhibits all or most of thephonetic information that is present in acitation production.

GeminateAdjacent segments that are thesame, such as the two consonants in themiddle of Italianfolla[ʹfolla]‗crowd‘.

GestureAbstract representation of themotor control plans for linguisticallysignificant vocal tract actions.

GlottalAn articulation involving the glottis, as[ʹ]in many forms of


Glottal stopglottal ―catch‖ A stop soundproduced by pressing the vocal folds tightlytogether.

Glottalic airstream mechanismMovement of pharynx air by the action of theglottis. Ejectives and implosives are produced with a glottalic airstream mechanism.

GlottisThe space between the vocal folds.

hard palateThe bony structure that formsthe roof of the front part of the mouth. HomorganicMade with the same place of articulation. The sounds[d]and[n], as

inEnglishhand, are homorganic.

ImplosiveA stop made with an ingressiveglottalic airstream.

Impressionistic transcriptionA transcription in which the symbols indicate only thegeneral phonetic value of the sounds.

IntensityThe amount of acoustic energyin a sound.

InterdentalArticulated with the tonguebetween the upper and lower teeth. Manyspeakers of American English use an inter-dental articulation in words such asthick, thin.

IntonationThe pattern of pitch changesthat occur during a phrase, which may be acomplete sentence.

Intonational phraseThe part of anutterance over which a particular intonationpattern extends. There may be one or moretone groups in an English sentence.

LabialAn articulation involving one orboth lips, such as[f, v, m].

Labial velar (labiovelar)An articulationinvolving simultaneous action of the backof the tongue forming a velar closure andthe lips forming a bilabial closure.

LabializationA secondary articulation inwhich lip rounding is added to a sound, asin


Labiodentals An articulation involving thelower lip and the upper front teeth. LaminalAn articulation made with theblade of the tongue.

LaryngealThe region of the vocal tract atthe glottis in which consonantal articulations such as[h, ʹ]are made.

LaryngealizationAnother name forcreakyvoice; a type of phonation in which thearytenoid cartilages hold the posterior endof the vocal folds together so that they can vibrate only at the other end.

LateralAn articulation in which the air-stream flows over the sides of the tongue,as in English[l]inleaf.

Lateral plosionThe release of a plosive bylowering the sides of the tongue, as at theend of the wordsaddle.

ЕҰУ Ф 703-09-12Оқу-әдістемелік құралы. Үшінші басылым



Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы

Оқу-әдістемелік құралы



Еуразия ұлттық университеті








LaxA term with no specific phonetic correlates, used when dividing vowels intoclasses on phonological grounds. In English, the lax vowels are those that can occurin monosyllables closed by[ŋ], such assing, length, hang, long, hung.

LengthThe lingustic use of physical duration to distinguish words. Linguo-labialArticulated with the tonguenear or contacting the upper lip.

Lip roundingThe action of bringing thecorners of the lips toward one another sothat the mouth opening is reduced.

LiquidA cover term for laterals and variousforms of r-sounds.

LocusThe apparent point of origin of theformants for each place of articulation. LoudnessThe auditory property of a soundthat enables a listener to place it on a

scalegoing from soft to loud without consideringthe acoustic properties, such as the intensityof the sound.

Mid-sagittal sectionA view of the midlinevocal tract as if the head was cut down themiddle from the forehead to the chin.

MonophthongA vowel in which there isno appreciable change in quality during

asyllable, as in English[ɑ]infather.

Motor equivalenceProduction of onesound by two different gestures of the vocalorgans. Mmultivalued featureA feature such asHeight that can be used to classify soundsin

terms of more than two possibilities.

MurmurAnother name forbreathy voice;a type of phonation in which the vocalfolds are only slightly apart so that theyvibrate while allowing a high rate of airflowthrough the glottis.

Narrow transcriptionA transcription thatshows phonetic details (such as, in English,aspiration, length, etc.) by using a widevariety of symbols and, in many cases,diacritics.

NasalA sound in which the soft palate islowered so that there is no velic closure andair may go out through the nose, as in English[m] inmy.

