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Словари - 2006 / словарь.doc
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Very common among college students and bar patrons.

Example: You wanna go get meal after last call?

@Mean as a Stripe'ed Snake:= Hateful, spiteful, malicious, acerbic, scornful, and just generally devilish and the most unpleasant sense of being.

Example: That little boy who bit your leg is just means as a stripe'ed snake.

@meander-thal or slo-magnon:= someone (usually a big gump of a person in a mall) who walks slowly and doesnt seem to have any clue what he/she is doing

Example: I'm strolling down the middle of the hallway, and I ran into this huge dope. He was just standing there, what a meander-thal.

@meanderthal:= early morning wanderer about the house, unshaven, scratching where it itches

Example: at 5 a.m. he can barely pry open his eyelids as he cruises the house, a true meanderthal

@Meanwhile:= a red-alert amongst friends to notice a passerby (usually attractive)

Example: As the blonde adonis walked by, Mark said, Meanwhile! His friends took a look and quickly agreed.

@measureit:= to measure something

Example: give me the spoon to measureit

@meat-eater:= U.S.M.C., Vietnam era. A fearless, aggressive, alpha-male often envied by his peers.

Example: He decked that gorilla with one punch. He's a real meat-eater.

@meatcentric:= A condition in which a person bases most of his or her diet on beef, pork, lamb, or chicken.

Example: The juice bar patrons gasped when the overbearing meatcentric demanded a steak burger.

@meathead:= Generally: a large man, usually wears a medium t-shirt over huge pecs. Employed at a bar. Drinks heavily, fights frequently, harasses women, eats a lot and spills it on that size medium t-shirt. Obtrusive, abrasive, and condescending.

Example: Went to Scores last night . Showed the door guy my I.D. He laughed, tossed it on the ground, and threw me in the street, the meathead.

@meats:= a vehicle's tires

Example: Since I've got new meats on my car, I'm no longer afraid to drive in the rain.

@meatspace:= The world where people live, the functional opposite of cyberspace.

Example: They got off llne and decided to get together in meatspace.

@meatware:= The people cost of an IT project.

Example: Hardware (computers), software (programs), and meatware (IT personnel) complete the IT triangle.

@mech:= A bipedal military robot loaded with advanced weaponry, usually giant in size.

Example: I was driving in my car when suddenly a mech destroyed the bridge up ahead.

@MeD:= To have power, like a king or Presedent

Example: Jason has alot of MeD as the chairman of a big company.

@media imperialism:= The concept that a particular country or culture can enforce its ideals, culture, or perspectives of world affairs on another culture, country, or countries.

Example: The Blair government in England sought to ban FoxNews, because of its media imperialism and its desire to place its own spin on the President's actions.

@mediacracy:= Government by the media. Think mediocrity. (Cf: adhocracy - Rulership by committees and task forces. From The Grandiloquent Dictionary, http://www.islandnet.com/~egbird/dict/dict.htm)

Example: This isn't what our forefathers had in mind, but we've earned this government we have, this mediacracy.

@medievil:= Just medium evil. Nowhere near the calibre of evil suggested by Marcellus Wallace in The Gold Watch, _Pulp Fiction_, 1994, when he said to Zed and what remained of Maynard, I'm gonna get medieval on your ass. Torturing them, perhaps even skinning them alive, was not out of the question. Medievil could involve medium calibre, but not high calibre torture.

Example: Chris is probably only medievil, but he's only in his 30s. With seasoning he could get really bad--if he lives long enough.

@Mediorca:= The not-so-exact middle of a killer whale.

Example: Mantuk and Banthar wanted equal pieces of the creature and would not hesitate to slay

Ungan if he so much as hitched towards the mediorca.

@medloid:= An alloy consisting primarily of trace extracts from the elements startrekium and marlborolightium.

Methods of mining on earth have consistently proved futile.

Typically derived only from incoming earthbound projectiles released from the second story of the oortcloud.

Example: Fixing this lawn mower is really a pain in the neck. Sure wish I had a couple pounds of medloid to boost my octane.

@meeep:= Exclamation indiciating shock or surprise.

Example: You're playing Quake, you turn the corner, and you find 6 bad guys all with BFGs--your only response is Meeep!

@Meef:= 1. Generic squirrel/rodent sound, origin uncertain.

