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Freeway beginner / Lessons / LESSON 12.doc
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Travellers never think that they are the foreigners.

The engine is the heart of an airplane, but the pilot is its soul.

The best car safety device is a rear-view mirror with a cop in it.

In America there are two classes of travel – first class, and with children.

The traveller sees what he sees. The tourist sees what he has come to see.


1. General

1. Загальна лексика

traveling / trip / journey / voyage / hike

подорож (частіше далека або за кордон)/подорож (коротка) /подорож (довга, частіше по землі) /подорож морем/похід

to travel(ed) by train / ship / air / on foot

подорожувати потягом/кораблем/літаком/пішки

to go on a / to set off for a (two-day) tour, trip / package tour

поїхати / вирушити у (дводенний) тур, подорож / за туристичною путівкою

to book(ed) tickets in advance / booking office

купити квитки заздалегідь/білетна каса

boarding / arrival / departure

посадка / прибуття / від’їзд

to travel light / luggage, baggage / hand / carry on luggage / to check one’s luggage

подорожувати без багажу / багаж / ручна поклажа / перевірити багаж

bag / suit-case / trunk

сумка / валіза / велика валіза

left-luggage office / cloak-room / check-room

камера схову

to catch (the train / plane) / to board(ed) a ship, a plane / to get off

сісти на (потяг / літак) / сісти на борт корабля, літака / зійти

2. Traveling by Train

2. Подорож потягом

a single ticket / return ticket / fare

квиток в одну сторону /зворотній квиток/плата за проїзд

porter / attendant

носій/ провідник вагона

to change(d) trains / terminus

пересісти на поїзд / кінцева зупинка

information office / waiting room / schedule

довідкове бюро/зал очікування/розклад

carriage / sleeping car / sleeper / compartment / berth / rack / linen

вагон / спальний вагон /купе /спальне місце/поличка /сітка для речей/постіль

dining car


3. Travelling by Sea

3. Подорож морем

landing stage / harbour / seaport

пристань / гавань / морський порт

to set sail for / to call(ed) at a port / to have a smooth / rough voyage (crossing)

вирушити в плавання / заходити в порт / здійснювати спокійну / неспокійну (бурхливу) подорож

steamer / gangway / deck

пароплав / трап / палуба

cabin / first (second) class cabin

каюта / 1-го / 2-го класу

to be sea-sick / to suffer from sea-sickness

мати морську хворобу /страждати від~

4. Travelling by Air (Plane)

4. Подорож літаком

air terminal / airport


airlines / boarding pass / duty-free shop

авіалінії / посадковий талон / магазин “дьюті-фрі”

check-in counter / claim-check / immigration form

стійка реєстрації / квитанція / імміграційний бланк

to weigh(ed) / to label(ed) / to insert(ed)

зважити / маркувати / вклеїти

departure lounge / announcement

зала очікування / оголошення

to hijack(ed) (highjack) a plane

захопити літак

5. Customs

5. Митниця

border / to cross(ed) the border / to smuggle(d) in (out)

кордон / перетинати кордон / провозити контрабандою в (із) країну

customs officer / passport / foreign passport / visa

митник / паспорт / закордонний паспорт / віза

to go through customs / to go through one’s luggage / customs clearing (inspection)

проходити митний контроль / оглядати багаж / митний контроль

customs duty / duty-free / duty-free quota list / to be liable to duty

мито / без оплати мита / перелік речей, дозволених для безмитного перевезення / стягувати мито

to fill in (out) a customs declaration

заповнити митну декларацію

to carry(ied) currency / weapons / personal belongings (effects) / used items / permit

перевозити валюту / зброю / особисті речі / речі, що були у використанні / дозвіл

Introductory text Traveling

Notes to the text:

impossible – неможливий

to travel(ed) on business – подорожувати у справах

to be (was/were; been) eager – прагнути

picturesque landscapes– мальовничі пейзажі

waterfall – водоспад

inconvenient – незручний

delays of flights – затримки рейсів

to move(d) smoothly – рухатися плавно

unfortunately – на жаль

seasick – який страждає морською хворобою

petrol – бензин

ardent motorist – затятий автолюбитель

to gather(ed) mushrooms and berries – збирати гриби і ягоди

to make(made; made) a bonfire – зробити багаття

overcoming hardships – подолання труднощів

achieving the goal – досягання мети

Modern life is impossible without travelling. Millions of people all over the world travel every day either on business or for pleasure. They are eager to see other countries and continents, to enjoy picturesque landscapes, to learn other peoples’ traditions, to discover different ways of life, to meet new friends, to try various cuisines – in short, to get new impressions. And to practice in foreign languages as well!

Most travellers and holiday-makers equip themselves with cameras and take pictures of exciting views of buildings, monuments, waterfalls, forests, plants and animals. These photos will remind them of the happy time of holiday.

Basically, there are four means of travelling: by air, by rail, by sea or by road.

Travelling by air is the fastest one, but it is the most expensive. Sometimes you have to change planes, which may be inconvenient and even painful, if there are delays of flights. However, there is none of the dust and dirt of a railway or car journey. Modern planes move so smoothly that virtually nobody gets airsick.

Travelling by railway seems more interesting. With a train you have speed, comfort and pleasure combined. From the comfortable seat of a railway carriage you observe picturesque sceneries of the country you are travelling through. You can have a meal in the dining-car or a wonderful bed in a sleeper. Unfortunately, nowadays trains are not so cheap, especially in Europe.

Travelling by ship is also rather popular. Some people enjoy such voyages, but they do not suit me because I get seasick.

Many people, including me, like travelling by car. It is highly fascinating, since you can see numerous sights in a short time, you can stop wherever and whenever you wish, not having to buy tickets or carry your suitcases. With a GPS you don’t need maps anymore. The only thing to care for is petrol.

Hiking is a kind of travelling on foot with a rucksack. Personally, I'm both anardent motorist and a hiker. I am fond of walking to the mountains or to the forest. There is nothing like gathering mushrooms and berries in the forest, swimming in the river, making a bonfire and cooking on it. This kind of pastime teaches us discipline and strong will, overcoming hardships and achieving the goal.

Sometimes your journey turns out to be a disappointment. It may happen in case the trip is not well organized, or bad weather spoils your plans, or the company who joined your trip is rather dull, or the place from which you had expected much appears to have nothing particular. My own sea experience was a failure for the reason I mentioned before. But never lose a hope for the better trip, and you will make it next time!

However, sooner or later you will become home-sick and feel like returning home. Indeed, “East or West – home is best”.

  1. Comprehension questions.

1. Why do people travel?

2. What kinds of traveling do you know?

3. What’s the difference between traveling by train and by car?

4. What’s the advantage of traveling by air?

5. Why do some journey disappoint us?

  1. Complete the sentences, translating the words in brackets.

  1. Millions of people all over the world (подорожують у справах) or for pleasure.

  2. There are four means of travelling (літаком, потягом, кораблем або автомобілем).

  3. Sometimes you have to change planes, (через затримки рейсів).

  4. With a train you have (швидкість, комфорт і задоволення).

  5. Travelling by ship does not suit some people, because they (страждають на морську хворобу).

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