NasalizationLowering of the soft palateduring a sound in which air is going outthrough the mouth, as in the vowel[æ]between nasals in Englishman.

Nasal plosionThe release of a plosive bylowering the soft palate so that air escapesthrough the nose, as at the end of the wordhidden.

Nasal stopA complete stoppage of theoral cavity so that the airstream passes onlythrough the nose. Usually, nasal stops aresimply callednasals.

Nnasal vowelA vowel in which part of theairstream passes out through the nose. NucleusThe center of a syllable, usually just the vowel.

ObstruentA fricative, stop, or affricate.

OnsetA consonant that occurs before thevowel in a syllable.

Open syllableA syllable without a consonant at the end, as the first syllables inEnglishbeehive, bylaw, sawing.

Oral stopComplete stoppage of both theoral and nasal cavities, as in[b, d, ɡ].

PalatalAn articulation involving the frontof the tongue and the hard palate, as inEnglish[j]inyou.

PalatalizationA secondary articulationin which the front of the tongue is raisedtoward the hard palate, as in the so-calledsoft sounds in Russian.

Palato-alveolarAn articulation betweenthe tongue blade and the back of the alveolar ridge.

PalatographyA technique for showingarticulatory contact. In one form, thetongue is covered with a marking medium,and then, after a word has been articulated,it is possible to observe where the mediumhas been transferred onto the roof of themouth.

Perseverative coarticulationThe persistence of an aspect of the articulation of one sound into the following sound, for example, the laryngealization of a vowel aftera glottal stop.

ЕҰУ Ф 703-09-12Оқу-әдістемелік құралы. Үшінші басылым



Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы

Оқу-әдістемелік құралы



Еуразия ұлттық университеті








PharyngealAn articulation involving theroot of the tongue and the back wall of thepharynx.

PharyngealizationA secondary articulation in which the root of the tongue isdrawn back so that the pharynx is narrowed,as in some so-called emphatic consonantsin Arabic.

PhonationVibration of the vocal folds invoicing.

PhonemeThe smallest distinctive unit inthe structure of a given language.

Phonetic implementationAccountingfor phonetic variability by writingrules that show the relationship betweenabstract phonological representations andcross-linguistic, dialectal, or individualvariants.

PhonologyThe description of the systems and patterns of sounds that occur in alanguage. PitchThe auditory property of a soundcorresponding to a musical note thatenables a

listener to place it on a scalegoing from low to high.

PlosiveA stop made with a pulmonic air-stream mechanism, such as in English[p]or[b]. Post-alveolarA sound produced withconstriction between the alveolar ridge andthe


ProminenceThe extent to which a soundstands out from others because of somecombination of its sonority, length, stress,and pitch.

Pulmonic airstream mechanismThemovement of lung air by the respiratorymuscles. Most sounds are produced with apulmonic airstream mechanism.

r-coloredVowels that are essentially someform of a syllabic rhotic approximant [ɻ]. RadicalAn articulation made with the rootof the tongue.

ReducedA reduced form of a word is aproduction that exhibits significant deviation from a citation production, includingreduced vowels and deleted segments.

Reduced vowelA vowel that is pronouncedwith a non-contrasting centralized quality,although in the underlying form of a word itis part of a full set of contrasts. The secondvowel inemphasisis a reduced form of thevowel [æ], as inemphatic.

Rrelease burstA burst of noise producedwhen a stop consonant is released.

RetroflexAn articulation involving thetip of the tongue and the back part of thealveolar ridge. Some speakers of Englishhave retroflex approximants inrye anderr.

RhotacizationThe auditory propertyknown asr-coloring that results from thelowering of the third formant.

RhoticA form of English in which / r / canoccur after a vowel and within a syllable inwords such ascar, bird, early. Most formsof Midwestern American English are rhotic,whereas most forms of English spoken inthe southern part of England are non-rhotic.

RhymeThe vowel (nucleus) and anyconsonants occurring after the vowel in asyllable. RoundedA sound with added lip rounding.

