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Who knows you better

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Who knows you better?(family or friends?)

Let me introduce myself, my name is Vladimir, surname is Baraboshkin. So its both pleasant and a fbit difficult to speak about myself .It is pleasant because every person enjoys speaking about his likes and dislikes. But at the same time its difficult because to study a person epecially yourself its a great journey, not a little walk .

I think its quite strange question ,in my personal opinion my parants know me better than my friends because i have been living with them for 18 years they know all about my preferences and charcter

Speaking about my character i d like first of all to define what character is . These are some qualities what make a person different from others . I am responsible , hard workin, creative and humoured person .

My parents have the same opinion about my education and up-bringing . But certainly sometimes we have conflicts i think it happens because they too much overprotective and when they think that they know what I ofcourse it happens because almost everyone has negative influence from outside .

As for my friends, I have a lot of friends and its clear that sometimes we have different behavior with our friends what makes me think so is that we allow by ourselves more with our friends than with our parents .

To sum up I want to say that somewhere I ve met such statement that our parents know us 9 month more than others, and I fully support this statement .Nobody know us better than our parents.

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