2. Generic sound used to indicate you are still online.

3. Generic sound of panic in a stressed situation.

Example: 1. So I was sitting there and the little guy just comes up and meefs at me trying to say hi!

2. I'm meef.

3. Oh meef...!

@meep:= a sound/word you say when poked or otherswise surprised

Example: She meeps as her friend comes up and pokes her.

@meep:= Expression of surprise and more often than not, a delighted surprise. :)

Example: Your friend gives you a hug when you're feeling blue: Meep! I wasn't expecting that.

@meese:= Plural of moose.

Example: If you're driving in Newfoundland, watch out for meese crossing the road.

@meetingcide:= death, typically by boredom, due to the frequency of meetings or the length of a single meeting.

Example: Meetingcide was the clear cause of Rebecca's death due to the ridiculous amount of time she spent in the staff meetings required by the organization.

@meff:= a description of somebody who is slightly scruffy

Example: what are you wearing you look like a meff

@Mega-Ace:= A word almost always used in sarcasm to describe something that bad.

Sometimes used in conjunction with hand motions, pointing to a raised thumb.

Example: After hearing about some guy's new hobby of stamp collecting, Yeah, mega-ace.

Points to raised thumb.

@mega:= Incredible, fantastic. Can be added to words like cool.

Example: The party on Saturday night was mega.

@megagrotic:= A big, snowy hill for sledding.

Example: Bill and Janey sailed down the megagrotic on their innertube.

@megan:= to laugh until liquid comes out of one's nose

Example: When he told his joke, Wendy meganed all over the lunch table

@megastraction:= (prefix mega- and distraction) A distraction so great everyone has to stop what they're doing and look.

Example: The dog running onto the playground was a major megastraction to the children.

@meh:= Multi-purpose response, mainly used to imply a degree of indifference. Tone of voice and circumstance imply the meaning. Can be used when you don't want to answer an awkward or embarrassing question--or if you just plain have nothing else to say, and you want the other person to interpret meh however she chooses./////WebMasterP/webmasterp@xtremetek.com/

http://www.xtremetek.com: desc: A mix of goddamn and any other curse word you want. Usually used to demean someone else's idea--in a one word sentence with an exclamation mark. Yell loudly and make a crow-like sound. Ex: A: Why don't we turn ourselves in? B: Meh! /////David/moptail@hotmail.com/http://www.angelfire.com/or/crimmy: desc: A term of indifference or neutrality. A subtle form of requesting sympathy due to being despondent.

Example: A: What did you think of that movie? B: Meh. OR A. Do you like Chris? B: Meh.

@meimei:= Pronounced mee-mee. A term used to descibe cowardly behavior.

Example: Filled with terror, he screamed like a meimei.

@meine fresse (MEYE-nuh FRESS-u:= German words meaning the equivalent of my god!

Example: Meine Fresse, will you ever shut up?!?

@melh:= A grotesque random ouburst of laughing.

Example: Look at that random and obscene melh.

@Melissa Syndrome:= A state of being in which the most important thing in your life is your wife or girlfriend, doing whatever they say. Family and friends are forgotten or ignored.

Example: Andy has a serious case of Melissa Syndrome. He treats his mom like she isn't even alive sometimes.

@Mellaflusia:= A state of utopian bliss. A feeling of calm, zen, or superiority.

Example: ...and after exhaling, Kreplech was left in a satisfied mellaflusia.

@melless:= Worry-free; carefree; happy.

Example: Why does she act so melless when you know that inside she's angry all the time?

@mellish:= The act of being a self-centered, narcissistic moron who doesn't know her head from her ass.

Example: I am better looking than you, Lauryn. Stop being so mellish!

@mellowdrama:= Dramatic, but in a laid back kind of way.

Example: I can't believe you haven't put out the trash yet, so could you, like whenever? she said, her voice tinged with mellowdrama.

@melodharma:= New age actions or sayings taken to a ridiculous or misappropriated level.

A combination of the of the Hindu and Buddhist word kharma--

the principle or law that orders the universe- and melodrama

Example: Rachel just read the Celestine Prophecy and now she won't stop spouting her melodharma.

@melonious:= The possession by a body part or area of the body of the aspect of a melon in any combination of size and shape.

Соседние файлы в папке Словари - 2006