Secondary articulationAn additional constriction that is at a different place of articulation from that in the primary articulation.The English alveolar lateral at the end of a syllable, as ineel, is often made with theback of the tongue raised, and thus has thesecondary articulation of velarization.

SegmentA unit of sound of the size of aconsonant or vowel.

SemivowelA sound articulated in the sameway as a vowel, but not forming a syllableon its own, as in[w]in we.

SibilantA speech sound in which there ishigh-amplitude, turbulent noise, as in

English[s]and [ʃ]insipandship.

Ssoft palateThe soft, movable part of thepalate at the back of the mouth.

SonorityThe loudness of a sound relative to that of other sounds with the samelength, stress, and pitch.

SourceIn acoustic phonetics, a soundsource that is subsequently filtered by thevocal tract. Voicing, frication, and burstnoises are the main sound sources in humanspeech.

ЕҰУ Ф 703-09-12Оқу-әдістемелік құралы. Үшінші басылым



Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы

Оқу-әдістемелік құралы



Еуразия ұлттық университеті








SpectrogramA graphic representation of sounds in terms of their component frequencies, in which time is shown on thehorizontal axis, frequency on the verticalaxis, and the intensity of each frequency ateach moment in time by the darkness of themark.

StopComplete closure of two articulators.This term usually implies an oral stop – thatis, complete closure of two articulators anda velic closure, as in English[b]inbuy.But nasals, as in English[m]inmy, canalso be considered stops.

StressThe use of extra respiratory energyduring a syllable.

Strong formThe form in which a word ispronounced when it is stressed. This term isusually applied only to words that normallyoccur unstressed and with a weak form,such asto, a.

SuprasegmentalPhonetic feature such asstress, length, tone, and intonation, whichis not a property of single consonants orvowels.

SyllableA unit of speech for which there isno satisfactory definition. Syllables seem tobe necessary units in the mental organization and production of utterances.

Systematic phonetic transcriptionA transcription that shows all the phonetic detailsthat are part of the language and can bestated in terms of phonological rules.

TapA rapid movement of the tip of thetongue upward to contact the roof of themouth, then returning to the floor of themouth along the same path.

Target positionAn idealized articulatoryposition that can be used as a referencepoint in describing how a speaker producesutterances.

TenseA term with no specific phoneticcorrelates, used when dividing vowelsinto classes on phonological grounds. InEnglish, the tense vowels are those that canoccur in stressed open syllables such asbee, bay, bah, saw, low, boo, buy, bough, boy, and cue.

ToBIA system for transcribing the intonation of utterances in terms of a sequence of pitch accents – H(igh) and L(ow) andcombinations – on stressed syllables, into-national phrases, and boundaries, togetherwith a set of break indices indicating thedegree of connection between adjacentwords ranging from 1 (close connection) to4 (maximum break).

ToneA pitch that conveys part of the mean-ing of a word. In Chinese, for example,[ma]pronounced with a high level tonemeans ‗mother‘, and with a high fallingtone means ‗scold‘.

Tone sandhiA change of tone due to theinfluence of neighboring tones.

Tonic syllableThe syllable within a tonegroup that stands out because it carries themajor pitch change.

TrillAn articulation in which one articulator is held loosely near another so that theflow of air between them sets them in motion, alternately sucking them together andblowing them apart. In some forms of Scottish English,[r]inripis trilled.

UvularAn articulation involving the backof the tongue and the uvula, as in


VelarDescribes an articulation that involves the back of the tongue and the velum, or the

soft palate, as in English[ɡ]inguy.

Velar pinchA visual pattern often seen onspectrograms of velar sounds.

Velaric airstream mechanismMovement of mouth air by action of the tongue.Clicks are produced with a velaric airstreammechanism.

VelarizationA secondary articulation inwhich the back of the tongue is raised toward the

soft palate. In many forms of English, syllable final[ɫ]as inhillis stronglyvelarized. VelicInvolving the upper surface of the velum, or soft palate, and the pharynx.


prevents air from escaping throughthe nose.

VelumThe soft, movable part of the palateat the back of the mouth.

ЕҰУ Ф 703-09-12Оқу-әдістемелік құралы. Үшінші басылым